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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. 'when I worked at the Bank of England for 6 years we often had these muslin shirts so I don't see a problem. As I said to Marak Craney yesterday, you can call me Al. But to be honest, I don't see us making a move for Wonga cos I'm just not that interested in foreign players, now **** off you **** face''
  2. and on it goes, two bodies retrieved from a water filled quarry where swimming is banned.
  3. Legis Warsaw fans in Wrexham tonight! gotta love those euro away games
  4. yeah, I think my earlies are getting dug Thursday or Friday I've got lucky dip toms in the greenhouse, Roma, Pomadora, Zebra, all sorts of random one offs. I'm just rock n roll crazy me. No, it's not economical, but its great, its good for you and you get to see bats and slow worms and frogs and all that.
  5. your missus is a star mate
  6. I've got a marrow that'll be ready in about 2 weeks
  7. That's far worse than shagging your aunt! that's shagging your aunt and then breaking her legs
  8. I hope you'll remember who whored up and did your little survey next time people are slapped around the legs and marched out of general chat for talking cricket or music or ball games.
  9. I put them 7th in my list of preferences. I was waiting for something more....profound to happen at some point.
  10. in stock? he has 40 large sheets of mdf, enough to make himself about 4,000 of the little things of course if he's the sort of chippy that needs a drawing of a rectangle, he might not have a saw I suppose
  11. somebody asking me for drawings that I really shouldn't have to provide that take up loads of (admittedly self inflicted) time not that I actually draw much these days, being a high flying senior executive type, but today, with no cadmonkeys in the office we were asked to draw.......a shelf I explain that its a sheet of 24mm thick mdf, 200mm wide by 250mm long, a rectangle. Yes, he knows that but he still needs a drawing to show the chippy. Well ffs, if your chippy can't mentally picture a piece of mdf 200mm x 250mm or doesn't know how to stick it to a wall, you need to get yourself a new chippy so I spent an hour drawing this thing in isometric with Ikea style exploded graphics of screw holes and screws and arrows to show the screw goes in the screw hole etc., rounded off with an Ikea style little man pointing at it
  12. C'mon stop getting your stereotypes mixed up, its the krauts who don't shave their armpits neun und neunzig luft balloon
  13. another stereotype / self parody example BUT first off, there is no attempt on my part to reinforce a stereotype here. All types of people exist in all countries. Rather, I thought it was a funny self parody and did actually wonder at first if it was staged. I was in the minerals and rocks room of the Natural History Museum on the weekend, it was suitably quiet and respectful, when a very large north american lady breezed in shouting down her phone Dom Jolly style. What topped it off was the comment from her, at about 120dB: 'yeah yeah, I'm in the British Museum, THE BRITISH MUSEUM, what? nah, boring, I SAID ITS BORING' made me chuckle.
  14. It was my entire experience of the place so it's no myth IMV. I've also heard plenty of similar experiences from others to back it up. I don't doubt there must be some nice French people. There are about 50 million of them after all. in my experience..... We entered a back street Paris restaurant, grappled with an all French menu with enough french to understand what the main ingredients were. My new wife (honeymoon!), had a go at speaking some pidgin french. The waiter laughed, corrected it, laughed and we all happily spoke english for the rest of the time. A short while later another Brit family came in, walked through the door and started talking english at the waiter asking if they had english food or an english menu. Unfortunately, this happened at exactly the same time as our wonderfully helpful and chatty french waiter completely lost his ability to understand or speak any english whatsoever. They left. He returned to speaking english.
  15. yes, but how many of us were there on 23rd August 2003 to enjoy it?
  16. brandy? you see those dogs in the big dealer/pimp coats hawking it around the Alps
  17. that London for the Dr Who Prom with the kids £12 for a two and a half hours of fun, orchestral music and stomping baddies.
  18. Royal Albert Hall for me tomorrow, Dr Who Prom with the Kids.
  19. I had made some unsavoury comments about royalty the night before, granted, but I don't think they were for me....
  20. that I was stood out the garden earlier, and these three chaps flew over
  21. alabama 3 acoustic set tonight support band Johnny Cage and the Hopeless Sinners http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHvyKsduiFc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awh6jDHpmrI best gig anywhere ever
  22. the staff at the garden centre didn't think so, miserable buggers
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