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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. I was nom'd driver for a gig last night, having been to this particular venue before, a very classy high end pub on a housing estate in Brixton, I chanced my arm and drove right to the door. As I'd kinda hoped I managed to park not only close, but directly outside, under a street light next to the bouncer on the door! Reminded me of a trip a good few years ago where again i was driver, we were horribly late due to traffic trying to get the the Royal Festival Hall. I decided I'd drop people off at the venue then and park rather than all 4 of us miss it. We got there and there's a car park directly outside. It has a single empty space that is taped off with a sign 'reserved for musicians' on it. It's directly adjacent the security guy's little shack. I drove down the ramp, into the space breaking the red n white tape and parkig over the reserved sign. Security guy jumps out of his hutch as we jump out of the car. 'we're late!' I shouted, to which his response was ......'go, go, go!'.
  2. a pasty and a Pepsi Max I figured they kind of neutralised each other
  3. I used to have a similar problem with Milner eat snalis
  4. yeah, I think I may have slipped into pedantry over a word definition still think he should have got longer though!
  5. I do genuienly understand and agree that all the crimes mentioned above are not anywhere near the same. I'm with you on that. But for me, a child and her teacher in a sexual relationship is abuse. If somebody has a word that describes it other than abuse, bring it on. I'm clearly in a minority, but that's ok. It's an interesting discussion point. Problem is, I now have to do a mixed grill before a trip up that London.
  6. No, I don't need anyone to agree with me completely. You must agree with me on that. I'm just a tiny bit worried about the opinion that sex between a child and her teacher, an adult, can be nuanced. I know there is such a thing as real life and that's messy and complicated. I also know that in a nightclub with beer in your belly its not easy to tell if someone is 18. That there, the dodgy nightclub situation is your doubt and potentially unfair labelling. But it should have been fairly easy for him to check the class register during lessons to see if she was 18 or not. Surely there can't be room for nuance between a teacher and a pupil in a classroom. I'm sure nobody on here is arguing that in some certain exceptional circumstances, its ok for a teacher to **** the kids? I could be wrong. I'm open to being argued around.
  7. I don't mean to be all puritanical about this. I'm usually a fairly liberal sort of chap. But for me there are two things here: Firstly, I have some very limited experience around VP units. The people in there are not nice, they all have a personal reason why their case is a little bit less bad than the others. Secondly, if I had a child in school, male or female, aged 15 and 11 months and 3 weeks and I found out there was a slight little consensual sexual relationship with a teacher, male or female. I'd potentially be in for a lot longer than 5 years.
  8. What bit of 'child' or 'abuse' was not involved? Are you saying she wasn't a child, or that there was no abuse by her teacher?
  9. I don't think I've suggested anywhere he's a paedo? But then it might not have been aimed at me. I also haven't suggested there was rape. She is, by definition, a child. He was in a position of authority in a school. They've had a sexual relationship and he was the adult. He is the guilty party. Sorry, but she was neeeeearly old enough, she was really pretty, she was giving me the come on, she touched me first just don't cut it at legitimising this. I'm not suggesting this is in the same bracket as some toddler killer by any stretch. it isn't. What it also isn't is ok. The sentence isn't long enough, imo. I've got to nip out now....
  10. I think it's a bit steep. He's not a paedophile and not a child abuser. He abused a position of power and exploited the girl and that is unacceptable. Running away with her was born ur of fear but such a bad idea. Definitely worth a prison sentence, but maybe not 5.5 years. Really good article on it here though. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/jeremy-forrest-girl-arent-romeo-1974467 He was a teacher in a position of authority and power over an underage girl he had sex with. In what way is he not a child abuser? The sentence is nowhere near long enough for the sick turd. Anyway, judging by yesterday's denial of wrong doing, he won't be getting out any time soon, I believe child abductiers and sex offenders need to repent before they can get out. He'll enjoy the VP wing.
  11. Jeep = 1941 Land Rover = 1948 come on, you know I knew that I know you know I know and this is just a device to educate the shitforbrains under 30's kids of today on this forum
  12. Q1 could the Jeep be converted to amphibious use? Q2 how the merry **** did the yanks get away with ripping off our wonderful innovative Land Rover design?
  13. I'm taking the kids to Longleat tomorrow and go right past Stonehenge so was going to do a whistle stop on the way .... now I know it's full of hippies I assume traffic will be a nightmare and I'd best find another route I think the longest day is only like a one day thing Especially if you add "I'm glad I had her before she put the weight on." "...and even then she was s**t" "Screamer, though." "didn't actually see her face until the dvd came out"
  14. mine's a bit wordy: "yeah, I can see there's a bigger prize tantalisingly close. Not easy. Potentially less easy to carry the good will wave if you decline." it's a deliberately vague message that one day, will form an important part of a Hollywood blockbuster
  15. The UK was offered VW at the end of the war, had a look at it and decided it was crap.
  16. well they smelt of fish for a start
  17. when do we stop or decide to begin stopping historical hang ups? the VW one is perfectly legitimate I'm sure, but by the same token you could boycott all things Japanese, rockets, paella etc.. I'm not trying to belittle the nazi thing at all, I've had relatives couldn't stand the very sight of Japanese people there was a recent commemoration of World War 1, when will that stop happening? We don't, to my knowledge, still commemorate the Boer War or sticking one up Napoleon.
  18. Because they have tattoos. I was thinking about getting tattoos to symbolize ... uh, whatever Latvia is famous for. A pissed Brit getting his wallet nicked on a lairy stag weekend?
  19. Alabama 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gc8TgUrwfhE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpGgLyfDERI
  20. game 17 in the get MJM to appreciate Rap / Hip Hop series. Sir, I direct you to the 'what ya listenin' too?' music thread.....
  21. Zaire ! you don't hear enough about Zaire these days. Zaire!
  22. Musical taste is a weird thing. I'm seriously mid man crush on Alabama 3 (you'll all be getting a dose on the evening news, courtesy of Mr Gandolfini passing away). I've recently acquired an unreleased album of theirs by sucking up to an ex band member. I thought this was the pinnacle of all human history, but I'm struggling to find anyone else that gives a toss. Each to their own.
  23. Picked my Golf up from new on a three year deal. From day one I told them it was a wrong 'un and they disagreed. On the very first service after payments and warranty finished they phoned me to say not only was the engine ****, but three years of driving it on a **** engine had rendered it unrepairable. Happily, I'd kept copies of all the correspondence I'd sent them for 3 years saying it was a duffer. I also ended up with a copy of the internal VW mail that said it was a factory originated fault but don't tell the customer.
  24. I'm with Ajax and Tony on this one. I'd have happily driven Golf's for life, they're easy. Then mine went tit's up and VW were despicable. Eventually they payed the full £5,400 for the rebuild but it took a lot of fighting for. Once they'd eventually fixed it I drove it down the road and p/ex'd it somewhere else. Any car can break. VW showed no class right up to the day they grudgingly fixed it and gave me the keys back. Never entertained the idea of any VW since (having previously been a Beetle nut).
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