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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nUVETWRN1g best live band in the UK at present
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-a3zBkO8WU
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kPN_OJMaAg ooooh, you can hear The Small Faces in this one!
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkb-1ryitXU
  5. chrisp65


    lardycake does sound particularly northern, I'm guessing its a cake with lard as a basic ingredient? sounds........northern anyway, re: France I was there recently and they do appear to have decided to give up, see sense and speak english as a first language
  6. if one of the new young starters has a first name of Tequila......would anyone like to hazard a guess what the middle name was? yep Sunrise how heffing chav is it possible to be in just one lifetime
  7. that's part of the problem isn't it The mahority of clubs are in private ownership and in reality, are a sole trader business for somebody to do what they like with. It's not a normal business though, if I don't like a change made to Asda pies I'll by my pies from Waitrose, but I can't change my football club. For that reason you have to feel sorry for any fans of Kettering. I'll be honest I don't know that much about them or their fan base. I suspect there will be a small crowd of people for whom going to Kettering games has been what they do for 50 or 60 years. Equally, it could be an opportunity to get control of the club for a bit of fan ownership if a deal can be done. It can be a new beginning with community ownership, but that takes lots of people to buy into the deal.
  8. same boat here on breaking bad it's a point of particular pain when you refresh OT and the only new post is in the Breaking Bad thread .........except I'm on series 2
  9. so on the day Mr G Bale agreed to work for £45k per day, 140 year old Kettering Town are being wound up in pursuit of about £30k I know there's no real correlation between the two, but still, it's a funny old world.
  10. a vauable player sorely missed we must be crazy to be getting rid we need to keep hold of this guy lunacy! probs our best playmaker (could we just all be really positive in case Mark Hughes checks the Ireland Reviews before he buys)
  11. wasn't the 'official' language nearly German? it was one of those things where when it REALLY counted all the english speakers got up early and put towels on the ballot boxes
  12. chrisp65


    yeah, if only they'd voted for some limited surgical smart bombing lead by infallible intelligence this would all be fixed and gone away
  13. Not an album as such, more an ep and a compilation ep at that. (best tracks of first few singles) Original release had 5 tracks, 1999 rerelease had 2 bonus tracks and that was released after Moon Safari hey hey hey let's not make the duration of the performance the measure of the man it might be short and quick, but it's a hell of a thing (but yeah, looks like Moon Safari probs counts as proper debut)
  14. yeah, don't ask me to spell it (it's in French) but it's got AIR written in dots on the cover and there's defo a copy of it in my house! ----actually by the power of the interweb its called Premiers Symptomes and pre dates by a year, if its not a studio album that's one tight live sound they've got (but then I suppose they only have to press play on the Macbook) I'd guess it was probably released in the UK after the success of Moon Safari
  15. Merçi beaucoup! whoever said Moon Safari clearly doesn't have their first album (which is equally good) (pedant?)
  16. office already full of chatter and I've got a shed load to do it'll be back to the car for a selection and in with headphones in 5, 4, 3...
  17. well, for what it's worth, I've recently paid £17 for whole family travel insurance for europe that included everything I could think of possibly I've bought insurance I didn't need, but frankly at £17 being able to get 4 people home or pay off the mortgage if the missus fell off the aeroplane was well worth it
  18. you been chasing girls again haven't you?
  19. oh you're so wrong he's a strongman, we need powerful leadership just look at him as he strides manfully across the lobby his puffy whetted red lips telling lesser men they should have voted for bombing and killing he properly is the uttermost stereotype of an upper class chinless turd
  20. Last time a thinker was leader of a Party was Michael Foot And the Tory media went after him for wearing a warm coat on a cold day. yep, I'd have gone the same way deep and principled thinker, not suited to the pack animal mentality of party politics
  21. the vast quantitiy of food I've got out of the allotment this year has been crazy for a year that had a poor start I'm now in food glut and have abandoned the garage to drying out spuds, onions and garlic in the best innuendo tradition of VT I'm constantly trying to force people to take a courgette or marrow about 6 varieties of tomato are all currently going crazy, sweetcorn is ready and for the first year ever the apple trees (planted from pips by the kids!) are about to deliver about 30 / 40 apples if it carries on like this I'm going to be eligible for some sort of agricultural subsidy from Brussels
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