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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. I have liked this not for the general tone (y) of the answer, but for the phrase: joggers should really take it to a designated field. I f(self edit)n loves that.
  2. picked up the dvd for A Field In England Man hunting for library thief during the civil war is kidnapped, used as treasure divining slave by the thief, gunfight, mushrooms, gunfight, coming of age. Brilliant piece, one of those where you just wish you'd made it. Good to see a film that doesn't rely utterly on out CGI'ing the last big piece of box office. Good to see a film that knows its a film and plays with the medium a little, throwing in the occassional film making degree course piece of homework just to show that you can. The tiniest snippet of an idea of a story spun out, almost in real time. In the future, we can tell the Americans it was filmed in 1884 and was the first ever western. I didn't even mind the aircraft vapour trails in the sky. Stay off the shrooms boys.
  3. 6, 4, Wales, and 5 if Villa have won
  4. just try and remember that 'if' he does go, his lack of loyalty will fund our purchase of a player that was important to some other team, it's a money go round, at least we're fairly high up the pecking order
  5. as somebody that occassionally gets to design little bits of cricket grounds, and gets partly paid in money and partly in tickets for big games - I think cricket is fairly awesome! now golf, that's cash only thanks, not interested in tickets for that
  6. I believe small heath 'ladies' team were the first to experience the clap
  7. I believe the correct etiquette here is to reverse ram the back of his car a minimum of three times. Then leave, displaying a single digit wave.
  8. Don't you work at a school? You know school teachers 6 months holiday a year and yet whining cause they had to mark a few papers on a Sunday Don't be nasty, with school finishing at 3:30pm he's probably refering to his second job.
  9. It feels like another sorry step towards us not only paying their salaries, but paying for their party structure, advertising, think tanks. They are like cockroaches, they will always be there. 15% pay rise on the way, and a guaranteed state funded (i.e. you and me) bank rolling not far behind.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNO49nh8hbM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eG6Nj5Orl1w Yeah, I'm not even sure what it was I was trying to say in some drunken pidgin language. I think I'd got carried away that I'd been able to survive a night with a group of people talking funny. Not that you can assign 'value' to ticket price, but last night was £6 and they put on three bands, any one of which could have been the headliner they really were all excellent and I will try and follow them for other gigs. I can now confirm that the first band on were called Candellas, I've found their CD out the kitchen! I'm quite impressed it found it's way home.
  11. The Earth first gig last night, loud scuzzy and wonderful two support bands were also really rather good, Candellas (I think that's what they were called), and the Keys
  12. c'mon Tony, there is no way you'll still be working in your 90's
  13. 15 years of being told Alfa's are much improved over what they used to be, leaves them 26th out of 27 brands
  14. I have done this many years ago. It was indeed, fun.
  15. Ps why is he a Islamic idiot? Please explain because i want to comment but I dont want to jump to conclusions I'm not suggesting he's an idiot because he's Islamic (plenty on here to bang that drum), but that he turned out to be an idiot that had a chance to unite a country, bring together all groups and get Egypt heading towards the sort of status that the BRIC countries are getting. Egypt has a vast human resource, it's a potential link between east and west, it has Suez, it's on the Med. So much potential, so much good will internally and externally. Yet Morsi appears to have managed to take all that and attempt to shove it down the toilet. By just about every standard measure, the country is worse off now than before. Coupled with that, he's from the Brotherhood and can have the word Islamic associated with him, so in the eyes of the U.S., Islamic is bad and scary, so in the eyes of the U.S., he's an Islamic Idiot.
  16. it has a Nissan badge, it'll have a higher than average chance of being reliable
  17. there is no centre there is the side of the angels, and there is the reactionary bourgeoisie
  18. Would dirty hands out of Egypt include no longer funding the Egyption military? bit of a dilema here for the freedom lovin' US of A, democratically elected Islamic idiot vs. U.S. sponsored military
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