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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. I'm not well read enough on the subject to give an adequate response to this, so I suggest reading this and going on from there if you're interested. well, I just read that paper, and perhaps as a white male I'm not best placed to offer a crit on it but it's flawed and my kneejerk reaction to the flaw is that it was written with the best of intentions by somebody looking to adopt an arguement or stance they haven't yet fully developed (which is stated in the text to be fair) and also, it's written by a white american feminist in the 1980's. I think she's using the word 'white' where she means 'affluent white american from around here'. item 2: I can avoid spending time with people whom I was trained to mistrust.... that proves white priviledge? You can't tell me that poor white trash from Texas get to choose the colour of all their neighbours any more than whities in the east end of London can chose to spend time in nice trustworthy affluent white only ghettos. Nice idea, doesn't stand up to simple scrutiny.
  2. oi! don't you start that British team crap on here, I'll hunt you down.....
  3. Brian Little rings me most mornings to make sure I'm up for work....... ......or he could be checking the coast is clear. Either way I'm happy with it.
  4. Already? Reminds me of Michael Jackson's death...all those black artistes putting out singles in remembrance. Not sure if I like it. Legov, it's nearly 30 years old mate. It was quite a big deal around here, I had a little pin badge on my bag and everything.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSdptfM8EiE
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fHpUbkEWa0
  7. http://www.ipsos-mori.com/Assets/Docs/Polls/ipsos-mori-autumn-statement-charts.pdf from those tripping lefties ipsos-mori
  8. momo give it a rest, you're coming over as a tit in a thread to celebrate Nelson Mandela if you want a debate over whether people should apologise for the mores and actions of others that lived 250 years ago but had similar skin tones, hit the new thread button personally I have no white guilt, I don't even understand the concept loved what Mandela did, he taught the bad power a good lesson in a way that is a model for others
  9. No Wales in the draw again I see. Racist FIFA.
  10. I didn't have a clue what to get my 10 year scouse nephew for Christmas. So I just put £20 in his nan's purse.
  11. Time to join the Snip Club I reckon mate The snip trip is a great day out! Wasn't too keen on providing the sample to establish whether it had worked mind, it was a bloody big wide pot they gave me. Not good for your self esteem when the sample doesn't come up to the first measuring line.
  12. Last few weeks we've both worked from home Thursdays and Fridays. This week the kids were home on an inset day and I've got a cold. I've been in the office all day. Am I a bad man?
  13. Bit like Gerry Adams of IRA infamy? now there's a thread that should start just after dark....
  14. Argos, July 2007, never looked back head looks like a car crash, but i've saved a mint!
  15. How many films was he the 'go to' guy to play a quirky black God?
  16. Yep, a society increasingly drowning in sentimentality and emotional porn. Quite what relevance the death of a nice old dude has to the football going public of another nation two continents away is questionable. A few documentaries on the BBC should cover it. The Diana guff was the tipping point and it's been downhill since then, imho. It's a tricky one, he did have a sport influence in that sport had boycotts successful and broken around apartheid. Also, he was about as high profile a world leader as there is. But by the same token, the list does grow longer and longer of people we are supposed to commemorate at sport and yes, since that Diana death porn we have been encouraged to look harder and harder for something to grieve. I'm not sure I want a return to stoicism and stiff upper lips in all circumstances ever, but we do need to get a bit of a grip. I know there is an obscure cup game in North Wales tomorrow where they've already agreed a minute's silence will be observed. It feels a little irrelevant to the game at hand, but equally, I'll happily respect it.
  17. take it to the conspiracy thread? He dies on the day of the premiere of his new film. Bit too convenient. That was the first thing my missus said! She had a mental picture of the bean counters and suits involved in the film punching the air whilst typing out condolences and platitudes.
  18. take it to the conspiracy thread?
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3NJwyzFlTE a bit obvious (or crass), but it is a bloody good song to one of the good guys
  20. I got up at 5 am and went out in my dressing gown to retrieve our wheelie bin from the road. Dressing gown ... Ummm.... and? Oh, you wear a dressing gown. All this time there was me thinking you're male. real men wear dressing gowns kidults wear onesies, underpants higher than their trousers, american baseball caps at jaunty angles, flip flops, clothing that simply advertises brands in big letters
  21. Suarez, an incredibly talented horrid little biter of a man.
  22. 3% posession? 3 shots? 3 goals? 3 points? it's points isn't it....
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