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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Just pictures of nice things really. First off, a vintage Norton motorbike and a black panther.
  2. Lovely little programme on BBC R4 yesterday about science and invention after the Great War. Essentially, lots of the science fiction of the day (Flash Gordon etc) was suggesting alien baddies using death rays. The big players of the day, USA, France, UK, Germany wanted to ensure that if a death ray could be invented they would be ahead of the curve. The Brits threw a load of money at inventing an electro magnetic wave beam gun type thing for melting and killing foreign pilots in mid air. Initial results looked unpromising with scientists reporting the best they could manage was to warm a pilot up by a couple of degrees. One of the problems was the ray hit the aircraft and just bounced back.....then somebody thought that itself might prove useful!
  3. radar was an accidental discovery whilst attempting to invent the death ray
  4. some people just deep down enjoy being the victim - he strikes me as the sort of person that thinks sulking is the optimum route to a shag (it probably is, it's just not him that's getting the benefit) point out his error, then it's up to him if he wants that sort of lifestyle that might sound a bit harsh, but the alternative is a nice long drawn out wallow of self pity which is a bit pathetic when we only get a window of about 50 years to enjoy sex
  5. chrisp65


    Watching the news last night and there were pictures from a broadly 'christian' town, where the Assad supporting national army were trying to get rebels out. The locals, the old men and the business owners locally were trying to help the army get rid of the rebels. Old men with big crucifix's fighting the with Assad. They complained that they had sent the world St Paul (or somesuch) but the world had sent them Al Qaeda. The rebels in that particular town were upset they weren't getting the support, the air strikes, that they thought America had promised. The rebels were the Al Nusra Front, an organisation seen as Al Qaeda in Syria. I can't help wondering how a few USA drone attacks would have helped exactly.
  6. I've done Malta took all afternoon
  7. Kraftwerk have just announced three nights of acoustic gigs at the O2
  8. the cat stinks and digs big holes and coughs a lot it's a badger
  9. UN suggests tory bedroom tax is against human rights, Putin suggests limited strategic air strikes, France offers air space
  10. I think its the same person. Two laptops and one of those half and half hat and makeup scenarios where he turns one way and he's a happy gawdblessya lefty sailor then turns the other way and answers himself as a straw boater wearing chinless toff.
  11. chrisp65


    I'm still getting to grips with sexting. Please remove your underpants before I get home.
  12. if your partner is a nagging ballache, get rid if the second or third partners are also nagging ballaches, get rid and have a long hard look at what you sort of women you tend to be attracted to there's one out there somewhere, it's perfectly possible to be very happy for a very long time, anything else is a waste of both your times
  13. the music for my soon to be missus to walk down the aisle was Handel's 'Arrival of the Queen of Sheba' we rigged up a CD player to a couple of amps and it all worked very well on the wayout, we had a quick burst of theme from Superman for a giggle my mum wanted to meet the people in the orchestra as they were very good! seriously, a little stone methodist chapel, held about 50 people and my mum thought that hidden somewhere behind a curtain we had the New York Philharmonic
  14. yeah, on a serious note I too know a group of three people that thought they knew they were tastey, pooled all their money to create a betting pot of around £40k with the idea of making it their livelihood. Didn't work out.
  15. an hour later, did they want another one?
  16. I have beaten the bookmaker. I went to Chepstow races about 10 years ago and used a quite complex betting formula I'd devised myself. Bet on horses with claret and blue colours, if there are none, bet on horses with a chevron shirt that looks like a large V on the jockey. If there is no claret n blue and no chevron, don't bet. Nobody was more surprised than me when I finished the day about £40 up. Two years later, back at Chepstow, same system and I finished the day £5 up I've never bet before or since, I'm staying in profit. oh, one more tip: bingo halls, where somebody has been playing a machine for a while and they think its due a pay out but they need a wizz or a bacon roll they put a laminated card on the machine reserving it. Those are the machines to play.
  17. festival looks quite promising
  18. they're ok not a patch on nine below zero, who, back in the day were the best band on the road made some awfully disappointing records, but live were just the best
  19. eeeh, when I were a lad we got married in the local church, my mate took the photo's, reception was at the Social and the missus and her mum made the dress biggest expense was a week in Paris which was clearly big news, because when we got back the headline in the local paper for that week was 'Local couple honeymoon in Paris' I guess it was a slow news week, though I thought a more honest headline would have been 'Local couple marry - and she's not even preggers!!'
  20. I have a friend (no, really), I have a friend that is paid really very well over in that europe to do Flemish / Welsh / Flemish translation. He's one of these annoying people that can announce, I have to go to Portugal next month so I can't come out to play, I'm learning Portugese. Hey presto, a couple of weeks later he speaks Portugese. I've consoled myself that he is one of these autistic spectrum types and gets very little sexy time.
  21. nah, I've not made up my mind, I don't look at phones from one year to the next so if someone can come up with a reason that affects me to swap, I'll happily swap. I keep hearing and reading that BB's are awful and everything else is better, but then when I ask, the only answer I get is that the apple is cool and the Samsung does games. I'd happily have a phone with any word or fruit symbol on the outside if it does the job. But yes, if there is no big revelation, (and possibly critically, as I don't pay) then I'll just go awful useless uncool BB again.
  22. to re phrase the question: I've had three or four BB's now. I've currently got a Bold. I like the physical keyboard because hypothetically it means I can send texts and e-mails quite simply whilst driving on private roads! I run three e-mail accounts from it and keep up to date with twitter. On rare occassions when needed I can go on the interweb, I can use it as a GPS. It works as a phone. I can take a photo and send it back to the office. Basically it does everything I've ever wanted it to and none of the BB's have ever let me down. It appears to be physically robust, surviving life on buidling sites including one accidental drop kick from a steel toed boot. Why would I risk changing? The boot of the car contains tablet and laptop, so when I'm not on the move I have other screens at my disposal. I have absolutely zero interest in Angry Birds or WarDemonCarStealer 7. If I want to watch a film, I spend £5 in Asda and watch it on a 15" laptop screen. By contrast, the wife and kids have between them, a Samsung Galaxy, an LG Cookie and an iphone 4S. They all appear happy enough with them, but then they are constantly watching video and playing some game that involves a lot of running around ruined temples and jungle.
  23. out of curiosity, why the hate for the Blackberry Q10? My phone is due for renewal, the Q10 appears to be able to do text, e-mail, photos, phonecalls and twitter. I don't intend to watch movies on something the size of a phone, I don't do games. So for me, e-mailing people and using it for work mostly, what would be noticeably better?
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