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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Is it ready? The suspense is killing me. Yes, ta. Worth the wait, too. Irish stew in the name of the law?
  2. Maybe, just not an identical one. Then again serves you right for getting news from the devil's own arse. After the boycott Murdoch thread here on VT , I make it a point of being my Only news source that would explain quite a lot Remember I'm from Sheppey and can put a gypsy curse on you I'm from Barry Island, I'll chuck a tent over yer gypsy and get a pound a pop for fortunes off gullible brummies down for the day
  3. Maybe, just not an identical one. Then again serves you right for getting news from the devil's own arse. After the boycott Murdoch thread here on VT , I make it a point of being my Only news source that would explain quite a lot
  4. well, I guessed I was the last one to have seen it...... they all die in the end
  5. I'm presuming you've already got planning permission?
  6. right, I know I'm a little behind the curve on this, but Prometheus…. There is a planet quite far away, we can build a spaceship to get there and put people in deep sleep for the journey. But when we get there we have to fly around looking out of the spaceship window to find alien buildings. Upon arrival, a scouting mission decides not to carry any weapons, goes inside the building and finds dead, fossilised aliens. On finding dead aliens and a recording of them trying to escape ‘something’ they decide to investigate further. But some are a bit scared in the dark with dead aliens around, so they decide to split up. Having accidentally left some people behind, they are advised not to touch anything. The man boss on the main spaceship hears an alarm that means there is an alien life form in the building with the stranded chaps. He radios down to tell them there is something down there, plays his accordion a little, then goes to bed. Later, having wandered around and found heaps of dead exploded aliens, the stranded chaps see some snakey art deco space viper things appear out of the goo. Mistaking them for meerkats the stranded guys attempt to keep them for pets, but get eaten. Meanwhile, one scientist has been deliberately fed alien sperm. That night he gets lucky with a lady scientist who can’t have children. When they go for a look around the alien building he, the male alien sperm scientist gets fantastically ill to the point where his eyes have crawly things in them his skin goes black and his head shape changes. Clearly the others decide he must be taken straight back to the safety of the spaceship. Boss lady in the spaceship decides there is no way this guy can be allowed back on board. So opens the main doors to tell them they can’t come in. Lady scientist who can’t have babies is now preggo with a little alien. But it’s ok, they have an acme robo surgeon on board. She tricks it into removing the alien under gas and air, is stapled back together and starts running around. Critically at this point, this is actually far more plausible than everything else that is going on. Meanwhile a mysterious blob creature has appeared directly outside the spaceship, so they decide to send two crew downstairs to open the main doors to look at it and see if it’s friendly. Turns out it isn’t and it kills some more people. That’s as far as I’ve got, about half way. It’s not the best thought out film I’ve ever seen.
  7. i like Asian girls as much as the next western pervert with a laptop but she was rather disappointing tbh agreed, just another generic tv cheflebrity by the look of things, but without huge loaves, an arse like a mega dumpling and a funny coke habit* I have named or libelled no known cheflebrity here, living, dead or just off her tits half the time
  8. Both my kids are doing music, the tablet can be used as sheet music that scrolls along whilst you're playing, gives tuition when needed, links to youtube for practical tutorials and records your best shot at the piece to take in the next day. Similarly, as mentioned before, with work often now being in the form of a wiki or a presentation, homework needs to be digital. The school can't afford to 'go digital' and presume all kids have access to equal (if any) kit, therefore there has to be access to a tablet for the homework. Back to the twitter vs text thing, lots of parents can lead fairly chaotic lives (not in the busy Tony sense, in the no credit this week sense) and end up changing phone numbers quite often. Whilst mummies mobile might go off or missing or get changed three times a year, invariably her twitter and facebook remain unchanged.
  9. agreed, and the school also do that, in fact, they use any and every channel available, there's simply no excuse for any half arsed parent not to get a timely message
  10. Tony, it's instant, it's public, it's readily available....what's not to like? Stef, having stalked a few of the teacher accounts they are either the most boring vanilla sober people on the planet, or they clearly have other accounts!
  11. keep checking rogues gallery, we all sneeked in and tea bagged you I didnt tea bapping nobody ever moans about a tea bapping
  12. yeah we've had the twitter school to parent link for a while and that's proved quite handy - knowing what to sort out for Primary school kids. But it does appear to have moved on a step, the twitter stuff is now directly pupil / teacher all hours of all days, as is facebook. Also, the setting up of wiki pages and drop boxes to drop and pick up work has been good to see, it's something we use in real life so seeing kids knowing this stuff is encouraging. Historically, I think all sides involved would have been a little reticent about such contact, but perhaps now its so open and public and accessible it's fine. Incidentally, I haven't been 'at' work since mid December, but have been working on and off for days. I'm in the office tomorrow, with my auto response still set to say i'm not there until later in the week, just to give me a day or two to sort my own stuff out. 'Tis a different world to 10 years ago.
  13. indeed haaaaang on a minute...... surely you've been in every day, putting up posters and shit? ....it really is a joke, even the teachers I know have worked this Christmas - been interesting to see a shift in the way teachers act too. A couple of years ago any sort of 'social interaction' was frowned upon. Now, the teachers are using twitter to answer homework queries and remind the kids to take sports stuff in tomorrow! That really does put you 'on call' and strikes me that it wouldn't be a great leap to switch to internet / skype / distance teaching methods.
  14. keep checking rogues gallery, we all sneeked in and tea bagged you
  15. I liked Moon Safari, not where you tuck your cock.
  16. Living local is a curse - there's a film called Submarine, by Richard Ayoade that was filmed very local to me. Just about every shot was somewhere I played as a kid, but they would walk out of a door and onto a park or a beach that were 2 miles apart. That's part of the art of filming, I know, but for me it made watching it really tricky. As for Hinterland, I thought it left plenty of clumsy clues to a back story for the main man to be fleshed out later. I also thought it did well to include spaces in it, a nice change from everything currently churned out by Welsh TV (Casualty, Sherlock, Who which don't allow 5 seconds of downtime). It wasn't Breaking Bad, but it was very watchable (for me).
  17. I am half white don't forget. top or bottom?
  18. chrisp65

    Do you read?

    I have this on order at the mo, as nobody picked up on my pre christmas clues.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-WXzz9cZLc
  20. You and me both Trouble I have is I slim down and then go away on a lads weekend and then there will be a few parties and then the cricket or I'll get busy at a work and put it all back on again I'm thinking of super gluing my teeth together this year ... Yeah that's pretty much the problem here too. Work isn't 9 to 5 it's quite erratic and pressured and meals are not easily planned whilst I'm away.* So I can go a week without the facility to cook, which can mean pasties, coffee and takeaways way too often. But by the same token, I've eaten and drunk a fair bit this last 6 or 8 weeks so I know there's an easy hit there at the start of this curve of just not going out with the guys and drinking for 3 hours before a gig or a game. I also know that once I've decided (which I have), I can drop the chocolate and the bread, which will make a massive difference. Also, Christmas brought me a few dvd's so I can sit out the back of the house (snowy will latch onto this), in the sort of music room / fitness room, stick on a dvd and cycle on the spot for an hour or so most nights. Way too boring without a dvd. But Apocalypse Now, Bullit, Prometheus and Vanishing Point should see me alright for a couple of weeks. *what I'm doing at the moment isn't exactly rock n roll glamorous and I've learnt yesterday that of the 4 of us qualified and experienced in doing it, 2 resigned over Christmas so interesting day in the office tomorrow.
  21. stop n search big stylee The area of Hamburg where Police have set up road blocks and can stop and search at will. Sort of a famous squat and lefty area around St Pauli
  22. Watched Hinterland last night, don't know if it was on across all BBC, probs not but it's on i player. Thought it was very good, slow moody pace, dark tale of murder set in an Aberystwyth Children's home, so you know, lightweight knockabout stuff. Filmed in that fashionable scandanavian style even down to being bi lingual and having sub titles in places. Not my usual thing but actually kept a decent sense of suspense for something that had to be set up and solved in 90 minutes. I'll look out for the next one (there are four).
  23. need to diet? eat less, move around more I need to shed about 10 kilos over the next 6 months, I shall do it using my own patented diet tricks, firstly, by putting less food in my mouth, secondly, by moving around more.
  24. The Placebo lead singer has been on the 1 'til 2 slot on BBC 6 this lunchtime. Always interesting, they get somebody in to play tunes they like, so you get to hear their faves and influences and the like. Have to say that his stuff was ok, perfectly listenable, but all quite similar. No diverity in his one hour slot. Now that might be that he wanted to build a theme, a coherent 'thing', or it might be he needs to get out more. But like I say, perfectly ok. The only one that's done the hour that was truly bad was Gary Numan. I wasn't exactly a big fan before his hour, but he was truly horrific (the last 20 minutes may have been radio orgasm, but I just had to change stations). His favourite words by a country mile were: I Me My Gary Numan He played his own music (surely that's poor form?), and when he played somebody else's it would inevitably be followed up with 'I helped produced their album' or 'they are currently on tour with me'.
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