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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Data protection and all that, but I do know a kid called 'Minogue'. The reason? Why it's obvious isn't it, she liked Kylie Minogue, but every chav in town was calling baby girls Kylie at the time so she wanted something different. The result, in school just a few short years later, a class containing Kylie and Minogue.
  2. You clearly haven't been on any BBC tv / radio / web or any other media at any point in the last 3 days. Christmas might have to be delayed.
  3. good point on the names I live in a town with a good proportion of 'white poor' and my wife's job revolves around trying to give them a decent start in life and making sure they get fair life chances. Unfortunately, what she can't do, is suggest some of the names chosen for the kids are moderated or even just put as second names. The number of kids given the name Angelwing or Madonna Vogue or Whitelightning is just unreal. None of those names are real, but some of the names really are bizarre. There are usually one of two reasons spouted. Either it was 'just a laugh', or there is a bizarre belief that if you call your very average sink estate comp educated kid F'nar F'nar Biscuit then it will be instantly recognised as a celebrity in waiting. What it actually does is make little biscuit the victim of 'straight' prejudice.
  4. I don't know what you've been told, but that's not how it got in the tissue.
  5. why oh why would tanks be swimming in uboat infested waters every bloody year, they're like aussie's, can't tell 'em anything stay outta the water little willie
  6. but it was more the cumulative affect on all our lives, our 'personal' petrol price has gone up, the price of goods has gone up. The price of driving to the stores to buy shit is higher, that shit costs more to make due to transport costs, the vat is then on a higher figure.... I'd say I'm paying more tax now than 3 years ago in total - happy to be corrected (but I'm not paying for it)
  7. petrol £1.22 at the last election (higher than I'd thought)
  8. How did they get there? they're not sure, but they found one of these in the car park on the shoreline
  9. bit of both, fair old wack of tax on petrol price etc., as items go up, vat rises with it
  10. How did they get there? sold as subs
  11. I'd have to say, they're closer to the second pair - but without the skin. Heavy stitching, big heel, raised pointy nose. Perhaps I'll just wear 'em around the house with my speedos and shades.
  12. What if the world needs your sperm but doesn't know it yet? What can you have then? I think forcing your reversy percy sperm on a world that didn't know it wanted it can get you about 10 years.
  13. smiling tory opens new food bank ah, the irony
  14. trouble is, I know what I'd say if one of my balding mid 40's mates pitched up in a pair, there's just this, this pull towards them cheaper than a sportscar, affair and messy divorce I guess, so as crises go, fairly low impact
  15. have you seen the price on a proper yoked c&w shirt! square dancing not going to happen, trying to learn / re-learn some northern soul foot moves (not whilst wearing cowboy boots)
  16. Is it generally socially acceptable for a middle aged male to wear cowboy boots? Is it ok to wear them in a self parody / ironic / **** the world kind of way? I'm perilously close to getting a pair, an act which might itself lead to me needing to buy denim, something I haven't done in 15 years.
  17. you can have a reversy percy if ever the world needs your sperm again
  18. I find American ones are much better than British ones. You do know the american ones are all genetically modified adult dwarfs don't you?
  19. lot of 70's prog groups represented at that do Why no female option? because I'm in charge because nobody has argued over the last couple of days that being female gave you priviledge, the link to the document by the 80's american feminist triggered the thread, she felt being white gave you an advantage as you could live where you liked and socialise where you wanted. I felt it was money that was the root cause not a penis and skin tone.
  20. see, I had a version of that in my original opener, but took it out 'cos I couldn't express it in that few words respec'
  21. faggot you wouldn't put red sauce on a faggot sandwich, we need to know the sandwich filling before we can decide if you are to be trusted to keep your eyes straight ahead in the showers
  22. This isn't meant to stir up trouble, it isn't meant to cause silly shouting matches. Though I can see how we might get there within three posts. It's hopefully going to provide interesting links to lots of thought provoking pieces on what it is to be you / me / us and how we all perceive the world around us. Anybody contributing must agree that they will join in a group hug once the topic has run it's course, as we are all one love. So, if you had to be one, but only one, of these things, which would it be. Which would give you the best life chances? WHITE? WEALTHY? MALE? My first guess, and I'm open to having my opinion changed, is that wealthy is the best option here.
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