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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. chrisp65


    Secular push back against the creeping Islamisation being introduced by Erdogan and his mates. It's a good thing. EDIT: Meanwhile.. Ali al-Manasfi from West London has become the first confirmed British Jihadi killed by regime troops in Syria. Another good thing. Link It's a real shame he's dead actually. We could have saved a fortune on arms shipments if Little Willie Hague could've got Ali to carry them over. Absolute nuts.
  2. Advice for gypsies? Napalm. calm down V, I've got a good mate who's gypsy and he's sound. Nothing to do with race or ethnicity just whether somebody has been brought up to be a tool. Morpheus, I fully sympathise, I had similar really bad neighbours at my first house (her tribe of ferral kids broke into my house by climbing on the roof and smashing through). Nobody was ever interested unless I threatened violence and then they would only be interested in me and my potential criminal act. It's a joke with these people. Happily, one day rent arrears and other debts caught up with the minger and she did a midnight run. Word got out and people were in the street waving goodbye.
  3. chrisp65


    you might not like your life as it is, so why not try something else you might be weak and follow the crowd you might be a teenager and therefore keen to appear different and rebellious and therefore need to do what many other teenagers do you might be a plank you might be too dumb or weak to strive for something better and then, there is also the real and valid area of you might be a perfectly sensible grown up that has decided that on occassion when you have some leisure time and spare cash, you will do some drugs. When you don't have the time or the money, you don't. It really doesn't have to grab you by the balls and pull you down the toilet. Lastly, the old fave, define 'drugs'. I guess you mean the stuff currently classed as illegal, as opposed to just popping the odd pain killer, valium, viagra and so on. Why on earth would somebody smoke cigarettes? They're expensive, they can be addictive, they stink, they make you stink, there's a good chance they will give you a painful lingering death. But they're legal.
  4. aw come on, if I can't have an irrational dislike of a rival footy club on a footy forum..... two days a week most weeks I have to listen to how they are actually probably the biggest club in europe
  5. chrisp65


    The thing that just truly depresses me, is our bizarre dabbling in all this. If I was Foreign Secretary and this whole shebang was kicking off, I'd like to think I'd scan through a bit of recent history for the region. I'd look at how recent wars since the 1950's have panned out. I'd consider our most recent adventures in similar countries. I'd consider who might gain power if the current twut loses power. At no point do I see any of that basic wikipedia research leading me to the conclusion that feeding more guns to one side is a way to make it end well.
  6. you haven't said why you've bought it, so there is still time to save this I'm presuming you've shaved your head, bought a bad suit and are moonlighting as a William Hague lookeelikee
  7. Maybe the ice in the drinks .....maybe that or its aids ...the bad kind My missus was amazed, when after a day of being very careful with what she ate and drank over in foreignorland, got ill after consuming several milky cocktails with ice in them. You haven't seen 'ill' until you've seen african milk based cocktail with ice ill.
  8. These are the same Cardiff fans that were happy enough to follow Sam Hammam when he was rabble rousing a few years back, so I wouldn't give too much sympathy.
  9. all governments are liars and murderers keep that in mind and you won't stray too far wrong
  10. Coca Cola water brand Dasani turning out to be tap water, now that was funny....
  11. Yillan, do you have a realistic chance in the next short wee while of getting a useable titty photo? if not, park her up and move on sounds exhausting
  12. ....on a beach I'd never previously been to, 20 minutes from my house! t'was a revelation, and the kids have brought home pockets full of devil's toenails 10 minutes further down the road and we were here:
  13. garlic? garlic I guess, for vampires maybe mushrooms for fairy rings? Oh, and those big walking trees from Lord of the Rings. Other than those I think its all bollocks.
  14. note to all auto drivers: when you nip out in your wife's manual, when you get back, you can't just park and get out. They have hand brakes and they are needed. Another plus for auto's and another bollocking for me for just getting out and walking away leaving it in neutral and without brake applied. Oops. In round numbers, I have 2,000 Costa Coffee points
  15. Umm. Seriously? You use your mirrors more afterwards because you actually know what they're for. You exaggerate for your test to show the instructor that you're doing it. But yes, I use them all the time. I've a very good picture of what's going on all around me. If you don't have that then you're oblivious to the road and have many blind spots and should probably put the coffee down. It could be that everything's 'a piece of piss' because you're not actually doing it right I've probably just exaggerated what my point was. I do have a good picture of the road and the coffee thing was born out of complete comfort and just being used to driving. I'm currently rocking a strange liking for Costa skinny decaf cappucino. I know I know, its wrong on about 4 points of detail.
  16. Coasting and riding the clutch and driving across junctions in first are all fine driving attributes, but come and join me on the M25 run and we'll see how long your car lasts. I guess it's just down to personal pref, your regular driving routes etc. and personally I'll be getting a nice old man's auto next time I'm buying. pah, scrap most of that, for some reason I thought we were in Pissed Off, and thought we were hogging a non related thread
  17. jeez, all those things in my list and you pick the coffee reference I was ripping from BOF's post If you can drink coffee whilst changing gear and pulling off from a junction in a manual and retain control of your car, you're a better driver than me and I concede the point happily and gracefully.
  18. Perhaps this whole auto vs manual thing depends on what you are driving? I don't mean that in a poncy way (I think). I've mostly driven manuals and they've included everything from 60's convertible to current MPV. The majority are ok, some are good, some are a chore. Anybody that thinks a manual transmission Mazda 323 is fun or responsive hasn't driven many cars. Equally, my current car is an auto, responds to the way I press the accelerator and gets the gears right every time. I've got a little button that can make it respond standard, comfy or sporty, and if I really feel the need, I can knock the gearstick and switch to clutchless manual. If I want to, I can still beat stuff off the lights at a standing start, but in reality, it's very rare I feel the need to exaggerate my cock size now I'm over 22 and no longer driving an Astra. That's not meant as a posers answer, though I appreciate it might read that way. It's just to say the auto vs manual arguement is largely bogus. My auto drives just fine, and I get to drink coffee at junctions.
  19. I'd stick to 30 regardless of transmission
  20. people imagine they have more control and the full driving experience with manual, that's compelling, but mostly rubbish
  21. if you learn in a manual you get a license allowing you to drive either, passing in an automatic restricts your future driving to just automatics personally, I'm more than happy to drive an automatic, so much easier
  22. am sure the fans dont really care anymore now their team got promoted with their new colours Oh they do. We'd care if we were offered a Man City type takeover but only if we changed our colours to something totally unrelated to our history. It would be incredibly frustrating and nobody would buy the kits. I wonder if the Cardiff City Stadium is still a sea of blue shirts. They are all moaning, but the owner has got them into the Prem with his new lucky colour and new lucky badge and new lucky dragon. Personally, I really don't understand the two mismatched reds, but I think they are still voting on the exact combination. I'd have thought it would be easier to sell to the locals if it was mixed up with a bit of white and green.
  23. well, I suppose in the early '80's I would dress '70's suedehead and listen to '60's ska right now, there's nothing better than a new little band in a nice little venue (Goldenfable / Mary Epworth / Mountain of love etc..) so I'm a pop tart
  24. yes, a dickhead will be a dickhead if the only consumable available is full fat Pepsi the trick is to avoid dickheads, this is most easily achieved by avoiding dickhead watering holes
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