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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. the kids have been in to watch Thor 2 tonight, both loved it, came out all hyper and wanting to go straight back in and watch it again but here's the thing... they weren't sat together, they went in with different friends but both bought raffle tickets for a limited edition Thor poster. In the draw, with 3 prizes offered in total, my two both won! what are the chances of that!
  2. given the racial profile and ethnic mix of prisons down in the south east, I'd hate to think what they are in for became public knowledge
  3. chrisp65

    Lou Reed

    C of E? perfectly legit
  4. On size of organ, I just made sure I married somebody with a chapel not a cathedral.
  5. schoolboy error on my part here: I've blagged my name on the door for a private party, Medusa, Brixton where a band I like are playing. I think it's a relaunch of the venue or soemthing as its been closed a few months. Got on to the band's list, don't know the people who's party it is. Anyway, having blagged a place THEN I chose to ask what time they would be on stage. Sometime between midnight and 5:00am depending on the vibe! ffs
  6. I was once told by somebody that knew what they were talking about that I was 'spectacularly average' in both equipment and technique. There was a strange comfort in that review.
  7. it would appear from the poll results in so far that Stef and Rev have tiny cocks
  8. seriously, 'tis a VT tradition, anybody reporting any form of disease or symptom will get the following: A: I have a bald patch B: could be aids A: good aids or bad aids? B: good aids A: thank fudge for that! similarly, whenever anybody asks for present or gift ideas, it is VT law that somebody has to suggest a pearl necklace
  9. it's the lesser version of aids, the other being bad aids basic first aid knowledge there
  10. chrisp65


    in years to come when my kids ask 'what did you do in the great storm of 2013 daddy?' I'll be able to look them in the eye, put my clenched fist to my heart and say with a waivering voice 'I put a brick on top of the bin lid, that did the trick'.
  11. Anyway, far more important than somebody that's clearly found a load of road kill: I spent yesterday converting an autumn glut of marrows, onions and apples into various pickles and chutneys with variations on ginger and turmeric etc liberally randomly applied. I think the smell has got into the fabric of the house.
  12. I've got a double oven, you heffing pleb. (I never said pleb, I did not say pleb, but if pushed, I will apologise)
  13. I don't think that's a decent analogy at all unless you are suggesting that communistic political ideas didn't exist before Marx. Communistic social ideals go back to the Druids, but the various far left Communistic movements of the post 1917 era - when "Communism" entered the political lexicon of the modern world - have their roots in Marxism. I've seen Les Mis too, and the French had a version even earlier. I haven't, do you mean the Paris Commune in 1871? If so Marx (and Engels) first published the Communist Manifesto in 1848. ....which is even earlier than 1917, Wolfie out of the X Men is in it, very good. People do like to argue over points of pedantry in the politics thread.
  14. I don't think that's a decent analogy at all unless you are suggesting that communistic political ideas didn't exist before Marx. Communistic social ideals go back to the Druids, but the various far left Communistic movements of the post 1917 era - when "Communism" entered the political lexicon of the modern world - have their roots in Marxism. I think lots of UK governments were worried about communism and communists long before 1917. I've seen Les Mis too, and the French had a version even earlier.
  15. chrisp65


    I live at the top of a hill with views out over the coast. Got windy and rained at 4:30am. One slate dislodged. Earth still turning.
  16. I wasn't aware that there was a credible argument? Marxism (or to keep it simple, anything further left than democratic socialism) has failed utterly everywhere it was attempted, being the root cause of misery, tyranny and many tens of millions of deaths. I wouldn't deny the attractiveness of theory but unfortunately it doesn't survive first contact with human nature. Having read a little bit on Marx and his theories, I'd be interested to know where they've been tried out. Waitrose is the closest example I can think of.
  17. This "ahem" massage parlour you are running, is there a lot of trade at the moment then? I've got an opening at 10 if you're interested. Top down, handy shandy, bon voyage. How much for a Cleveland steamer? The Clevedon Steamer is just a shilling Sir. It's a bit extra if you want somebody to crap on you mid trip.
  18. chrisp65

    Lou Reed

    it's funny.............because it's true!
  19. chrisp65

    Lou Reed

    I was in a minority and quite liked 'Lulu' the Lou R / Metallica collaboration of a couple of years ago. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HC9Z_D8hFiA
  20. chrisp65


    lord knows what it'll be like by midnight
  21. ah don't worry about it, you can still quote each other for 6 pages working out exactly what it is that you agree on
  22. I find I need the time pressure to do my decent work. With the best will in the world, any work I did / do that is in good time won't have any inspiration. It's the stuff done at 1:00am that's got the good ideas in it. I did an entire degree in the bit of the day where I wasn't working or spending the evening with the family. Everybody packed off to bed at about 11:00, get the coffee on and work through until about 2 / 2:30, then off to bed and up at 7:00 for work. Come the weekend, I'd view that as my time and generally waste it on leisure and family.
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