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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Los Campesinos! ha ha excellent noisy but fun, always reminds me of The Go! Team for some reason (equally fuzzy excellent fun)
  2. yeah, it was a bit shitty
  3. in that it has migrated to my garage store, I'd guess it was very much of it's moment like Scooch
  4. yeah it's nice to have a payoff after shitty M4 traffic the payoff is usually a deconstructed caravan, but seeing one of those is better
  5. yep, Black Keys are rather good imo check out their video for Lonely Boy - it might be a myth, but I think they found this guy dancing to the music whils they filmed the 'official' video and decided he was better! also, about 25 / 30 seconds in, somebody has a quick peep out of the window!
  6. yeah, another shout for The Music - it's relegated to the secret stash out the garage now (keeps the visible pile of cd cases below the serious problem threshold) SFA Fuzzy Logic is massively impressive As for supergroups, bring them on! I'm amazed Bicks hasn't mentioned Wings yet!
  7. tbh it was the band that got me into the label that got me into Primal Scream and SFA which itself has spun off in to me going out 12th September to see the awesome band Keys so there is a sort of link, sort of (Biff Bang Pow! by the Creation was one of the very limited number of songs the awful college band I was in could knock out back in the day)
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihCbVT637aM aw man, that sustained drumming gorgeous
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RZJ4ESU52U
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TY7ChlX1vco
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MA1k5b5Hrv4 used to be my 'going out' song
  12. I've only just learnt that, hence a move to Bridgestone. To get totally car nerd for a while: Conti's are silent and comfy but last about 6 months, Bridge are same price, noisier, last a lot longer. Hey, up until fairly recently I'd have been on whatever tyre was on offer the day the metal mesh started showing through my current tyre!
  13. outside, in the office car park right now are two very similar looking big black cars mine has £65 Bridgestones or Continentals on it, the other, owned by the nice lady opposite me, has £220 tyres on the back and different sized wheels with £160 tyres on the front I'd like to say it was planning on my part, but I fluked it. I know to look out for it next time mind!
  14. chrisp65


    I'd be a lot happier with our system if more things were voted down against the will of the PM of whatever colour. It would show a freedom and independence of thought that is usually sadly lacking. Perhaps we need a system without whips where MP's of any hue can have a free vote without sanction on everything, thus allowing more opinion and more thought and more debate. It could even mean we get to find out what sort of chap we voted for, rather than what sort of chap we sent to follow orders. Perfectly happy for a party in power to lose a vote, if it happened more often I'd have more faith in politicians. On the specifics of Syria it has clearly reached and passed a horrible tipping point where it is now hell. There is no western action that will stop it imo and as far as Assad is concerned, if he disappeared this afternoon leaving just a Dear John letter and the keys to the chemical cupboard, the others would continue fighting to see which shade of murdering nutter gets to own the wreckage.
  15. do you need to consider tyre prices, service costs etc.? if the consumables are not a concern, A6 if they are, Skoda Superb
  16. that one that went something something something something something I bet you look good on the dance floor du du du du du du du du du something that rhymes with dancefloor that was good didn't realise they'd done anything else
  17. chrisp65


    no appetite for a bit of an open ended dabble now, that money it appears we had stashed under the sofa to fund any small wars, let's use it to build up some jobs
  18. ooh ooh Dr Feelgood - Down By The Jetty
  19. chrisp65


    There is a small flaw with this approach. Only a teensy weensy one, mind. I hesitate to mention it at all, but what the heck. It's just that this whole war business seems quite a significant sort of thing to undertake, what with all the death and everything. So given that MPs are called to vote on whether to actually go ahead do it or not, I feel that just maybe they ought to have a bit more than "just a summary", to go on. Summary - "bad man did naughty thing. God told me to get them with guns, with my bessy frend Murka - anyone against? No that's that sorted then!" 14 years later, the report into the lying b*stard is still not published. Can't agree with that. If we have under cover agents working with groups all over the region collecting all this intelligence it would blow their cover. Its not as if we just say to Saddam, tell us what you have got and we'll just take it at face value. So if we have people working with all these groups covertly, it wouldn't take them long to realise where the info is coming from. So would you want all this passed onto every MP? Or would you just want a summary of the intelligence passed to them no, you're right, we should just trust what we are told prepare to die arab type people! I have it on good authority from trustworthy agents that stuff has happened I needn't worry myself about proof or detail but it's a big enough secret thing that I should endorse killing you, whoever you are!
  20. chrisp65


    completely agree with Blandy anybody happy to sit in the warm earning £65k a year and vote to send people to kill and be killed on a 'summary' needs to spend a bit of time on the front line
  21. nearest thing I've got to rare is probably a free flexi disc of 'pop art poem' by The Jam. It's shit, but it's rare, probably worth over a pound now. another sought after rarity I'm dead proud of: a signed 10 inch EP from The Merton Parkas (I know, I know, awesome!) kids and their downloads, they got no idea I tells ya, no idea man anyway, back on topic, I guess, 'Exile on Coldharbour Lane' by Alabama 3 would be another wonderful debut
  22. yeah, but imagine if you had one of the 700 copies of the Rowlands album that they managed to sell ! I've still got a couple of Creation sampler cassettes (but nothing to play them on), I threw away most cassettes and my mix tapes, but I hung on to the Creation ones. Whatever happened to Ed Ball? I've got a cassette of him doing some nonsense about astral projection that is just superb. Were Jesus and Mary Chain on Creation? I think so, they were a bit fuzzy. I get the impression there may have been a slight drug culture in the background at Creation HQ. I'm sure management would have stamped on it if they'd found out.
  23. ......I do love that label though! Creation managed that rare thing, if you saw something was on Creation, you could buy it without hearing it, get it home and it would be fine. Primal Scream, The Times and Super Furry Animals as examples. In fact, let's put Fuzzy Logic by SFA up there as a best debut.....
  24. Can we just put this Oasis thing to bed. It is undoubtedly a great album, I have it and still gets played very loud. But there isn't an original thought in there, anywhere. They are a tribute act that write their own songs.
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