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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. What are those innocent Catholics doing about it? I understand that the indoctrination involved in Catholicism is based around guilt, but why does that stop people speaking out against the criminals leading the church? Why hasn't there been a schism? From the outside it's hard to understand why people still identify with a church which has let itself become an embarrassment to "a lot of" it's members. In the days of the internet, why haven't that "embarrassed and angry" part of the church motivated itself and broken away? There are already at least two popes (RC and Coptic). Why not get back to the good old days of lots of popes? Because most Catholics seem content to just believe in God and Transubstantiation and couldn't care less about the politics of it all. I know my mum (who's a Catholic) denounces what has happened, but it doesn't change her being a Catholic. She still believes in God and everything the Catholic church is meant to stand for. don't you go bringing your real life nice people examples into the debate your mum is a promoter of evil, end of she must stop attending those fair trade coffee mornings because, frankly, that's not a million miles from what John Demjanjuk was doing
  2. are you saying your water is hot because you aren't using the solar energy for heating? genuinely curious, pv can be superb in the right location, just that I havent had the heating on for two weeks either, due to it being warm... did a fair bit on solar panels in my dissertation and in work, I just love solar panel reps knocking on the door! you know, like some people hope to get a Joey or a Mormon, my ideal Sunday is some 17 year old in a bad Tesco suit trying to tell me why I need solar panels or cavity fill insulation Just have flat panel ....panels part of planning conditions got a grant to cover 2/3s of cost as well .....should have went for tubes at the time for year round capture but ..our hot water is heated either by the central oil heating or immersion heater ....just find it nice and handy that I dont have to turn any of these on to have all day hot water yeah, solar's got to be worth a shot if the alternative is oil I'm in a lucky position of having a decent sized backgarden (not a euphemism honest!) and I'm dabbling with the idea of a ground source heat pump doubt many on here have had a heat pump in their rear....
  3. yep, it's Lucky Goldstar
  4. if the other guy tries to make a claim, point out you think you remember him touching you in the early 1980's
  5. Lawson should be charged £14 a limb for all the spare skin he's not using.
  6. Anyway, onward and upward, lots of news coming out of Chetham Music College about sex abuse of students on an almost industrial scale. The school is in Manchester, this may not mean the principle of being from Manchester is bad. It does not make all Mancs pig **** retard paedo sponsors.
  7. chrisp65


    I think things turned around last night and Newcastle and Norwich are now in a position where they could need us to turn up and win on the last day.
  8. '78 / '79 ok, it's a photocopy, but when that came through the post back then I was a nipper it was a very big deal I've even still got the avfc envelope it came in
  9. well, looks like we'll have the same manager for two seasons first time in a little while
  10. I'd say the happiest person with that result was Pardew
  11. yeah, it's kinda spoiled the annual BBC story, now they're gonna have to think of some new narrative
  12. there you go Whelan, now you can organise a minute's silence
  13. that's outrageous are they going to change ends after 5 minutes?
  14. I'm Spartacus. 4 years working in Malta, had a flat with seaviews of Sliema, a car, a parking space and the phone number of the guy that did frequent flier upgrades at Air Malta Didn't get to breed whilst I was there though.
  15. well, believe it or not, I also knew what slash was thanks to the ever interesting Radio 4! Personally, sci fi and sci fi fan fic isn't for me, I can see how people like it, but just doesn't do it for me.
  16. It's a little known fact that Bickster is indeed from Noo Joyzee. He came here on holiday back in '82 and due to a quite pathetic lack of ability to read a timetable missed the hovercraft home. People do say, that on a clear night you can see him, looking out across the water and asking 'is that home? is that home?' It's always Birkenhead.
  17. They're intentionally that quick (or slow) and have intentionally skinny tyres so as to give a limited amount of grip allowing you to slide around corners. As you say, it's a purist's car rather than a brute force sledgehammer. Sliding around is pretty fun and there is zip, but bloody hell do you have to rev the bollocks off it! Suppose that's what it's made of tho. you want pace, revs and slidey tokyo drift style cornering....check out this mofo! On a slightly more serious note, it does give you quite a lot of exciting times. 1967 / 68 mkIII with the big 1.3 block! Corners and braking are a bit of a lottery. There's sufficient power to pull the skin off a semi set rice pudding. Being sat down at lorry wheel nut height tend to make you very observant of what's going on around you. It'll only wind up to about 60mph and that takes most of the day, but due to saggy static belts, doors that have their own unique sense of fun and general scariness it feels much faster. Sadly, this picture doesn't tell the whole story, last time I was out we had a teensy weensy little fire. I noticed it bellowing smoke, pulled over jumped out and then realised I could either stand there and watch it burn into the gutter, or jump back in, drive the last few hundred metres home and have a chance of putting it out. So, on the phone to missus crispy, soak some towels I'm coming home in a blaze of glory!
  18. are you saying your water is hot because you aren't using the solar energy for heating? genuinely curious, pv can be superb in the right location, just that I havent had the heating on for two weeks either, due to it being warm... did a fair bit on solar panels in my dissertation and in work, I just love solar panel reps knocking on the door! you know, like some people hope to get a Joey or a Mormon, my ideal Sunday is some 17 year old in a bad Tesco suit trying to tell me why I need solar panels or cavity fill insulation
  19. ......see, now I'm thinking he's trolling because surely, surely......
  20. I was wondering previously how they could make old allegations stick. Then Stuart Hall confessed all and I decided to just let the case roll out and see what transpires. Without some publicity, some victims would never have the strength to come forward. So it really is a fantastically difficult thing to get right whichever way naming or not is handled.
  21. it's amazing what you can design with a sheet of graph paper!
  22. next up, Sunderland vs Southampton - and they are both below us, which is good
  23. C'mon Pulis, it would be fun if Sunderland were really rattled by another proper defeat http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhF0uv4Gvkg]
  24. that's quite straightforward to achieve what's less clear, is whether the great British public would have all the actual cold facts and figures of the consequences of either result put in front of them in a calm rational digestable manner we'll end up with tvvats like Farage and Redwood telling us our rights as humans have been sold into slavery by Monsieur Rumpypumpy and we'll have Clegg and Milliband telling us we'll die in a cold nuclear winter if we don't do whatever the French tell us we have to do
  25. I said last year I was going to give it a swerve, and ended up watching most of them. I think this year, I'm really going to do something better with my time (such as learn a new enhanced masturbation technique, or swat up on my basic French lingo)
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