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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. got a full drumkit* in the house with a few sets of expensive acoustic pads still loud, but doesn't penetrate the fabric of the party wall or 'travel', so everyone's happy when we know the neighbours are out we go for pads off death or glory and bloody hell you hear the difference * started life as a £99 Aldi special offer and is being swapped up piece by piece as the kids have proven to be serious about it and passed exams
  2. group of us have been to a trendy indian restaurant in Shoreditch tonight, Dishoom, nice enough without being awesome as a group we've spent something like £700+ over the evening first thing they said when we arrived was that they needed us out by 9:30 as they had another booking later I know that happens, but have some bloody tact, don't be rude to customers shelling out hundreds 'cos come the end of the meal you get **** all tips
  3. The French Connection (on my old telly)
  4. The Ladykillers Psycho King Kong Them Invasion of the Bodysnatchers (I know, I know, classy tastes)
  5. Bicks of course, absolute basics, 'my bad' as dickheads are bound to say. That'll be half a bottle of red kicking in, that's my excuse.
  6. Facebook: Paul Heaton Well, apparently David Cameron likes London 0 Hull 4. Which part of the attack on his policies and rich friends did he like best??? London 0 Hull 4 is my favourite album ever, and I know every word of every song, and the sleeve art is imprinted in my mind forever. The sleeve notes contain the phrase "Take Jesus, Take Marx, Take Hope". As Paul Heaton has admitted he's not a Christian, I think having a go at Cameron for not agreeing with the contents of the album is a bit rich. but it was Housemartins, a collaborative effort, perhaps the Rev Dicky Coles was partly responsible?
  7. My sleep pattern was utterly vanilla until I decided it was a good idea to do a degree in reduced time (4 year course in 2 years), including doing the dissertation (the future of 3D Building Information Modelling, software and reality) in parallel whilst holding down my full time job. I did it by working until 5 or 6, family time until 10 or 11 then work from 11 through until whatever it needed to be, often 3 in the morning, then up for work 6 / 7 depending on where I was working that day. That has truly ruined my sleep pattern and now I stay up late and get up early but once every couple of weeks crash and sleep until my wife checks if I'm still alive. I have slept for 24 hours when they all went away one weekend! I reckon if I'd worked any more hours I'd have turned into a teacher.
  8. Christmas is excellent once you have kids! As soon as we had our first, we were legally and morally able to declare Christmas is now spent at our house and we don't go gettin' in no cars! So it's up early for prezzies, I cook the lunch, a few family come around for lunch making it 8 of us this year. We eat and drink more than is good for us, my particular thing being, I will personally put away a couple of bottles of fizzy. Boxing Day, a walk down to the beach and a 50/50 chance I'll join the nutcases going in for a dip (kids are in a surf and lifesavers club so its become a bit of a tradition).
  9. I hope nobody here is suggesting a politician would claim to like something he's never heard of because some intern has told them it's a cool thing to latch on to! You'll be telling me they don't regularly eat pasties next.
  10. giant tower, loads of foreign types, stalls selling tat, probably just thought the tide had gone out
  11. one to get everyone in the mood for Christmas... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEwi7Un7is0
  12. Well how do you feel when you look at your uncle? I just wanted to say how funny that was. That was really funny.
  13. and if you enter special code 2 4 1 when applying, they'll phone you up mid term and offer you a top up
  14. I always suspect men's men that huff and puff about Abbafaggots go home, close the door and prance around in a leotard with it tucked up out of sight singing Voulez Vouz. I've seen enough american movies and Sun headlines to know whee it goes. Ex head of Co-Op bank? Abba hating meth head addicted to grindr. Classic story arc.
  15. this Japanese guy with the erotic art is excellent (and I've now moved on to Cheerios with double cream for my sore throat)
  16. been shouting and screaming at the footy all evening, now watching artsy tv this is a wonderful country and I'm a lucky boy
  17. outsider art? is that somebody that works outside in the rain? I'm watching because I'm intellectual!
  18. I don't think the Tories are trying to do that. I think they're basically focussed on trying to pull the very wealthy up even further, to protect an elite. I was expressing my opinion of what any government's approach should be, not what the Tories are up to. My comment on a previous page wasn't in support of Boris, simply pointing out the factual basis in his claim that the super rich pay nearly 1/3 of the entire tax take and what that actually means in terms of a contribution to society. Of course we could continue this charade that's it all the evil rich Tories screwing everyone else, or maybe open our eyes, look across the chamber and notice that, actually, the official opposition are not short of a bob or two themselves.. Ed Miliband's Bollinger bolsheviks Despite the class-war rhetoric, Labour’s elite is still intensely comfortable with being filthy rich — and it’s becoming ever more so Maybe then people might notice what a manufactured sham this whole "hooray for the rich! No, burn the rich!" argument actually is. Where's that Rory Delap when you need him? Anti tory does not automatically mean pro labour, I'm shocked at how difficult a concept that appears to be.
  19. NASA, but guess who forced them into it?
  20. I think their airforce was so shite this could be plan B, get over the east end and chuck corned beef at it. Hopefully nothing heavy will hit our 'Arry.
  21. yep, appears to be a bit of a complex character, but responsible for some killer tunes that make your body move
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