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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. you never know, you may have gone on to invent something awesome like defecated coffee, or whatever its called
  2. on the whole, our Boris is the personification of the politician we deserve
  3. just watch out for the sweetcorn husks.
  4. When I did walking tours in Berlin. There was a joke in the the script that Hitler was in Hawaii, with Elvis, drinking mojitos. I used it once, and an American piped up saying: "That's bullshit, he shot himself!" I find that hard to believe. No way was an american on a walking tour.
  5. they should go back to having to run to your car at the start of the race then, incrementally, every year they could add something to that initial dash, crawl under a large sheet, wriggle through a ladder, or up and over with a hoop etc..
  6. ' he speaks the truth, he speaks the truth, IAN TAYLOR! he speaks the truth'
  7. He's from Oklahoma. I'm working overseas. Even stranger. Why would a Bible-thumper choose to move to the Middle East, of all places? I'm sure Jesus was from around there, before upping sticks and moving to Utah. Also, good place to be for the forthcoming 'end of days'.
  8. No, he'd have attempted to trade his knowledge and status. The americans would have shot him whilst looking for Hitler.
  9. Kinda enjoy getting angry with her stupid status updates to hide her. Bloke at work is a classic rootin-tootin' gunslinging American Bible belter whose "Likes" include Sarah Palin. I get similar masochistic pleasure from the crap he posts. I follow a couple of fake tea party accounts on twitter. They're brilliant. I think they're fake anyway.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdWfgra7Mw8 Just watched a documentary on Pete Ham and Badfinger, hadn't realised how many Badfinger songs I knew. Guess it's off to a real record shop again tomorrow. On that note, we have an office move in January and I'll be walking distance from the shop when i'm in town. Financial meltdown predicted.
  11. that would explain it actually, it's like the interview has a satellite time delay
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osJ3jAPUlKk
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQpTf2wuuno stood out in some field, feeling invincible, sleeping through most of the next day's VW drag racing
  14. He still sounds Irish to us. He does but less and less as the years go by. It's natural, it happens to everyone, no matter how sure you are you won't let it. You can only affect an accent for so long. There's a cockney underbelly to my accent now, especially in the way I elongate certain vowels, which comes naturally to a brummy anyway. I'm happy with it, London has played a big part in my life so I'm happy to wear it. Not always. My mate left Brum for Canada in the early 80s, he still sounds exactly as he always did. And Jeff Lynne (ELO) - lived in LA for about 40 years, still as Brummie as you like. This is totally off topic here, but Jeff Lynne, has he got some sort of mild learning difficulty or health issue or aspergers or anything at all that could make him sound thoroughly 'slow' in interviews. It's beyond shy, or quiet, he just comes over as working at 33rpm in a world of 45rpm. Don't get me wrong, loving his work and all that, but I can't sit through an interview he's unlistenably uncommunicative.
  15. Have none of you above simply considered masturbation?
  16. Just like every state army, who we never hear referenced as terrorists. I do understand terrorist isn't automatically always bad, but when there is a better more expressive word, why get hung up on one that has confused meaning. Freedom fighter is a better term as it distinguishes the cause as popular and just, as opposed to potentially a murderous psychotic fringe grouping.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOValSt7YOY
  18. we must think of him as a terrorist in the same way we think of Bomber Harris as a terrorist he targeted and killed civilians to strike fear and terror in a society in order to gain a better world for all a bit like the U.S. state nuking two Japanese cities full of civilians and causing generations of deformities the positive side of terrorism
  19. Lucky enough to have been to Overloon a couple of times. First time was as a young teen, whilst staying for free on an RAF base for the summer with relatives that taught how to fly and maintain German Starfighters. I also got work locally picking crops and with days to go on my 4 week trip got to snog a real German girl. That was quite a holiday! I remember that when deep within Germany you always knew which way was east, because when you passed a field of missiles, that's the direction all the warheads were aiming at. I remember being told they were nuclear bombs, on reflection, a tad unlikely.
  20. shush boy, go finish your juice and wipe your nose the men are talking
  21. it's chicken and egg should our current crop of poor quality shit stains get a pay rise of 11%? absolutely not is £64k enough to do that job competently, represent 50,000 people well, advance the country and not just be a party sleaze ball? clearly not
  22. Anybody ever been to Overloon in the Netherlands? Incredible place, many of the tanks were simply left in the forest at the end of the battle so you get some little sense of how the final stages unfolded. You line up your eye with the gun (canon?) on one tank, and a way through the trees will be an opposing tank with shell damage.
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