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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Dan the Man Just a plug for a prog coming up centred around a bit of a friend of mine. He goes to the occassional gig and has got me backstage at a couple of things a couple of times. I don't share the whole 'Kiss' thing, but I do know he's totally ok.
  2. chrisp65


    It's -21c or thereabouts... about the same temperature as my bedroom when I got home from a footy trip to Portugal 2 days late
  3. I'm guessing Villaguy got a life ban for his night of shame. I don't think that's post on poster. I think that's factual.
  4. chrisp65


    -7f does appear to be chilly
  5. whilst it's only a film, All Quiet On The Western Front gives a good acount of the whole signing up for a quick bit of coming of age glory
  6. chrisp65


    I don't know what a farenheit is in real modern decimal. I'll go and look it up.
  7. Stating the obvious, it's 100 years since the outbreak of World War 1. The kids have done it in school and are as unimpressed as only kids can be when faced with old people talking about black and white pictures. It's a subject I've never really been that interested in but lately I've been more interested in the politics around the lead up to it and the repurcussions of the post war treaties. I do love a good map and I've poured over the ever changing map of europe at around this time. (not intended as a map thread)
  8. just pay the money to keep commuting to your **** pleb jobs you **** plebs, or we can always find some east europeans who will live closer by sharing 12 to a flat
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsxVwkzyk5c nice guy Brother Culture, if you get the chance, go see a show
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzTwkoQ0LFI
  11. 'kin 'ell Ponky, the deadpool thread is hardly the place to be looking for sexy time, easy or not.
  12. I'm sorry, but if I went for an interview and the potential new boss had dark glasses, leather gloves, moustache AND his jumper tucked in his trousers.......it wouldn't be happening.
  13. it needs to become acceptable that you can knock a smart phone out of someone's hand if they are recording something they should actually be watching in the moment take a photo, put it down, enjoy the show you shallow selfish idiotic mug
  14. HNY all, if any of you see me in town tonight I'll buy you a bloody large decent cognac.
  15. Then how do you earn a living? I've liked this post. But in just over 2 hours I'm going all uber PC anti sexism pro feminism in my 2014 big leap forward. So I might be back to unlike it later.....
  16. in fairness, wrestling is for small children with learning difficulties and old ladies so I can understand a normal mature hetro male thinking it's the abomination it so clearly is
  17. you do realise that GCHQ are now watching your house and sending somebody to go through your bins meanwhile, the NSA are taking no chances and will soon shoot up a wedding party in Lancashire
  18. WOT? You've never had the pleasure of watching two 63 year old blokes from Salford narrowly miss out on winning a dinghy?
  19. I've only popped into the house to establish the height a dartboard should be hung. 5'8" floor to bullseye in the UK, apparently 2014 will be quite sporty
  20. chrisp65


    I'm the same, the slightest scag and she knows exactly what I've been doing whilst she was out.
  21. Pele advertisers and promotes products you may find of some assistance....
  22. chrisp65


    Tinkle Tinkle Little Jools, your show is full of tools. Good article here - spot on it is too That point 5 on Jools in the article is one of the best summaries I've ever seen. I'm keeping that. I had an offer of a Hootefanny ticket. Well, firstly I wasn't in the mood for New Year's Eve when it was filmed in November. Secondly, if they think I'm going to wear black so I don't stand out against the celebs and stand at the back behind some keyclamp barricade whilst people that were once on the Fast Show spunk celeb anecdotes over each other....
  23. it might not be an 'attack' as such, it could just be one of those hostage situations but don't worry, if that happens a crack team of VT ninja will be despatched Stefan has already duck taped his converse to two badminton rackets and Ajax has converted his Mustang to get over 10mpg on chip fat on a long run. There will be a film. People are being pencilled in for lead roles.
  24. We wont be offended if you put Schumacher down now, but at least be honest, you are just hedging your bets in case he dies tomorrow aren't you? similarly, I'm NOT putting Wilko Johnson
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