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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. we should rent out a village hall somewhere and have an old school vinyl disco http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZJ5IExchMY
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JJlG6-AFAM
  3. Had to draw the line at this one. Cardiff? Lovely city?? Absolute sinkhole. Horrific place. If I ever go again I'll be too soon. where the hell did you go and get told it was Cardiff? I'm not from Cardiff and I have no love of CCFC, but horrific sinkhole? Just don't recognise that description at all. Penarth Marina? Cardiff Bay? The Castle? Millenium? The City Arms Pub? Sophia Gardens? Victorian Shopping Arcades? perhaps you were in Newport? that's a stinky abused anus
  4. Well if his house isn't on fire why should he pay for some scumbag chav that was probably smoking anyway to have their house rescued? What you appear to forget, is everytime we shell out good money for an ambulance or a fire engine there's a banker somewhere not getting the tax break that would encourage them to stay in the country and allow trickle down to save us all.
  5. some people shouldn't get further than the cul de sac at the end of the johnny
  6. At the company where I currently work (who's party I skipped this year), I was bitten by a Director so hard that I still have a mark on my wrist several years later. I got him to release his toothy grip on me by stabbing him with a fork. Later that evening, following another jolly incident, he got to sit in the back of a police van for an hour to calm down.
  7. I've just done a quick calc and I reckon over the last 10 years I've done about 350,000 miles in 3 Mercs and they've never missed a beat, but equally I think all cars are far better than they once were and any brand can build a duffer. Personally I think that many miles without so much as a cough or splutter is pretty impressive and will influence what my next car might be. there, days before Christmas I've just praised the reliability of my car, what could possibly go wrong.....
  8. I agree. * is it considered ok to use 'gay' as a term of pretend abuse? is it PC on VT? just, you know, for the record I couldn't care less if somebody is or isn't
  9. I'd guess the ceiling of the Apollo would be too old to include asbestos. I wouldn't expect it to have a roofspace full of lagged pipes either, so with absolutely no knowledge of the layout of that place my gut instinct would be minimal asbestos.
  10. South Wales - shrug. Kent but yeah, same applies **and even the one by my Redditch office, but to a lesser extent, there its all about throwing your macdonalds wrapper at the roundabout *** once I'm home in god's country I tend to stick with Waitrose! you can't scoff asparagus and artichoke as you walk around
  11. if you go to a 'restaurant' where there are bins and the furniture has to be bolted down, you're going to get messy tables but I do agree with you, similarly I've done a little bit of shopping in a Tesco in a rougher area recently and I've been amazed how many of the lowlife in there eat the food as they walk around, mannerless pigs
  12. looks like its a roof come ceiling collapse that has also pulled down part of the lighting rig interesting to see the reporting on various sites BBC / independent / telegraph were running a story of a collapse, probably the roof Sky were insistant the balcony had collapsed Mirror were reporting the theatre had collapsed it's remarkable that the 'news' sources I would automatically presume to be sensational and slack on facts had the most exciting overblown versions of events
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3Ozz6_pdMI
  14. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/25457024 A Cardiff spokesman told BBC Sport: "The club is not party to any letter sent from one person to another."
  15. what there is, is wall to wall 24 hr media coverage of anything scandalous, sexual, shocking or titilating make no mistake, this is not being reported because journalism as a profession wants to purge society of 'evil', it's being advertised because it sells, it creates interest, it is the bogey man that people are both scared of and thrilled by
  16. ....or maybe part of roof has fallen onto the balcony.....
  17. Awful for a first date. Especially when she can't do it at all. that's a bad night, an hour trying not to fall over, followed up by finding out she can't do it at all absolute right off
  18. they don't manage 50k people any more than a nurse does or a social worker. They're not worth anything like 100k a year either, IMO. for dealing with constituents, maybe 30 k max. For turning up and voting as directed by their party - about - 5k. So that's 25 grand a year value they give. Now if they were more independent of mind, voted with their true beliefs, thought for the benefit of the people they represent, not the party, then their current wages are about right. As for a payrise, not until they demonstrably prove they deserve one. No other line of public work will get 11 percent. Paying them more will not make them better. In fairness you need to pay for quality, but then the amount of Unite drongos that are bring fast tracked for Labour nominations suggests that quality is in short supply. Out of curiosity, why would you turn that into an anti Labour point?
  19. Unless you believe in some sort of afterlife hell, surely a very long very boring very unfulfilling sentence with a constant risk of being stabbed with a toothbrush handle or having scolding sugary water thrown over you would be worse than death?
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