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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. derivative but full of energy, so in some ways a bit Oasis, lads n gentlefolk I give you.... The Jam In The City it changed my little world that's for sure, tuning me in to the twin peaks of 60's and a punky vibe
  2. I've taken people with me a few times and used the Trinity as a safe bet as I haven't known how they'd feel about being 'entertained' in the Holte. At times, you could hear people tutting! It's back to K7 for my couple of pre christmas visits.
  3. chrisp65


    I got as far as '...he appeared on Fox News to discuss his book...'
  4. 3 games in and its 3 wins, 15 scored and none conceeded for Barry Town (8:0, 3:0, 4:0) there's nothing like an injustice to fire up a team! just got to keep that momentum going when they are being kicked off some godforsaken boggy pitch in the semi darkness in November or February
  5. I'm sat here coaching the nipper through some Geography homework (yep, 7 week break and we are doing it with days left). Although it's still very recent history, reading through some of the statistics on the 2011 earthquake and tsunami it really is quite chilling. Looking at a fishing town called Ofunato, as the wave approached it was over 8 metres high, but due to local geography it was funnelled and channelled down directly into the town and when it hit land it was 24 metres high and travelled miles inland. It swamped six of the town's tsunami refuge shelters. But it wasn't the first time, same town, 1896 a similar wave killed 27,000. Same town, 1933 a similar wave killed 1,500. Part of the assignment question says 'what can we learn about this and about Japan's disaster management plan?' Surely the answer is: don't live in Ofunato?
  6. Nowt to do with overpopulation though. nowt to do with science or maths either When yet again, ministers and spokepeople for vested interest can announce random nonsensical figures and not be challeneged it just shows that most of journalism in this country is quite poor. Some suit announced the other night that we don't know how many badgers there are, but we think about 6% of them have TB but if we cull about one third in an area then the TB in cattle will drop by 16%. mathematical bollockery
  7. beware the leg room in the Lower North! it was always upper Holte for me, then, with the onset of middle age I started edging towards the old man's stand (Trinity) - but my heart is in the Holte Holte upper is the only place I've ever seen somebody put a whole pie in their mouth whilst negotiating concrete steps backwards watching the second half kick off!
  8. I'd go with the crisps before the fags. It's all in the name I guess. Personally, I hadn't had a bag of crisps in months, then I fell off the wagon a couple of nights ago and did one of those big bags of Dorrito's during a heated game of Junior monopoly.
  9. I'm fundamentally opposed to both. I'd take PR in a second chamber at push but would ultimately believe that one chamber of the house must be constituency based though it would need each member be voted in by the single transferable vote not the current shit system. PR is a tool of party politics, you can't have PR without parties, PR rules out the individual independent candidate, that in itself in undemocratic. And forcing people to vote is something I'd consider a breach of human rights (which I realise may sound perverse) PR means party servants, suck ups and yes men will be awarded seats whether we vote for them or not mandatory voting is patently undemocratic mandatory voting would suggest 'they' know if you voted - whilst technically they can already work that out if they had the gumption, it would become the job of the state to check whether you voted for them - no thanks
  10. a recent trip to the continent was quite a learning curve for me people from Spain, Italy, Portugal and to a lesser extent France would quite happily try to move me and my kids out of their way so they could either get to the front of a queue or get on a bus first or get a better view of something a few johnny foreignors had quite a strong talking to as I did my best to live up to our queuing steretype - if they did it to me, I just stood my ground, to a point they obviously found it odd I wouldn't move when it was convenient for them that I do so. But the best fun was watching out of the corner of my eye as they attempted to move my nipper so their nipper had a better view - that became a tourist attraction all of it's own! oh, and just to add to the fun, I'd position myself bang centre of the bus doors so as when the doors opened we'd have a little stand off whereby they couldn't get on until they had worked out they had to let me off first, just like we do in civilised countries and Wales happy days
  11. those strawberry custard tart things, I mean they nearly caused me to actually move to Swedenland
  12. they have about three versions, I don't have a fave, so I resort to buying all three also, back in the day when I was a bit of a tumper, those cheap hotdogs, wow! and the cans of apple drink.....I could go on (the cakes in the cafe!)
  13. Gotta love that Ikea salmon from the food dept - none better at close to the price. Great thing is, you don't even have to roll through the store to get to the food dept..
  14. chrisp65


    We've got a media, a political class and a population attention span that's been brought up believing England is the centre of the Universe and exposed to global americanisation for too long. The result, is we want what's best for us not the people of the Middle East, we're happy to compromise our principles and let dictators run things over there so atleast the really bad guys don't gain too much influence. We also appear to believe that in every scenario there are white hats and black hats. We believe that by default we are always wearing the white hats. We believe that by default the white hats must win. We believe our media as ours is the best. We take no historical perspective when trying to work these things out and we wait until a situation is truly **** up and then wade in with half a plan endorsed by politicians that believe they are far better than they really are. We currently posess no great strategists and no great thinkers, we follow the money and at present the american money says panic / don't panic / jump in / no just dabble.
  15. if it still looks like pasta sheets and isn't dappled with clearly dodgy mould - it's A1 fine ffs you were a student! eat it
  16. all gathered around the TV for Dr Who Prom we woz there, so the kids are double loving it
  17. I've heard of Forsters (Forsters, Fosters, Forresters?) - I think it's some sort of antipodean brew anybody know where it's readily available? I've heard its refreshing yet competitively priced
  18. well, I'm chuffed for them just get winning out of your system before November
  19. I had a very similar report off my missus....back in the day.
  20. I live very close to a mainline train station yet regularly drive 2 / 3 hours to London for meetings. Train costs close to £200 even if booked in advance and takes 2.5 hours to Paddington, tube from there (£12 to park train station all day). Car costs £45 in petrol and £5 to park, roughly 2.5 hours plus tube from Hammersmith. Car goes directly from my house, I've a guaranteed seat and it doesn't smell of burgers n fries.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzLdQ0unJyc
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