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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. I don't think domestic quantities of white asbestos in artex has needed proper licensed removal for a few years? If you know when it was artexed, that'll help you decide the relative risk. Early 70's ropey, late 70's 'should' be ok, mid 1980's you'll be fine it shouldn't contain asbestos at all. The wet method (steamer) is best, sanding down anything that creates air borne dust n crap is not a good idea.
  2. that's the monkey every ceiling was artex in the house I'm currently in, plus the stair and landing walls and one bedroom all walls and ceiling then painted over with dark blue gloss
  3. That's when you know you've made it to the big time. Earning a decent salary while browsing the net all day reality is I pretty much choose my hours as long as the work is done, but today, that meant being in the office just after 7:00am, bunking off about 4:00pm and now just about to start up again for a few hours so a bit of interweb in the middle is neither here or there
  4. generic use of word coke! I think Beefeaters and the like are usually Pepsi
  5. majority of visits to the pub these days include a family meal and I'll generally stick to diet coke
  6. Weird, much of the booze stashed around my place is thank you booze from people I've knocked out a few building drawings for. I don't charge (so there's no liabiltiy when it falls down!), so they bring a bottle. It generally gets recycled as Christmas presents if its any good. I do drink in the house on occassion, but a bottle of red or white will generally have the last glass or two poured away after being open a week. I currently have a bottle of port and a bottle of whiskey, both opened last Christmas I reckon.
  7. well without wishing to turn this into a love in, my next scheduled drink is 2nd December, an Alabam 3 gig where I've already booked the following day out to non specific meetings! then, just to prove we are brothers by different mothers, my next scheduled drink will be at a Billy Bragg gig (spare if you're interested Tony!!!) - fight the power, man, fight the power!
  8. I've never experienced a 'hangover' as such, if hangover includes a bad head / headache. I've only ever had 2 or 3 headaches in my life at all and non were drink related. I do tend to be physically ill, get super sleepy, have stomach cramps and generally feel dog rough if I've really really gone binge tastic. But no, never a headache. Which incidentally, leads me to remember that as a kid, we used to have paracetemol parties. Spectacularly stupid, I'd freak if I thought my kids did that. Couple of paracetemol and then a few cans of strong.
  9. just thought I'd quote it in case he does think better of it....
  10. yeah, it does actually coincide with a lack of live music on my part too I am the original binge drinker, nothing for quite some time and then play the no two drinks can be the same game and have a lost weekend.
  11. I was going to contribute to the real ale thread, then had a little think and realised I haven't drunk any alcohol for a few weeks. Not deliberate, I've just not bothered. To be honest, the house currently looks like a typical alchie's place with bottles in all sorts of odd places. I've got a shoe rack full of red wine, whiskey and rum under the bed and guiness in the garage. But I haven't had a drink, home or away, for a while. I'm guessing it must have been early September when I last had something, and that was probably either a small rum n coke watching telly or a single glass of red with a Sunday lunch. I just wanted to share that.
  12. It is the most bizarre 'fix' of a broken system. Supply and demand is broken in the housing market, demand is massively outstripping supply so prices are high. The fix? Give people more access to more credit, thus boosting demand. But here's the clever bit as explained by the government, that additional demand will convince builders to build soooo many houses, the supply will be fixed and prices will 'normalise'. Yeah, good luck with that plan.
  13. ah cheers for that one, yes it's the hdmi which is free and which I'd presumed I'd use, I'd noticed you can pick them up for under £20 without any effort it was the kinect and all that, that was looking like a bind, I think they'll get a fairly basic bundle and then it's over to them to spend theirs on anything else ta
  14. aye, cheers I think that was just the interweb version of saying it out loud we can now begin the wondeful world of accessorising an xbox it's a £149 bargain! all we need now is an extra controller some better leads some £40 games a kinnect thing a charger ...........
  15. Shoes definitely need a thread of their own. picked up a pair of Ikon desert wellies yesterday, dark brown suede, slammed from £66 down to £16 very happy
  16. I'm taking my nippers to some BBC Dr Who convention over that weekend - they were in panic mode they'd miss it on the telly!
  17. ok chaps, you'll have to excuse my complete lack of knowledge on games consoles. I think i already know the answer here, I just wanted a sanity check. My kids are of an age where the Wii is beginning not to cut it. They've done all the zoo games and they've saved a lego Dr Who and driven cartoon cars around an oval. The eldest now fancies shooting nazi zombies and that isn't the Wii forte apparently. It looks perfectly possible to me to have the Wii and an Xbox wired up to the TV at the same time (Panasonic Viera with more sockets on the back than a Rick Wakeman Synth). BUT! does anyone know a reason why this won't work? Already got a Virgin box plugged in, plus a dvd player, plus a VCR! but still plenty of sockets left. cheers in advance
  18. ok this is how it works you wear a spycam and an ear piece VT can give you realtime advice, just do what we advise on your date, it can't possible fail
  19. aah I had a Lupo GTi as a courtesy car for a couple of weeks whilst VW did a free engine rebuild on my Golf mental car, didn't want to give it back, but then I was driving it like it belonged to a large company that had tried to screw me over
  20. tell them it's a meth lab, loads of cred in that apparently
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