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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BhTtmEZmhc
  2. I wish I'd picked something less controversial to kick it off, like footballer, whore or MP.
  3. I'm very much a right hand kind of guy just can't get a consistent riddem for any useful length of time with the left
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98fVjc4MfXQ
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2a4gyJsY0mc
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWrMGXwhFLk
  7. are you by any chance the agent for any bands?
  8. fill your boots at the foodbank. it's what it's for, the people there will want you take what's needed in my experience don't be embarassed or any of that old crap, take what you need and know that when you're in a better position you can donate more than you took
  9. Yep, we can privatise the policing of Thursday, Friday and Saturday night. Those people are a specific problem and should be dealt with without the need to call on a police force, this is what private enterprise is for, helping us all. Yep, we can privatise the policing of football matches. Those people are a specific problem and don't need to draw on valuable and expensive resource that could be out catching kiddy fiddlers. Yep, border control. It's a task that is easily carried out by a competent specialised private entity such as G4S. Yep, motorway traffic policing. An awful lot of energy and money is tied up catching sales reps in BMW's, this could easily be privatised without jeopardising the role of the real police. Yep, no reason why new prisons can't be run by private companies from the U.S., they specialise have a track record and can innovate. Yep, I would approve the use of 'local bobbies' supplied by private contractors so the valuable work of the police doesn't get bogged down in local minor issues.
  10. as much as I try to be as PC as poss, she does look like a thoroughly nice chap
  11. I knew her first name nope, didn't have a clue zero attempt on Twilight. I did well on Blue Peter, 1D & Mr Ryder I had a couple of lucky randoms
  12. erm, it's a bit of a ying and yang moment for me I scored 64% I don't know how to print out the little graphy chart thing I don't know if I wanted to score 64% My score may have been enhanced by my age handicap It did include a couple of lucky guesses
  13. Ginsters are rubbish, but corned beef and 'tato are lovely.
  14. Let's kick this one off with BinPerson / Refuse Collector bloody hard job, needed job, undervalued good on 'em
  15. Does that mean VT is safe now? it's never safe
  16. nailed it 50 minutes to spare and it is posted! coffee time.....
  17. I won the guess the age of the building prize with 1969 Pulled a window out and the cavity included a screwed up copy of the Sun from November 1968 - I was out by 6 weeks! Make it boob shaped. ahh, the inspiration I needed
  18. nothing sexy a revised external elevation of a modest extension to a 1960's concrete framed building
  19. At 8:30am I have to deliver a drawing I haven't started yet. I think VT needs turning off.
  20. I couldn't be a taker. I just don't have it in me.
  21. I don't like to make a big deal about it, but I believe I'm the world's best at approximate per centages. It's both a gift and a curse.
  22. Cable strikes me as a man positioning himself to be Lib leader in a LibLab government. What we have to remember is that the prime objective of any political party is to get in to power and stay in power. If the country is made a better place during the execution of that task, well that's just a happy accident.
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