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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Huge over-reaction there I think. You don't ban something that's fundamentally harmless because there are inconsiderate idiots out there. You try to catch the idiots. You could literally ban every single outdoor activity if you let the hooligans dictate what was safe and healthy. yeah, that sort of response would see 30,000 people having to sit down because of a few dozen idiots at every fo.......oh, never mind.
  2. It was a fantastically poorly overdubbed Chinese import with special effects that made 1970’s Dr Who look slick, but it was quite the craze in my school. They put it on the early TV slot so you’d run home from school, jammie dodger, squash, watch Monkey then all out to batter the living daylights out of each other re enacting the fight scenes. This has now morphed into slo mo fight scenes in the kitchen with my kids where they know that if I shout (in a stereotype Chinese voice) ‘ahhhhh, monkaaaaay’, they need to be on their slo mo fight game.
  3. yeah I was kinda trying to stitch two stories together. Loved Monkey and his little cloud when I was a kid.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7jyuPR2TVA
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdUx2SYOiEk
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6spfVf425EY the first three bumps and the crowd goes nuts best start to any gig, every time
  7. to be fair he's covered a few bases with one catch all comment
  8. coulda been worse, imagine if Woy was yer dad
  9. pads to help keep clean sheets?
  10. good call that was where my Julian Fellowes was heading, but you nailed it
  11. Strictly is a very pervy programme I'm trying to get through Breaking Bad, so the Strictly shows are my chance to plug in the headphones on the laptop and get a bit of Meth Soap. But from what I've seen it's all about the camera at the top of the stairs where you might see some cleavage heave as the females run up the stairs.
  12. will Mr Morrissey's book be available as a talking book? who would voice it? Timmy Mallet? Julian Fellowes? Joe Pasquale?
  13. govt minister this morning suggested 25,000 British jobs guaranteed to be created by the new nuclear station at Hinckley a Labour type slip was queried by the interviewer who questioned if he could guarantee they'd be British he then spoke for quite a while but I didn't actually spot an answer, but apparently we have negotiated hard for something or other and this is just the beginning and it answers many er questions and of course this is good for all of us and don't forget we already sell some stuff to China so, ya know, yeah, all good all good
  14. I'm willing to stand up for evidence on 1 and 100. The man is a liar, but to be fair, it goes with the job, regardless of the colour of the jumper.
  15. there is good music and there is bad music arguements over fashion, date and dance steps are juvenile (with the obvious exception that heavy rock / Kiss / Queen / Prog rock / MOR / Metal / Thrash etc is excrement)
  16. I refuse to believe No 1 and No 100 on that list. I just refuse to believe that our Prime Minister would give an absolute face to camera read my lips style 'judge me on this' pledge that he would personally protect and ring fence Sure Start above all. If we can't trust our own PM on such an absolute pledge, well, I don't know what to think. My only doubt in my personal belief in the personal promise of our PM is that I do know people that worked in Sure Start, but don't anymore, due to cuts.
  17. aye very lucky to have seen them in the Windmill in Brixton, just a great shouty singalong night. The Windmill is little more than a basic backstreet boozer and has quickly become one of my fave gig venues .
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVdfiP8R2oI
  19. woop woop woop presumption anti tory means pro labour alert! presumption anti tory means pro labour alert! presumption anti tory means pro labour alert! presumption anti tory means pro labour alert! woop woop woop
  20. How many great songs do you need? I'm of the cock push up persuasion, one is all you need. As it happens, the Ramones have more than one, maybe up to three. To go off on a tangent, the Shonen Knife tribute band are probably the most fun you'll ever get out of a tribute band.
  21. feeling cold? buy a Boden jumper has to be Boden mind
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sfhvxTZ0wo
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