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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. given that we can't bring plants in from Asia without **** up the environment and killing the forests I can't wait for something horrible to pop out of Uranus and splatter us all with space snot
  2. frankly, I'd consider it your duty to give Mr Morley whatever he wants, including mid session cold drinks and lube if so required
  3. I've gone to use a cash machine, what with all the banks having shutdown, and I've had to watch an advert for Dove soapy products mid transaction. Well done Dove, you're on the black list.
  4. No, no sort of messiah. Nobody's endowing him with supernatural powers or descent from deities. A leader for those who lack bravery and a way with words but love sensible suggestions and somebody to act as a figurehead for their views. (See what I did?) yeah, you sucked all the trolling fun out of it!
  5. Why? I found the tone of The God Delusion to be so self-congratulatory I had to stop reading it. Made it about 100 pages into it. What has resparked my dislike for him is an interview I watched yesterday where he spoke to a doctor who was championing the idea that controlled drug trials should not be considered absolutely reliable when it comes to predicting how a patient would respond to a drug, and instead he felt that the person's state of mind and other such factors should be taken into account, i.e. the parts of the person that cannot be gleaned by measuring the extent of their illness. Dawkins thought that this was an absolute affront to science and that he was effectively dealing with a homeopath. He would not entertain for a moment that there might other non strictly medical factors at work in whether or not a person would respond to a drug and was very dismissive of any of the doctor's points. The show was called Enemies of Reason, so from the outset, Dawkins was assuming he was correct in all of his views. It was far from a debate and more of a Louis Theroux documentary where he meets an idiot and treats him like one. Dawkins kept returning to the title of the doctor's brand of medicine, which included the word quantum. When he was failing with a point, he'd return to the fact that the doctor had stolen the word quantum from 'real science' and branded his own faux-science with it. Also the way it was cut meant that Dawkins was given a chance to think about every question before he asked it, perhaps consulting with experts behind the scenes, while the doctor was having to answer questions as they were aimed at him. Anyway the interview is here, so you can make up your own mind about it, but it just further added to my dislike for the man, who sees things in the colours of absolute atheism and everything else, when I think this is certainly not the case. Sure organised religion is bollocks, but that doesn't mean that everything that has not been revealed by science yet, and possibly those things that will never be revealed by science due to the limits of the human brain is to be dismissed as all part of the same crap sandwich. Fair enough, although I think the fact that he has become the spokesman for non-belief in a world of believers affords him a bit of slack. Obviously he's not the first atheist/agnostic in the history, but I admire him for making a point of saying what the rest of us are thinking. Like him or not, I think he's a force for good. Until someone else steps up, he'll do as far as I'm concerned. a sort of messiah for those that lack imagination and a sense of place but love strict rules and somebody being in charge?
  6. It doesn't pay to analyse what anybody choses to do with their downtime. Driving up the M5 for a 4 hour round trip, shelling out £40 on petrol, to then pay £5 to park on wasteland to then pay £25 to watch other people kick a ball around a lawn is possibly not the most constructive use of time and money ever conceived. Especially last year. (this year will be different, obviously)
  7. you should have used the low light setting, then the flash doesn't go off, even under the duvet
  8. I'd suggest the 'problem' is that his statement was clumsy and easily misinterpreted by people looking for a simple fight. In that the guy is clearly intelligent in some ways, why would you put out a deliberately clumsy message, other than if trolling.
  9. yeah, it's a lot easier once you've got a few people depending on you not to fark it up and lose their home But never mind the house, earn sufficient money to fund a family mobile phone plan and two cars and shoes for school and organise yourself on a Sunday so that there is food for kids on a Monday and clean pants for everyone but don't forget to keep cheerful and have outside interests that stop you being a dull work drone and don't forget to fix the shower and saturday is teach yourself wiring because even if you find a sparky to fix the dodgy light in the hall he will want £40 just to come and look at it - next Thursday. It's all about mindset, I know plenty that couldn't hack it, personally I love the rewards more than I fear the risks and chores.
  10. which as Mr Icke has pointed out, doesn't work mathematically as a 'real' moon and is actually, a space station/ship
  11. I seen something which might have been the ISS last night. Either that or aliens. thought it was due at about 11:00pm tonight? bugger, missed it
  12. winner! I've got quite a connection with the club and a lot of my social life has revolved around it over the years so it was a big deal. Cairns has now been made an Honorary Life President of the Club. in fairness to Cairns, he's the first tory to work out that there are votes in town. Previously they did their sums and realised they could win by pandering to the county set. Our last Labour MP (Smith) was a sleazeball.
  13. so, my local MP is a tory and he has made a major contribution to keeping the local footy club alive Over the last few months he's worked his little contact book daily and got us in touch with lawyers and barristers that have helped us build a case, take the Welsh FA to the High Court and beat them. This means friends and family get to watch / play / organise football AND the local community and supporter base now own the club and hold the franchise. It couldn't have been a better result and he has been a massive help.
  14. I didn't know they were running. as party political broadcasts go, that was strangely absorbing
  15. I wasn't particularly sensible. But by the same token, I never found myself popping to Peru with 2k of charlie up my chuffer. That, patently, is lobotomy stupid if you're not a pro.
  16. my team is close to invincible, I just hope somebody out there can stop it being a fore gone conclusion by November However, I suspect I will run a team along MON tactical lines, I've spent everything and probs won't change the team between now and May
  17. I hope no part of the support from the Consulate started life as my pay syphoned for taxes.
  18. I don't even think that is remotely true for one minute. Do not like the Tories does not equate to supporting Labour. There are at best about 4 regular posters in this topic that are avowed Labour supporters and almost as many Tories I reckon. The rest of us don't really like either of them aye, I'd agree, I think Tony always confuses anti Tory with pro Labour. I just can't decide if he's genuinely confused by the concept, or he's lazy, or he's on some bizarre wind up. I'm going to retaliate and presume anyone that is right wing is BNP but ashamed to say it.
  19. They sell chips at Chinese restaurants? There are places that don't sell chips?!?!
  20. we have two possibles pencilled in for next year: rent a place with a pool on Gozo, or hotels around Northumberland it's all good and you're very lucky if you can have any sort of holiday
  21. don't like VT but the laughably lax way mods run the place means I can use it to pass international anarchist messages
  22. ah, good to know, I was tempted to say hello but we were in quite a crowd and moving in opposite directions so it didn't happen
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