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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. is Nando's the one where you queue to get in, somebody shows you to a table, then you go and queue to order food?
  2. a house for £150,000 ??? wouldn't you be worried all the neighbours were b'noses? £150k, hee hee, it's like when my nan thought £2 was enough in a birthday card.
  3. Das ist gut! have I seen tour / gig news? or a new album? will investigate
  4. I've always wanted to drink Kopi Luwak, but it's really difficult to get hold of it in Sittingbourne. I've asked in Asda several times but I think there's a language barrier with the local Kentish cockerneys. As a compromise I've been force feeding the cat teabags.
  5. Has someone dosed your drink with LSD? These guys got a dose take away the rocket launcher and that's pretty much my Redditch office
  6. dropped the kids off at a Beefeater a couple of weeks and set up a tab for them, waitress said 'so they can have anything they want, yeah?', I said yes as long as that wasn't a bottle of vodka ha ha. 'oh no, I wouldn't let tham have that, I meant off the menu', I explained I was joking and yes, they could have anything. got back 2 hours later, top item on the bill, 4 halves of **** Carling! Wrong on a minimum of 3 levels.
  7. if people didn't break the law occassionally we'd all live under a repressive regime of land owners ripping off the poor and telling them the alternative is economic ruin
  8. Only if somebody goes just to be seen, but plenty of people spend plenty of money because they love top class dining. it's down to what you choose to spend your spare money on Personally, I don't smoke, I have no recreational drug thing and I rarely drink. I don't buy £75 training shoes for walking around town and I'm not really that bothered any more if my jumper says Pringle or Asda on it. My personal view on a right royal waste of money? Computer games and sci fi films. My nipper thinks a £70 ticket to a comic book convention is great value. I can see the attraction, for just £70 you too could queue in line to see the extras from the last but one Star Trek movie talk about special effects. For an extra £15 they'll even autograph your photo of them you bought for £15. Personally I can think of much more fun I can have with £100. But each to their own.
  9. you can't tell me Tony hasn't had a nice crepe in some French park
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9XknSGQSyE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-WXzz9cZLc
  11. I've been lucky enough to have a few freebie meals around the place. Miyami is a Japanese restaurant in poshest London that I loved when we visited, we had our own chef at a horse shoe shaped table where he had a hot plate and cooked for us, in front of us and it was just so fresh it was mind blowing. On the other end of the scale, my go to Indian is The Agra off Tottenham Court Road, it's been there owned by the same family since the 1930's, it's cheap and cheerful and quite shabby. But lovely tastey cheap food. In Cardiff (or Penarth to be precise), Puerto's down on the Marina is excellent for fresh fish and good steak. Bit naive the first time I went there, I looked at all the various fish steaks and fillets but ended up selecting the gigantic yellowtail snapper. I'd presumed it was whole because nobody had had any yet. No, it was being sold as the whole fish, it was £30 (ten years ago). It was agreed with the guy hosting the evening that if I ate it all he paid, if I left any, I paid. It all went. In Malta, Rubino in Valletta just might be, in my oik opinion, the best restaurant on earth. I once managed to become a regular, I knew I was a regular because I was sat at the bar one evening having a glass of wine when quite a few people came in. It's only a small place and the owner turned and shouted, 'hey Chris, if you're eating get to a table, we're about to fill up with **** Germans'. Rabbit stew was his thing and it was warm sticky loveliness. Elsewhere in Malta, there are some truly excellent fish restaurants, in Marsaxlokk we block booked a restaurant and the guy who was organising and paying for the evening told the chef and owner that they had to think this was an international food competition and they had to try and win it and he'd pay them whatever it was at the end. It was a big headed crass thing to do but the food was just astounding. Dozens of taster dishes that just kept coming with different wine courses, rests then more food. At the end of the evening all the kitchen staff came out and had a drink and a cigar (all on the same bill). Other than that, Boofy's chip shop and Marco's caff on Barry Island seafront are great and the Bulldog Cafe in Cardiff Market does awesome faggots and peas. When I'm in Sittingbourne or Sheerness, I tend to just get a sandwich from Asda (that's not true, I go to Curry Queen, which is crap). ooh, one more decent place to eat that really does do good food at, er, cheap rates is the Clink Restaurant in Highdown. Blunt plastic cutlery and no alcohol and they search you on the way in. But the food is genuinely very good. You leave when they say you can leave.
  12. The continuity lady never announces Huw Edwards is going to be doing the 10 o clock news in a funny valleys accent. They do pick n choose, the BBC love to go to town on french pronounciation and then struggle with something as simple as Islwyn Borough Council or Rhyn Ap Iorwerth. I've decided to leave the grammar in my first sentence exactly as it is!
  13. Just to add to the above, we've also used various local churches to help with setting things up, most obviously the foodbank, but also a new community garden on a new housing estate and a community centre where there wasn't one. But obviously all good things by all organised religions are taboo here, so we'll park that one.
  14. Well, I think I think in my own tiny little disorganised way I have. Not with the intention of being an MP. A single independent MP isn't going to change anything. But on a local level I've got myself onto a couple of little groups that do make a small difference. The Food Bank is an obvious example, the allotment stuff is interesting (it was being closed and heading towards being sold off for housing). Equally, even the local football club is now under our ownership and has been turned around with official youth teams getting kids off the street. The first team raises money for charity and we have a number of fund raisers for local causes. We've also all created a bit of local buzz with local businesses all cross promoting and supporting each other. Generally, I've become a tiny cog in a local wheel that can actually point at real local improvements made. Interestingly, by being non-political we've used and abused the talents and contacts of all four local political parties as and when we've needed them. Horribly, I don't doubt for a second that £90 haircut Cameron would label that 'big society'.
  15. there is a reason they won't allow us to have 'none of the above' as the last box, allowing people their right to vote without forcing them to vote for pricks or nutters
  16. except it's still obviously a photo of people hanging upside down, rotated to look almost normal
  17. I still think he should dump her like last night's dodgy lasagne
  18. see, what I should've done was actually quote snowychap with my titular posting
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MR6B1jvUg4
  20. when it's your own kid, and you've taken the nappy off and they decide to do a torpedo shit launch - you can actually catch it rather than have it hit the new cream carpet I know this
  21. 'tis a thin line between love n hate 'tis an equally thin line between middle class faux anarchist with pretentions toward land redistribution and a tramp
  22. Already got tickets to kick off next Christmas' party season, double bill of Nine Below Zero and Dr Feelgood late November. Only a single original band member between the both, but hey, party season.
  23. giving the allotment it's first inspection and superficial dig over of 2014 then sitting there in the sunshine, covered in mud with a flask of coffee, listening to the wonderful urban sounds of distant emergency services sirens
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