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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. It's difficult to speak on behalf of what women might think, what with me only playing that role of a Thursday lunchtime. But I suspect there are as many different reasons for women to have affairs as men. Some for the thrill, some for revenge, some for love and some through some sense of having found something better and 27 reasons that haven't occurred to me yet. Though I would concede that a thousand years of indoctrination makes us (male and female) believe that with women, it's rarely just for kicks and a quick fizzy o. From my experience of close friends and work colleagues, there are women that quite like all sorts of adventures. By 'my experience' I just mean I know them and their ways, I'm personally about as vanilla a chap as you'll ever meet.
  2. just bought, still in the cellophane right now, but it'll get me through this afternoon
  3. nothing wrong with a bit of feminism it's Rosa Parks day today
  4. ah, I was going with 'better luck next time, we're not all dickheads'
  5. I don't know what a snapback is. I suspect it's something that was worn in series 1 of Fresh Prince.
  6. single life for a while wouldn't be too bad - just sat there in your underpants, eating a whole packet of Jaffa cakes watching Match of the Day or Wheeler Dealers all night doing properly loud belches if you do want to buddy up with somebody though, on those cold long nights, we've got a great mate called Scuba Steve you'd just love to meet
  7. hide it and get the blood cleaned out of the boot of the car by a professional deep clean specialist then kill the valet once he's standing on the plastic sheeting
  8. Don't ever stick with someone because you think that might be better than being on your own or starting again. That sounds like a recipe for at least two people to be miserable. Treat this as your opportunity to decide what you really want. If it's him, and he decides to stay well great. But don't let fear of the unknown be a factor - plenty of decent people out there.
  9. I've got a prize prick of a Client in Kent who 'simply can't understand' why his landscaping job is running behind schedule. Dickhead.
  10. You underestimate the Netherlands' flood defences. you forget the maginot line
  11. height of decadence today, I got my car fully valet cleaned and it's all come up lovely the inside was suffering a little, light grey / silver fabric and leather vs site clothing, site boots and pasties over an extended period of time it took 4 hours but looks all shiny and new again
  12. For a couple trying to set up home, a fancy wedding is definitely a waste of money. substitute 'fancy' for 'expensive' and I totally agree
  13. £20k for a wedding, madness for anyone on anything like an average income. This is where the lines blur I guess, my wedding was done on the cheap. Rather than buy a show wedding we called on friends and family for the gifts to make the wedding, my missus made her own dress, my dad made the cake, got the reception venue through contacts etc etc. Wedding cost bugger all in the grand scheme of things. We then splurged our money on a truly grand honeymoon. So perhaps its not either or, perhaps its a compromise, you know, like a sort of equal partnership.
  14. I laugh and then wonder if there isn't another football team I could support. Cleveland Browns
  15. could it be that there is still a pro male bias in society, with male action figures and female beauty figures and this clunking stereotype rammed home for 18 years leads some females to think that a princess wedding is where its at - it also causes males to think snorting coke in a Jacuzzi is where its at reality is somewhere closer to team work being quite rewarding (there is no right answer that fits all)
  16. I'm not sure women do have a position of privilege over men. Possibly in this one narrow field, if it is indeed true that some women marry for money and some men are too dumb to see it. But perhaps overall, I'd suggest men still hold the upper hand as a sweeping generality. As for social mores demanding approval of marriage and explanation of a single lifestyle, personally I don't see that. Or certainly only rarely. One of my mates is single and I have been asked by others in the office if I suspect he's gay. I've said I'm 90% sure he is. In fact, he's actually having an affair with one of our female Clients and they both need it kept secret. If people are shallow enough to need to know stuff like that, then I'm happy to misinform. If you're happy in yourself, I'm not sure 'people' questioning your status is a big deal, surely? I do think women's rights still need to be strengthened as a general point, including some points of positive discrimination in some areas.
  17. I think that was all I was trying to say, whilst trying to work and build a mixtape and answer e-mails. I don't multi task well.
  18. I can't think of a single reason why a man would get married these days. Love isn't sufficient reason then? I'm not big on the whole cake / guest list / cans behind an old car schtick, but equally, I've got no problem with it. It doesn't have to be done to excess and be a show wedding costing thousands, but lots of people and family like the tradition and the event and all that. I won't be pushing one way or the other when my kids get to that age, it's their call. But for me it felt like the right and comfortable thing to do. Totally happy with it. I'm speaking from a point of bias I guess, in 6 months time I'll have been with my other half for 30 years. Love doesn't need certification, legal seal or public ceremony. And, sadly, longevity does not always mitigate against future break up - it is amazing how many couples in their Sixties are getting divorced these days. you're right of course, a calm cool headed study of the statistics, cost benefit analysis and legal position suggests binding public declarations of love may not be to the advantage of the male in the long run but I'm clearly a bit more crazy rock n roll reckless than the average price comparison website spreadsheet
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