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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. We had a young crow sort of controlled crash into our garden early on Tuesday. It came in from the tall trees just across the way. It wandered around the garden all morning flapping and crashing into stuff but unable to get back out as it couldn't get the altitude to clear the garage / conservatory / hedges. By mid afternoon I decided to phone the RSPB for advice. Their advice was don't phone us we don't do crows, here's the number of a local nutter come random bird lover. I phoned the number and the nice lady advised the best thing to do was ignore it other than leave out a little food such as dogfood or corned beef. It'd get stronger and eventually fly off in a day or two. Well, today, at about 6pm it managed sufficient lift to get to the top of our green house. Then did a quick low level bombing raid across the lawn and flew off back to its tree!
  2. an unspecified number I was in an all terrain safari vehicle (Bedford rascal with roof cut off), travelling up the Trans Africa Highway when we were first on the scene at an accident where a truly huge truck had driven through another Bedford Rascal in a head on collision. There were body parts all over the road. Literally, arms and legs and meat. We had to stay there whilst others alerted the police and ambulance. We had to stay there so the body parts didn't attract animals.
  3. tee shirt by under aunty
  4. The album of Sweeney music is called 'Shut It!' and it's lovely!
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gc8TgUrwfhE anorak alert: gonna go see this song and more performed live live live 21st June, the Windmill, Brixton
  6. Not making out I've got depression or anything remotely like that, but last Friday I saw a guy killed in a road accident and it's really affected me. He was a biker, hit off his bike by one car and then hit by another spinning car. It was truly awful. I could do nothing but watch it unfold in front of me, I felt utter horror for the poor bugger. His bike came right across at me to the point where, driving at 70mph in the outside lane, I ducked / dropped to the passenger seat. The bike was stopped by the cables of the central reservation just showering my car in bits of plastic and gravel. I've been dwelling on it all a bit and I've been close to tears a few times. Thoroughly horrible.
  7. beaten by minutes for Banana Splits but I strongly object to the scattergun multi post and believe I have the moral high ground
  8. toffee bees? Tower! Do Trades Descriptions know about this?
  9. not knowing much about Everton, what's the relevance of the beehive?
  10. Nazi salutes seem to be a regular thing at EDL events. Pedant ..... bloke/ bird in the beige jumper has used the wrong arm I would suggest it was an internationalist left wing salute. But that really requires a clenched fist. It strikes me it's international sign language for wanting a pee or a tea. Either way, they're all a bunch of pubes.
  11. well hopefully this will be a lesson to them and they'll buy a house instead
  12. The New Britain Party was a small (very small) party formed back in the 1970’s. It’s aim, according to its election and canvassing leaflet was to stop ‘coloured immigration into Britain’. In 1980 it absorbed the United Country Party, chaired by tv astronomer Patrick Moore, it’s aim was also to stop African and Asian immigration into Britain. Mike Natrass has been an MEP for UKIP. Jeffrey Titford has been an MEP for UKIP. Brian Smalley has been a UKIP candidate and part of the UKIP national committee. Brian Smalley resigned from UKIP as he felt Nigel Farage was dishonest and makes untrue statements. All three people were previously part of the New Britain Party.
  13. Lets not start chosing our political leaders on charisma please. I know that's the road we are encouraged down by The Sun, The Mirror, Britain's Got X Twunts and C Listers on Ice. But it might not be the way to choose how your country goes. Farage does have bags of skin deep photo friendly charisma. He laughs, holds a fag and poses with pints. Great ! But I'm yet to be 100% convinced that makes him much more than a snake oil salesman telling us how much better the place could be if we all just placed a protest vote with him. If Doncaster really does have some specific issues, if they really aren't understood by the bigger parties I've had this amazing idea. Rather than place a protest vote with Noddy the Smiling City Mile Rabble Rouser.....why don't you run as an Independent. Get your couple of key policies tailored for Doncaster that reasonable people couldn't argue with and couldn't possible think pander to the dark intentions of people from Islamistan, or hint at send 'em back middle england racism. Why, if you don't like the mainstream, would you vote for a sinister little party that won't even elaborate on what their policies are. That's not very thought through in my opinion.
  14. I'd go along with that. Watched it last night and thought it was a perfectly decent movie, enjoyed it, good level of suspense, very brave opening 10 minutes for a largely US audience. But I'm not really into the film awards thing so I don't know what it was up against.
  15. I'm enjoying that Jools Holland programme for the first time in a while a bit of mellow ska, and a whiskey
  16. Like, to quote Frankie Boyle, punching a burning man. That'll be the one, but I'd heard it was a kicking.
  17. Well, look, I'm not going to go down the keyboard rage route with you, so one last bash on the issue and then I'll move off to less contentious waffle. I haven't said they are lazy, quite the opposite, I've said they invest their time in voluntary work that I can't do. As for my friends sounding terrible because of flippant comments at parties that I've repeated here, you need to get a grip and wind your neck in a little bit. It's a forum, I paraphrase. Out of curiosity, what is it that people who teach 5, 6 and 7 year olds are marking every night until 10:pm so as not to have a life? I'm genuinely curious on that one. I'm sure you'll be a great teacher.
  18. They wouldn't use Glasgow, Scots airport staff have a habit of dealing with trouble makers in their own local way.
  19. I do agree in general terms. Teaching maths or physics in comp must be a laugh a minute. So, having got that out of the way, I do have a good few friends that are primary and infant teachers. They've been doing it a few years. They would quite readily describe their jobs as a well paid piece of piss the rest of us have missed a trick not getting in to. Of the ones that work down the road from my house, I know when they are in school, because they get to park their convertible, discovery and cooper s for free on the premises. The cars are never there when i leave for work, they are never there when I get home. But don't get me wrong, I love them to bits and they use their ample free time to help run several voluntary groups such as a community garden and a food bank etc.. oh, and I've just given one of them a Triumph Spitfire, because he has the time and money to do it up, and I don't.
  20. lots of Dortmund cars on the motorway today if it comes down to scarves dangling out of car windows, Dortmund have it about 20 : 1
  21. don't you taunt us with your maths magic, what harm can there be giving VT types a mathematical code to access my social security number.... I'm off to look up what integer means, then I'll be back, to show your number to the world.
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