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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Redwood in Welsh wouldn't work terribly well on the radio so that would have been preferable. Unfortunately he was spouting off in english about how privatisation will be so good for the workers of Royal Mail he was mystified why they had any concerns.
  2. how do you clean the inside of a DAB radio? turned mine on this morning and Redwood was talking
  3. or he's even more feminine than we'd thought and he's trying to shock her into commitment
  4. Whilst I'm at it, anyone got any recipes for marrow? I guess we'll do variations on chutney.
  5. last of last years pumpkin soup, self assessment is wonderful, but t'was a bloody good batch making freezer space for this year's pumpkin soup
  6. Sadly true. Usually spouted by people who assume all hours worked are equivalent, whether it involves simple work at an easy pace, or lunching clients, or being on the internet while the boss can't see, or gutting chickens, or handling a class of hormonal 14-year olds. I've never taught children, but I've taught adults both in training courses and in formal education, and I found it one of the more tiring and draining jobs I've had (and I've had a few). It's a bit sad that some people who know nothing about teaching are so dismissive of what teachers do, and that their criticism is so shallow that it's usually limited to hours, holidays, or daring to join a trade union. Internet ribbing apart does anyone actually think that ? You could argue of course the teacher stereotyping is no worse than that of champagne quaffing city bankers earning £3m a year for dining out on expenses etc stereotyping I'm not sure many really believe it, but it is funny because invariably teachers are uber sensitive about it, which makes me suspect....... I've also discussed this previously with Stef, and it's a subject that gets heated. There are many levels of teaching and like every job there are good and bad teachers and there are easier and harder places to teach. I know a few teachers, I wouldn't want to do their job, I also don't feel particularly sorry for them with their 2 volvo long summer lifestyle. Two of the biggest influences on me were two inspirational teachers, one of whom, 37 years later, I'm good friends with..
  7. you did, yes I'm going to say I was just further reinforcing your excellent point. carry on that man....
  8. it's a single free school, there are apparently many more state schools failing but not hitting the media in such a big way a single example of anything cannot be extrapolated out across the whole piece as 'shit idea' don't get me wrong, it is a shit idea, but this isn't the sum total of the proof
  9. The gas and electric prices are not driven by UK inflation. We don't like wind turbines, we don't like coal. we don't like nuclear, nobody wants a field of solar panels near them, nobody wants a severn barrage, nobody wants anything anywhere to be built in Britain. That's fair enough, we can buy our energy from johnny foreignor. Johnny says pay more. End of. Perhaps, just perhaps, we should have a UK self sufficient in energy and food? Perhaps, just perhaps, we should all recognise that there are massive savings still to be had by using energy more efficiently. How many lights are on around your house right now? How many phones left on charge? TV's on stand by? I'm no hippy, but there's more to this than greedy British Gas. ....and whilst I'm on it, what the fucksox are the government doing negotiating building and managing a nuclear power station with the Chinese! There's a disjointed national energy security policy, and then there's inviting China in to sell us nuclear.
  10. In an office you will often have appraisals, reviews, annual assessments etc., the reality is, your salary and your job security are the two clues you get that negate the need for all those reviews etc..
  11. I also believe that to be tosh. You're just looking under the wrong rocks.
  12. If you have headphones and a spare one hour 6 minutes, get on youtube and listen to the whole album Solar Corona by The Machine. Alternatively just start it at 58 minutes and get a condensed scuzzy fuzzy psych stoner jam session. Anyway, I'm off to maybe have a biscuit and stare at the garden, lots to do, lots to do.
  13. working fro home.......everyone else is out, the neighbours are out, the music is air bendingly loud....
  14. could I change it to mildly disappointed?
  15. Alan Duncan at No 256 he'll know about this list, and he'll be gutted
  16. Don't admit you're a teacher on here. It's a minority and you've let yourself in for a world of pain now it'll be very interesting to see what he gets the most stick for, there's the legitimate teacher baiting, but there's also the aggressive atheist zealot obsessive element ( closet mormons probably)
  17. oh it was real, some of it was drink talking, some of it was teasing, some of it was depressingly real My rule was pretty simple, one at a time (Mr Monogamous), staff roughly my age was fine, guests the same age as my mum were strictly off limits. Don't get me wrong, that makes it read like I turned people down due to my high standards In reality, the thought of performing with some woman whilst the fat hubby was in the bar or at the foot of the bed scared me shitless. That was the norm, end of the evening a middle aged couple staying the night would start talking chit chat. She ends up sat at the bar, he stays a short distance away at a table, she asks if I have a girlfriend, then the offer of sex of some description. Fnaar fnaar, but you could see it coming a mile off. Others took every 'opening' that presented itself. That wasn't for me.
  18. Oh don't get me wrong, he's great, I'm just worried he's going to get cocky and either burn out too early or agree to meet Morpheus in a Travelodge somewhere.
  19. I haven't read this thread, I just popped in to tip the wink to StigVillan about VT etiquette you've posted last in the top 5 or 6 threads, you've blanket bombed always limit yourself to 2 or 3 then wait for somebody somewhere to get in with one, makes it look less like you have no other life that way (that's my little rule, as I have no other life)
  20. as a kid I got a job in a local hotel, at 15 I was just a general help, a gofer I got to liking having cash and worked there on and off for a few years, eventually from 17 / 18 becoming night barman and night porter I saw some mad stuff man, I saw some mad stuff. I also had some batshit crazy invitations from middle aged women, many married, many with their hubby sat 3 seats away in the bar. Luckily, I was way too nice a lad to get mixed up in any of that shenanagins. Never been happier than now and the age I am now.
  21. sorry Brommy, Chesil Beach today
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