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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Yeah, that'll certainly buy influence there's no denying that, money talks, but that 1.5 Billion is the equivalent of not quite 10 eurofighters, so relatively small beer in that market. Dassault have been busy selling to Japan and India this year, ten times that Saudi figure, but that's not to say that Hollande (or Cameron or any of them), wouldn't do a sexy dance for that sort of money. Which moves me on to another digression / thought, aid for India....ten billion dollars to spend on fighter aircraft, Mars mission, nuclear programme......
  2. I'm not convinced Hollande is Saudi's puppet. From a few articles I've read and listened to recently, I think perhaps he's just plain out of his depth with poor advisers and a desperate worry about clinging to old world French views of French exceptionalism and France's perceived place in the world. If it is France that is stopping a sensible deal being done, I would suggest this might be for no moredeep or ideological reason than to distract the French and rack up some world leader photo opportunities.
  3. it's difficult to pick fault in a single word of that, it is indeed, all about timetabling unfortunately, today, I have a mad amount of work because yesterday I went into the office and it was as manic as I'd expected, I have a mad deadline and yesterday i was distracted by every fucktard's query, anecdote and just a 2 minute question for you...I'm in the zone today, clacking out the drawings.... anyway, got to go....you know....
  4. working from home, neighbours are away, volume set to proper listening (seriously, working from home is where it's at, I've done more here in 3 or 4 hours than I achieved all day yesterday in the office)
  5. I think it tends to be bollocks, from my humble and limited experience. However, I do see a lot of traditionalist conservative types that go to church and talk church talk, as that is where they perceive the power, influence and the favours to be. You will also find them at the golf club, and the Masons and all those old power types of places. That does not mean they believe in golf balls or nipples.
  6. Roger Dean Artwork? I used to have books and books of Roger Dean artwork but they fell victim to the great personal revolution of '78 / '79 (I know that's a little late, I lived in a backwater, radio signal took that bit longer to get there)
  7. well today they announced the website was taking orders for photo opportunities and autographs at the show on Saturday 23rd website went into meltdown, kids panicked and it became apparent quite quick who had access to parents credit card details
  8. you could sprinkle a little cheese on that
  9. 6 10 Jesus would be an excellent band name - and I claim it here first
  10. there's a like button but not a hunt it down and stamp it to death button that feels one sided
  11. I think you'll find bird bird is the word
  12. yeah, you'll want to make sure you've put a damp towel over your hair before that remedy
  13. it's the Melbourne ear spider you've got to worry about crawls in your ear whilst you sleep, lays 2,000 eggs that hatch years later, your head explodes spewing baby Melbourne Ear Spiders everywhere sure sign there's an ear spider around? no other spiders will come near the place....
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHuwOgc2D9s
  15. Never got to see Skindred, tbh only found out about them through trying to hunt down Dub War stuff there was a period back then when Newport just got a real spurt of creativity, got to the point record labels were hanging around schools looking for kids holding recorders or triangles I'm sure The old Bute Town Carnival used to be good for a bit of dub (before the whole area got sanitised), battles between sound systems and vans selling nothing but Red Stripe.
  16. yeah went and saw them in Newport, King's Hotel possibly, quite a heavy sound I've got quite a soft spot for a bit of Dub at the moment - I have a 2 day pass for next weekend for a bit of an allnighter watching these guys... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bTvwlLRlx4&list=UUxpIMxDQuQ3XRx9qGTBUYoQ
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19DPCAog4gI
  18. Dub War http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfGd-nXFfVY loved them
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTPuhEC71Wg floor filler / fight starter when I was a club going nipper, you found out what sort of crowd was in when this got played unusually, it was one of those tracks where the boys would happily get up and dance
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