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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. I'd struggle to name a Bruce Springsteen song. He did 'Born in the USA' but I don't know if that was the actual title. He did a Christmas song sort of parody? I think he also did the song that goes 'what if god was one of us, just a stranger on a bus.....' but that might have been Bob Dylan. Somebody I'm equally familiar with. Mentally, I put them in the 'cliche of americana' box in my head and I rarely open that box. I quite like the Beatles in a vacant pop tunes way, perfectly listenable. If they were a drink they'd be Chardonnay.
  2. Joe, the point is not to reveal your grand plan. Hold your cards close to your chest. You know, like when you play cards, you hold them, like, close to your chest, and that's so other people can't see them, Joe. Do you follow me, Joe? No, sit down mate, it was metaphorical. No, I mean it was like an example, I didn't want you to actually follow me. Not even on Twitter! Ha ha! What's that, Joe? Well, it's like a message exchange thing that people use. Well, sooort of like postcards, mate, but a bit quicker. With phones and computers and that. Anyway...never mind...
  3. well, thoroughly enjoyed that game fair play
  4. aye, agree with all of that when they've been on a school trip and the traffic has held up the school bus: twitter when they want to remind you today is fancy dress / bring cakes / don't forget drumsticks: twitter it really is an instant fix kids cheer me up, mine are a bit older, but the verbal jousting and the in jokes and the constant playing of drums n piano n guitar, just awesome.
  5. http://theearthearthearth.com/
  6. Lots of growth, but isn't the issue how it's distributed? same old same old the place is booming for capitalists because they've got a vast pool of labour that will make shoes for a penny and now have a vast pool of trained labour that can build a car for a dollar people can usually work out if they are being stiffed by the man
  7. wahey a Trip ! nice. I've still got my old OM10 Does anybody use photo hosting sites? I've previously used Flickr, but it's had a makeover and I just don't find it as good or as accessible anymore.
  8. Personally, I'm happy to see the fixture list and notice they are Premier clubs. We've got to play them all apparently.
  9. What do you do when your local MP is a tory, but is actually really helpful? The current guy is conservative, not my natural party of choice what with all being evil self serving scammers. However, he's currently working flat out to help with a real wide range of local issues and genuinely appears to be getting stuck in and representing people and giving individual advice and pushing local causes. Previous incumbents of red and blue have got voted in, gone to London, and reappeared shortly before the next election. I would find it genuinely difficult to vote conservative, but on a personal level, the current conservative is working harder for this area than anyone else in my years of experience. For genuinely difficult, i think I've got to be honest and say it just couldn't happen, I don't believe I could physically do it. But I could not vote against him, I guess. He'd be happy with that I'm sure.
  10. at least mine really looks like me
  11. I shall begin pronouncing it hif as like if you had like a Spanish J like in Xavier
  12. and today on twitter from the same school: The last 2 tweets were sent by a pupil. We are looking in to this. Please ignore tweet about Friday. There is school. should I be shocked and disgusted and demand something or other, or should I rejoice in kids being kids? brilliant
  13. do the police still shoot the homeless?
  14. just walked past the school down the bottom of the road (not included in the exclusion zone so legit) and on their bulletin board the news: Today, Year 4 made a wormery.
  15. I did once get into a little trouble in our office. I'd trouped up the stairs and one of the girls was a few steps behind me, so I held the door. But I'd forgotten she was female admin and walked at a different speed to an actual working person. So I'm holding the door open a couple of seconds too long for it to be non awkward. So, to make light of the situation I simply said, I'm no gentleman, I just wanted to check out your arse. Didn't get the laugh I was expecting.
  16. if you like your TV / home movies etc I don't' see why people shouldn't buy whatever size they want tbh ... I don't subscribe to 3D TV's at home , so kinda agree with your statement for those people , but everyone else , long as the TV isn't the size of your living room , then go for it When you've come off the M5, past WBA and turned left at the lights you drop down a hill which at the bottom has a cluster of shops and a closed pub. To your right, a little terraced house that always has the curtains open to show you that he does indeed, have a flat screen telly the same size as his house. I can only imagine he's had to knock a hole in the wall and sits in the hall to watch it.
  17. loved the comment under the video from 10 months ago: Thank god Joe Kinnear will never be associated with NUFC again. I just can't believe a person who conducts and presents him self in that manner was a manager of my club. Newcastle really was a joke back then, thankfully our club is run professionally now.
  18. my dad has just bought a new phone, some samsung smart phone thing that does everything except a blowie I asked him yesterday how he was getting on with it (having had it a couple of weeks I guessed he'd have mastered the basics): 'oh, I haven't used it yet, I've still got £3 credit on the old one' He then proceeds to show me a brochure for a car he's looking at, he's thinking of getting the diesel version because 'it's got more grunt' and will be more economical because it is a diesel. I then have to spend 20 minutes trying to suggest that his driving style may not require more grunt, and 5,000 miles a year will not make a diesel economical. He used to be Superman.
  19. is this a scam? some girl asked me to send her a picture of 'scuba steve' penned on my little man I've sent the photo, but no response took me bloody ages to make enough room to write steve
  20. You do know that there will be those on this forum that will lambast you for not knowing the basic shape of an iconic aircraft! Those of us over a certain age would still have basic aircraft silhouette identification on the national curriculum. Concord, Vulcan, Spitfire are the basics, Yokoshuka MXY7 Ohka damn near essential.
  21. hey what have you got to lose click that clicky and let us know how you got on
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