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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. who's getting partisan? I'm pretty sure that in another dimension where literally anything can happen and Milliband was in charge, the same policy would be getting the same ridicule.
  2. its not like its difficult anyway 9 til 3:30 and 2 weeks off for every bank holiday
  3. that'll be the Mail no sense of irony at a campaign to block porn next to articles about young ladies coming of age a very creepy sort of newspaper I'd actually presume its an ironic mock up, but you can't tell with the Mail
  4. Apparently they only cost us 27p each or some such. I'd rather have my 27p personally, and tax their wealth and dodgy tax avoiding companies. Hundreds of millions of pounds of our money keeping unelected people in luxury. Bizarre this can't be contracted out.
  5. Yep, it's a populist move, doomed to failure but bound to get the short term votes of idiots who don't know any better. He's on a short term winner. The two scenarios are that a: he tries and fails but will continue to battle big business on our behalf and god bless you Dave for thinking of the little children. or scenario b: he actually thinks he manages to get something done, and all those blue rinses will be happy right up until the day the Mail front page announces that unbelievably, it turns out you can get around the ban. Either way, we'll be the other side of the election before its rumbled.
  6. whatever happened to Australia? is there a sport left that they're not shit at?
  7. Whilst the dark isn't really that dark, the dry warm nights mean that my gang have been staying up late, laying on the tinder dry back garden golden lawn, staring at the night sky. Great view of the Plough last night, plus the occassional satellite. Oh, and bats, but I suspect they weren't all that high up. The more you look, the more you see.
  8. Just dug this out of the garden. Unusual for this part of town, though my two previous houses closer to the docks were just littered with them. First one for here though.
  9. coming over here, stealing our racism
  10. the fag lobbying issue has to go away now, Camoron has said categorically that there is absolutely no link in any way whatsoever for it to emerge there was any tenuous link now, well, that would make the Prime Minister a deliberate coniving liar on the side of money over people I can't see that.
  11. I'd see him on rare occassions huffing and puffing up and down the street outside the Marquis of Granby. He'd have a big coat over his big frame, sucking on a big cigar and looking thoroughly irritated. On any one of those occassions, the phrase heart attack waiting to happen, was thoroughly apt.
  12. yeah, in my old house I walked out to the hall from the living room and at the top of the stairs was an old lady. I jumped, then I said 'ooh, you made me jump' then I realised I didn't know who the f it was, so I shouted 'oi excuse me' and ran up the stairs - but she'd gone! Now what I had there, was a 'ghost' encounter. Except ghosts don't exist, so clearly my brain threw a 5 second reboot or something. Fascinating, i'd love to know what it was about, but there are no ghosts. thinking about it later it made me chuckle that I said 'excuse me' to a stranger upstairs in my house - now THAT is what make somebody British
  13. tories wont have wind power because UKIP are against it wont have wave power because its too costly wont have solar because we're northern we could all rig up an exercise bike to a home battery the only sensible thing is use less power - there was an article yesterday where some hotel in London (Marriott?), is being PAID £20k a year by the govt to experiment with turning the air con from 4c to 6c. Apparently the customers haven't noticed, their bill has gone down, and they've been paid £20k for co-operating with an experiment. If they've saved money and the customers haven't noticed......why is this not an instant roll out? because we like to burn stuff
  14. I don't have the instant distrust of fracking. There is potential for good here, if we can change the leopard's spots and get the govt to make it in our interest and not their sponsors' interest. As I may have banged on about previously, the alternatives are: use less electric rely on the middle east rely on china rely on russia
  15. there's a video of his car somewhere on here (not the absolute actual one but same model) from memory some sort of cadillac designed on graph paper by a guy sacked from 1980's Volvo for being to square
  16. The mighty Prestatyn Town in action tonight in Croatia... 0:5 but a great experience for fans and players
  17. anybody know what the Sunflower Lounge is like? I'd guess it's pretty small?
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-S_W_mWT9c 'lips, arses, noses and ears bits of different cows that've been dead for years'
  19. rural is defo easier as those people move slower and are generally dim witted you could even say you thought it was a badger if you're caught
  20. get the scouser to kill your neighbour when you are somewhere with witnesses and cctv at the pay off, kill the scouser I thought the idea was to get away with it by being untraceable, if your neighbour dies, we all know you thought he was a tool
  21. the idea is no connection, utterly random kill your neighbour because you think he's a tit and some big mouth down the street is going to tell the Mirror 'his neighbour thought he was a tit and wanted to ice him'. Luckily, if he does tell the Mirror the final story will be headlined 'Tories killed Bambi Spurs Tulisa'
  22. Don't do the murder in your local area, plod will eventually be so clueless they'll just suggest locals get dna tested to put all the other locals at ease. All that dna you left in her hair because you don't have a record is now going to get you a free hliday in the big house. Best to do it away from your own doorstep. A train up to Liverpool. Stay over for three nights, do the deed on the middle day. Use cash to buy the ticket.
  23. oh, and my nipper has just remembered Trinity Grade 1 drum exam result (found in bottom of school bag), 92%
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