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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. I've given Big Bird multiple likes, it may only come out as a single like, but it was 3! That may have just set my listening theme for a few hours, immense. I found a live version on some free CD on Mojo or somesuch a while ago and it makes it onto just about every mixtape I do.
  2. Both their customers were in there for the wide choice of 39 colours of Skullcandy headphones anyway.
  3. I would like for my family to be happy, healthy, educated, and aware, I do not require excess to achieve that, I do not need to envy others to strive for that. I am not a hippy!
  4. Sorry, he hasn't said people want to improve their lot, he said greed and envy were good. If we did all take Boris seriously and adopt that stance, where would one nation conservatism and big society be? Personally, I don't count being against greed and envy as moral high ground, anymore than I'd count not mugging people or not committing fraud as moral high ground. I suppose appearing to take the moral high ground can be quite easy when discussing the ethics of Boris style conservatives. If you don't enjoy the greed, but agree with it, well that's just odd surely? Reluctantly greedy? Unavoidably greedy?
  5. that's awful Do you really believe greed is essential? Greed? I have a desire to improve the lot of my family, of those around me and the whole planet. I want to improve the conditions for my kids and people I won't ever meet that won't be born until after I'm gone. I can improve the lot of my family by working hard, being innovative, helping the economy, helping the community, pushing good causes, donating time and money where good can be done. I'm no saint, I just believe in basic common good. Enjoy the greed.
  6. That proves nothing. It's a bonnet. I'm not even sure it's a bear. Misinformation everyfkingwhere you look on the internet. I'm beginning to doubt some of the stuff I read on the net.
  7. Pope, shit, woods??? I thought I'd made that up all on my own. Lately it's been my phrase I try to shoe horn into conversations. Why say yes, when you can say does the pope shit in the woods. Or in polite company, do bears wear a funny hat?
  8. I couldn't resist hitting the sty with a 1000 kiloton bomb. 577,780 dead. War is hell. I'm just thinking there might be a slight flaw in your plan. It's a great plan, there's just this, thing....
  9. I heard that Boris speach with his reference to the essential spirit of envy. It has done nothing to change my opinion of the ignorant turd.
  10. Well, I've been married 23 years and we're both, ahem, working from home tomorrow.
  11. How wrong you are. They drove the car that was every boys dream at the time (unless you were a Fall Guy fan), the excellent Ford Capri. not wrong, just cheap trolling there was a definite evolution of the lad in my little gang we all walked and had equally pitiful success with the ladies then a few got scooters, and with scooters came the first girlfriends then I got a Morris Marina and I was top of the pile then two of my mates got Capris, and the transformation was just ridiculous all of a sudden they had the pick of the girls One had a bright red Capri with flared wheelarches (which we eventually managed to shave off mis judging an entrance to a posh house). One had a wonderful hand painted black Capri that was gang HQ for a while. By hand painted, I mean we had a pot of black gloss and some paint brushes, parked it up a lane where it was quiet and painted it. You were top of the tree with a Capri.
  12. didn't they drive a truly shit car? like some sort of unreliable penis extension?
  13. yeah I think it's been phrased that way before levi is the lesbo turner of myth and legens it is said in legend, that somewhere in americacaca, in the woody bit that's a bit like Britain if you squint, there is a man so virile that ladies that love ladies cannot resist and are turned back to the right path
  14. Opel Manta was the big deal when i was a kid. I remember somebody getting a yellow one and us kids used to just go and stand there looking at it. I don't have a performance spec to hand, but in every way that counts, the Opel Manta would piss all over a Chevvy Mustang.
  15. Call me Shallow Hal but she's a bit on the heffalump side for my liking you just know that any attempt to snort off those tatas is going to end with her tits under her armpits and £80 of charlie stuck to the duvet
  16. why would they do that? It's a part of modern culture I really don't understand. Don't get me wrong, there are always going to be immature turds that want to spoil a secret surprise. But these days, there's a whole market out there crying out for it. Right down to the 50p TV magazines that every week tell you what will happen in next week's soaps. It's bad enough people watching Emmerdale Enders, but bloody hell, they love to know what's going to happen - and then watch it anyway! Anyway, hopefully the story line goes something like..... quiet Christmassy scene happy Dr and Totty assistant danah!!!!! baddies!!!!! running around running around epic monologue with not too many difficult words in it baddies defeated by slightly implausible non-science babble last baddy pings in one last shot that drops the doc much much sadness and recap of his best bits regeneration capaldi announces baddies can **** the **** off and clearings in the woods them with a stick
  17. Barry Island beach for me on doomsday. Sit on the breaksea wall, cup of coffee from Marco's and smash the front off the grabber machine just to see if there really is an ipod in that box. Oh, and hotwire the little train ride to give free rides.
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