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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. The thing to remember with any product from Tesco / Asda is that they have royally **** over their supply chain. Tesco will happily agree a price for a product via a Dutch auction. Then, mid contract, tell the winner that has already supplied to the contract that they've had another look at the figures and there has been an adjustment. So you won't be getting paid what was previously contracted. You can of course, test this legally and you will win. But you won't be selling much next year or the year after will you. Suppliers know this, they know they have to work to zero margin for what is often a lower than cost price for a big bad bully of a Client that doesn't give a flying fig for its supply chain. When you see 'finest' or 'value' or any other description on a Tesco product, bear in mind what they have done to the supplier and ask yourself if you would trust the field to shelf process where ever penny is nastily and greedily fought over.
  2. They could put different stuff on different shirts, Defender written on three or four shirts, Discovery written on Tekkers shirt. I'm struggling for the others I'll be honest.
  3. I'll start this with a double caveat, I'm no sci fi fan and I'm no in depth critic. I've had a double bill of the Star Trek movie and then a race home to watch Dr Who today. Star trek I thought was ok for sci fi. It did what was expected of it, no character exploration (in fact just sort of lookalikes from the tv series mostly) no depth of plot no clever dialogue. I was clearly in the minority because 'jokes' like asking if Spock's ears were burning got a big laugh. To me it was standard goody vs baddy fare. It was standard good ol' USA vs baddy. If you squinted a little you could see good ol' US of A versus Al Qaeda. A baddy from the past with violent old ideas that need to be stopped. But we shouldn't just send out a death squad should we, should we? Anyway, the good guys decide justice is better. But hey, some of the good guys were secretly after a war all along the bastards. They aren't us, they are bad guys pretending to be us good guys. I actually dropped my head when it became clear they were going to do a version of the whole 9/11 thing. That was a bit, er, lacking in imagination. But a great special effect so chuck it in. Then it was home for Dr Who. I thought it was a story where you actually needed to invest a bit of thinking. A couple of monsters, a bit of special effect, some running around, some decent comedy from the potato head guy. For me, the script writing of Who was head and shoulders above Trek. But like I say, not my fave genre so what do I know.
  4. Well, I was a veggie for about 20 years or so back there, so don't often order a steak that turns the rest of the food red - unless I've already got a few beers in me. Saying that, if I'm somewhere decent that knows what it's doing and I see the steak before its cooked, I can do rare. If it's Beefeater / Toby style eating, I'll have it cooked to **** until all the Romanian horse bugs n drugs are neutralised.
  5. I think in his defence, he was looking for a word a bit like racist, but not racist as he understood the irony that would involve. I'd imagine a man that wants out of Europe because he wants to be his own boss and not tied to a remote undemocratic superstate would wholeheartedly side with the SNP on separation.
  6. The Trotters are not usually the sort of club to ban practical jokes.
  7. What am I missing? c'mon lad, look at the numbers and look at the bars it's a B at gcse at best
  8. well thankfully, I have no such stories to tell I do remember even as a little kid I was out down the park with a small group of mates and it was suggested by the one kid that we played 'doctors n nurses', which was basically just flashing your bits. But even then, aged 8 or 10 or whatever, I remember thinking, nope can't play that because looking around it's all doctors and no nurses. Of course, in these enlightened times, I wouldn't gender assign jobs. But back then, thankfully, it caused the game to be cancelled.
  9. a CIA spy in a wig and glasses with a letter inviting somebody to spy and a wad of money? old skool spy skool
  10. to be a complete anorak, I've got two of their albums prior to 'greatest hits', and they released many more - but I think they were basically home recordings I have one I don't even know the name of and is mostly just some pot head giggling and a really early copy of 'manifesto' which was released on a standard clear CD with 'matalanafesto' written across it in pemanent marker and just to Illustrate the showbiz circles I mix in, I once lent Eggsy a pen, yeah. don't mess with me, I'm connected The album 'safe as ****' is also worth a listen for such classics as '(can I **** your) sister' and 'bad boy limp'
  11. apparently they've said she's a bit too hardcore random publicity hungry right wing egocentric nutjob for them thank you very much
  12. I've just done the BBC predictor and I reckon we're gonna be ok
  13. tenth all season with 41 points late April would do me just fine
  14. chrisp65


    BBC Sports Script writers end of season party cancelled - re write required
  15. it's the proof of real humanity we can all be a bit phwoar boobies on the internet But real life is that your missus is your missus and you love her, end of. There was a woman on the radio earlier saying she'd been told previously that she too had the same dodgy gene but was resisting the operation as she wanted to hold onto her looks and femininity. Well, I suppose its her body her choice. Personally, I'd go for the extra time with the people around me.
  16. did he touch you somewhere in the mid 1970's region? did he tell you he was a celebrity with a dog act and then show you his shih tzu?
  17. aye what happens in the confessions thread, stays in the confession thread....unless funny enough to transfer across all other threads for a few days
  18. I reckon he's one of those Hugo Nauts I've heard about. Some sort of french space doilie maker. Tens of thousands of them came over here totally skewing the weaving industry in inner city London. 40% of french weavers have been arrested I would imagine. I'm not racist, but send him back, we're full.
  19. BBC still haven't updated the league table I know exactly where everyone is and what has to happen in each scenario I just want to see it
  20. 'best live act' is always an interesting debate For me, I have no interest in paying £70 to be a quarter of a mile away from Kiss doing the whole stage show schtick and actually watching it on the big screens they put up - here's a tip, if you're at a gig where they need to put up big screens - you're at the wrong gig. Had free tickets for INXS in the NEC a while back, even for free it was in my top 3 shite nights. Nine Below Zero / Dr Feelgood / The Truth all did very simple shows that were utterly electric and somewhere in there is probs the best gig I ever went to Went to see a guy called Martin Joseph once with the missus, when we got to the venue he's stood outside explaining the electrics had failed but rather than cancel, he was going to jog around the local area and find a pub with a back room. Twenty minutes later he's back, sweating like a long distance running fool, we carried a load of his gear to a nearby pub that was having a quiet night and he just ripped the place up. The feeling of all being in it together and having been part of a special experience was amazing.
  21. There are people in there that want us to go down just so they can say they were right. tools
  22. Was it Morpheus's aunt?
  23. I read this quickly after seeing it was you and imagined some sexual situation Too cold. Did you have a shrivel on? that reminds me, off to the supermarket later and I'm out of button mushrooms
  24. I'm one who has previously realised he'd have saved money having a season ticket, got to the point where I'd buddied up to get 3 ST's together, and then the job changed and now I get to 2 or 3 games a year. But I also try and follow a bit of local league footy for a laugh* with a few mates of long standing that use it purely to catch up and chat, often not even watching the game. I've also gone to / been taken to a couple of other random games recently, Spurs left me cold, Man Utd left me cold, Gillingham was great fun and I've found myself looking out for their resuts since. * local league here of course leading to european qualification, which in the past has meant trips to Portugal, Malta and Scotland etc. on a bus full of similar idiots. Now that, is an experience, a football trip on a bus to Portugal, 40 or 50 mates on a couple of buses travelling across europe to watch their team play Boavista the one year, and Porto the next. Utter meltdown madness.
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