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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. I remember once standing in front of a guy that was being picked on by a bunch of twunts. I'd had a little drink and was therefore 72% invincible. I stepped in front of the guy and announced to the little pack of dickheads that if they wanted to hit him they'd have to come through me first. Next thing I know, I came round, laying on the pavement with blood in my hair. I'm guessing I must have given them a damn good thrashing and then had a power nap.
  2. off out to hunter gather a curry, then back to watch a dvd I've had stashed away for when its just me around Argo
  3. calm your tits! here's something to read to cheer you up I believe at least one person on this forum has a real live copy of this....
  4. I suspect 'jenny' is actually a fat bloke in a bedsit in Sandwell.
  5. chrisp65


    let he who is without sin...and all that. not interested in buying a posh watch, but I do spend quite a lot of money going up and down to that London watching crappy bands, so, each to their own I guess. I also have a direct debit to a charity to seize the moral high ground in any consumerism debate.
  6. chrisp65


    My watch says Collezione on it. I guess that means somebody spent either £12 or £25 on it in M&S a few years back. Need a watch, as I can't have a phone on me in work quite often.
  7. I assume they would still be keen to supply, and the spec would still be to a minimum of EU regulations and standards. Just the same as anything we sell to them will still have to meet the EU standards. I don't imagine they will produce a small per centage of stuff to a different set of lesser guidelines for us and I don't believe they'll be happy taking stuff off us in inches, pounds or groats or to lesser safety standards. So it's difficult to see what would change other than we won't even be a voice at the next shouting match. I suppose we'll be able to import ropey Chinese milk and spikey toys if we want to without some Belgian poking his nose in.
  8. Contact by Daft Punk lovely piece of music, if you were in Redditch today that background thrum you could hear was me playing it turned up to 11 on repeat
  9. I don't think we're seeing enough of John Redwood in all this. Surely the nation needs to know where John Redwood stands on gayers and foreignors and all that. Whilst we're at it, we need more quotes from Mellor, Jacob Rees Mogg and Nadine Dorries. I don't think we can have too much of these people on the box.
  10. today we scrapped our aircraft carrier, new one won't be built here and won't be ready before the year 2020 - but we couldn't scrap the Ark Royal ourselves, we've had to send it to Turkey for somebody else to cut it up for us but hey, about this gay marriage thing.......
  12. absolutely refuse to use self service, it's a reduction in staff, it's a loss of a job my extra 45 seconds waiting for Doris to realise that she'd have to pay and so only now is delving for her purse is worth it if it means somebody got a job
  13. Not the case or my former quiz team captain ( wouldn't have been waffling about the extra £4bil a year it would cost I think, maybe, what I was hearing was that same sex partners and married couples had similar pension rights. But some hetro couples didn't want to get married, but might consider civil partnership. If that was the case, then their pension rights would then alter. That might be it. I was distracted by the spectre of the aggressive homosexual community rising up against us and forcing us to wear pink and join am dram groups.
  14. chrisp65


    you can genuinely leave an area less well tended to encourage some wildlife. Whilst a putting green looks great, it's a bit of a desert. Leave some rough edges and some uncontrolled areas and get some bugs, birds and critters in there.
  15. chrisp65


    hydroponics if you have an attic or basement and can get a decent cheap power supply
  16. Yes I heard Gerald on R4 earlier, worrying about the aggressive homosexual community. I did a little laugh out loud. I did picture his eyes swivelling as he phoned in the interview from home, wearing his little leather harness. There doesn't appear to be much difference between partnership and marriage, what I got from a full day of radio was that you can't use adultery as a legit reason to annul a partnership, but you can in a marriage. Also, civil partnership isn't recognised in many other countries. Portugal for instance recognises gay marriage and would let two men buy a holiday home as a legal 'couple' if they were married but not if they were, er, partnershipped. Pension rights might be a bit different. I'm not sure you're going to see many people fingered for not carrying out gay marriages in church thus exposing zealots. My understanding is that you can ask for a particular church because you'd like it in the photo's, but you can't ask for a specific individual to marry you. So I guess those opposed to the idea would simply deal with the straight weddings and defer to other colleagues that will marry same sex couples. I do struggle to see how this is being turned into quite such a big deal.
  17. I think eventually we will run into the edge of a heffing big bell jar then there'll be some questions to answer
  18. I'm fairly happy with mine. I got the top 4 spot on, correctly named the clubs who would finish 5th, 6th and 7th (albeit in the wrong order) and got two of the three relegated clubs. that's impressive, even Villa's position could have been spot on during the last game of the season
  19. with parents, not a clue, I remember having to sit through some elvis crap but thankfully the memory is vague then 2 films back in about '78 that I went to see with my mate in the local flicks we sneaked in, underage, to see Grizzly, which was basically a Jaws rip off set in the woods and starring a big bear and semi nude teens in tents - I was scared shitless but couldn't leave in case they rumbled me and sent me to prison or something around about the same time, almost an opposite experience to Grizzly, went to see ABBA the movie. Me and my mate were really into the Stranglers but also secretly quite liked Abba, so again we sneaked in, this time hoping nobody would see us as we left
  20. a terrible season with three saving graces: our goals DVD is gonna be awesome it was better than last year we stayed up when this would have been about the worst year to go down
  21. fair play to Harry, those 5 points in their last 10 games rescued what would have been a shockingly poor season
  22. that Romanian bird was a bit rough
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