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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. that's great news, it'll give you something to do closed season make sure the missus is up and running within a week or two mind, or you'll be cleaning up green and black shit nappies instead of supporting Red Bull Villa
  2. they kept tying my nan to railway lines luckily 26 cops turned up on one car mind you, the piano's knackered now it's been down all those steps
  3. I predict a media jizz shower over a perfectly average game. There will be an international panel of facial expression experts pouring over half time slo mo HD of every Moyes grimmace whilst a perormance poet reads out the words of the special one whilst sat on a throne. Score will be largely irrelevant.
  4. so is it basically rugby with 16 advert breaks, but dressed for moto cross?
  5. that cigarette has no flter on it, could be a health risk
  6. It's a good piece and I'd be fibbing if I didn't agree that my passion for the current Villa team has slipped. I still love Aston Villa and my memories of Villa. Standing on a single tier Holte seeing the collective breath of thusands rising as we chant for this or against that. But to be honest, I can't be arsed to spend my money travelling to see someone else's agenda played out, slipping limply out of a cup we aren't fussed about or surrendering to minor european teams rather than squad rotate and all that shit of the last ten years. Lending our players to Notts County and then borrowing players of Chelsea. I mean, that's just ridiculous manipulation so easily stopped. The point on referees and in particular the disgrace of the yellow in the cup final as the ref 'didn't want to spoil the game', yes, that pretty much did for me. Right up to last night, the cheat Shearer condoning Suarez cheating just shows the poor state and lack of discipline and self respect. First time I've watched MOTD in a while, I'll not bother again for a while. Epert analysis that a goalie going for the ball is stupid, a cheat diving is natural. Nice view on life there. But that's Premiership money football. Get yourself a non-league team and actually get involved, contribute to the matchday programme, clean the litter from a stand, sponsor a player's shorts for £20. Your love will return. P.S. - the current little avatar thingy of mine is no accident
  7. MOTD to make the dive debate their vox pop poll tonight? not a chance, it would put Liverpool in a negative light and that can't be happening
  8. Yeah that annoyed me, but it must annoy them more that they had to cheat to get a point. I don't think Liverpool would even see that as cheating. It's just in them to bite, dive and steal points in a way, you can't blame them it's just how they are. Anybody that dislikes that is just victimising them.
  9. I can only imagine that's a largely thankless job with not many perks bar the odd success story. Fair play to her and those like her! Many of the parents identified for some form of direct help think 'they', the helpers, interfere and hate the parents and just want to mess up families. There is no hard and fast way of statistically proving you've improved anyone's lot in life in the short term. It takes years to prove giving women self esteem courses or giving boys car mechanics courses can do anything but look like do goodery at tax payers expense. Cases where it goes wrong are obvious, get massive publicity and potentially end the career of somebody that improved things for dozens of kids over tens of years. How do you prove an intervention, big or small, saved a kid's life? How do you prove that taxes spent on adult literacy and home economics courses for current partners of girls with babies saves lives? Thankfully, my missus isn't at the sharp end, she's not making big decisions, but bloody hell I have to say the risks people take with their own career and well being to try and help others is just incredible - not just social workers but all manner of midwives, nurses, play specialists, intervention officers, adult educators, parole officers the whole lot. One of the tasks within her office, for those working from the office and not out in the field is to constantly phone the staff that do house calls with 'messages'. Those messages are usually junk, it's just making sure that female that's going to houses with histories is still able to pick up the phone. None of the above is relevant to the current case, just putting it out there. If only they did £90 haircuts instead, they'd get a **** medal.
  10. that's the complication with teaching kids to stay safe and 'stranger danger' and all that, it's usually somebody they know my missus' work is loosely linked with this field and supporting kids in problem post codes etc., she called this one straight away
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZ-UCrpb_i0 I was the fifth Chord (in my head), probs my first massive musical love
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BhTtmEZmhc anger let it go fear release it now hate release jealousy release it is alright for you to astral project you can always return to the physical body I find the best way to get into this is sleep deprivation, drive 220 miles home, have a decent whisky ..... and away you go
  13. though I was only 15 minutes into my one, it's rather bumped me out of bliss mode and made we want to wave a glow stick arund whilst wearing speedos and cowboy boots
  14. it actually looks like your avatar is playing this its a live podcast projection!
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qChit2RQeWI
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxRGsSpbFEY
  17. we should have a thread where we can scientifically study the various builds of physiques of people from around the world in order to better understand the many and varied shapes and sizes of people on this planet we call home - except photos of men, no men
  18. you're thinking... when there's actually quite a lot of....
  19. remotely vaguely relevant speed dealing story
  20. I find that extremely hard to believe. the world was a very different place, but anybody that cared to stop and think could work out right and wrong whenever they were born you don't need Star Trek, the Church of England or Bono to tell you people are people and there are good and bad of all shapes colours and creeds ready to **** you on the deal if you allow it
  21. was it not also the case that Thatcher offered an incredibly expensive retraining and benefits package to all miners being made redundant and Scargill turned it down flat Ah, now we're edging into the realms of my personal experience. Dozens of welsh miners were given the 'opportunity to re train' as engineers within the welsh health service. Having therefore agreed to voluntary redundancy they were moved en masse to my place of work keen to start their re training as electrical engineers, mechanical engineers, surveyors, banksmen and site foremen etc.. Unfortunately for them, in the short term we hadn't been told they were arriving and not only didn't have work for them, but didn't even have chairs for them. In the medium term we had no budget for training, in house or college based so no courses were signed up that September. In the longer term, our offices were already in process of undergoing sweeping redundancies prior to being sold off on the cheap to Capita. Not a single ex miner made the cut. What's more, we were assured any redundancies would be 'blind, fair and equitable'. Which was odd, because when I resigned I was told there was no need as my own position was safe. I queried this as we'd all been assured there would be no favour or preference in redundancy selection. To which the response was that 'not all names are going in the hat'. So yes, there was some very very expensive 'retraining'.
  22. to save myself the embarassment of looking like an itv viewer, I was actually doing a quick scroll through the channels on the off chance of seeing tit
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