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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. I have a very loose script for a TV thing that is basically Vanishing Point, but transposed to the mundanity of walking across town to deliver a package. En route, capers, architecture and new music. Essentially a series of promo's for bands with a theme and links. Trouble is 'new' music doesn't stay 'new' long enough to get a full 2 or 3 30 minutes slots tied more or less coherently together without some of it becoming 'old' music. The solution, next time I pick it up, is to have it as more of a review. It'll be a bit more inclusive than Later with Jools anyway.
  2. I call Larry Love from the Alabama 3 Love, 'Larry' makes me feel uncomfortable.
  3. It's not. It's a fiesta with a WWF number plate, as above. I know your secret. we've seen it, we have a third party photo of an 850cc pink Fiesta with a grappling registration what's interesting, is that there is no third party independent photo of this 'mustang'
  4. Actually, Katie Hopkins vs Diane Abbot, what a great way to engage serious political thinking and revive interest in politics. Good grief.
  5. I don't like the political views of celebrity wannabe Katie Hopkins. A true tory and whilst I dislike everything she claims to believe in, the more she's in the media, the less likely those wavering voters will vote Thatcher. I'd really really like to think she just spouts these views to be a 'shock' talking head. Unfortunately, I suspect that really is the world as she lives it in her head.
  6. oh no, now I'm listening to the Can version and thinking ..... this can go on my amateur drum along to the basic beat not the infill play list for me to murder out the back room! cheers, it was so nearly Clocks by Coldplay.....
  7. I really did buy that Nena single in Germany, having heard it on American Forces radio, bought it whilst sporting my funky Saarbrucken cycle top in a bizarre woolen material that made you sweat like a nun in a candle shop from memory, i bought a German version of Too Much Too Young at the same time (I'll have to check the dates to see if that story from memory stands up to scrutiny) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RV9opcVjJFM
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lur-SGl3uw8 yeahhhhhh got the German language version months before it came over here hardcore
  9. have a good one, enjoy it, savour it
  10. to be honest, that's half a spoon more than I've produced since May 2008
  11. starting now on S4C a programme about a chap wot I knows that's got me into a good few gigs Dan Bach, bit of a music fan (you can get subtitles if your lingually limited!)
  12. According to the beeb, Thatch did. made from the bones of crushed workers and children
  13. For £10k you could eat out every night for 3 years, add in not buying food and not using fuel to cook and not doing the dishes, you could upgrade to better grub or eat out for another year.
  14. Mr Ron Saunders Mr Ian Taylor Mr Ray Graydon
  15. I have actually slept with a gay guy. Well, I say slept with, we shared a hotel room for a weekend. Twin beds. All a bit of a learning curve for me but it did cure me of a few misconceptions.
  16. My new office backs onto Sofia Gardens. has a key code gate that gets you into Sofia Gardens has parking allocated at the cricket club I foresee a long summer of crickety treats.
  17. For a kids film, Stardust is pretty damn good. I'm guessing I've seen it about a dozen times. Enchanted is another kids' film that's actually watchable.
  18. I'd have to confess I haven't read all the 10 pages of reaction and comment. Hitz is gay, well I mean this in the nicest most positive way possible, I couldn't care less.
  19. yes, it feels like an uncomfortable compromise that is a best fit for the situation I don't want the police to be able to shoot people without a real and thorough investigation, equally, we have to be aware that a police gunman in a high pressure situation has only instinct time to react and there must be times when the wrong call is made. That doesn't automatically equate to state condoned execution or cover up. I'm not a big fan of the Police, but it's a public service that is very much needed. As long as it's under our control.
  20. did it used to be on the English Sillybus? or is that a myth?
  21. people wanna know how frosty it gets down the bottom bit of Viagra falls
  22. this should see me through a long head down working day today...
  23. so you are bald? with hairy hands? ahhh, see, I didn't read the tiny offset bit of text, that kind of 'was the joke', making my cheap punt, even cheaper and making me the punt
  24. Apparently he only got suspicious when the unveiled the secret plan to re invade Poland starting at 6:00am and he thought, hang on, 6:00am? Incidentally, national stereotype alert, I was in Newbury Services trying to decide if I wanted Percy Pigs or choc covered brazils, when a tall German with blond(ish) hair was stood surveying the car park and announced 'zeh are already 5 minutes late'
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