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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. I thought I was fly leaving the light on.
  2. see, I want to give that a like, but I can't like being a receiver....
  3. I'll miss plebgate. Politicians and Police arguing over who the liar is.
  4. What was his name? Well, I'm sure I must have already told this one in some thread somewhere before, but many years ago I was an Equal Opportunities rep for a union. We had an away weekend of fun union networking and workshops. When I got to the traditional seaside hotel the receptionist said that most rooms were twins, so would I be ok sharing with someone. Being exceptionally mentally agile, I quickly thought to myself, hmmm they ain't going to make me share with a female, so they're asking if I'm ok to share with a disabled person or a bloke of different ethnicity to my own, either of which I'm fine with. So yes, I'm good to share. I had forgotten the category of sexuality. They had me buddied up room sharing with a guy who was not just gay, but what some non-pc people might well describe as being of the mincing screaming queen end of the spectrum. This was an unexpected situation. As it transpired over the course of Friday evening, Saturday, Saturday evening and Sunday the bloke was a great laugh, the centre of all the laughs and just really really nice. I went into that weekend thinking I was all cool and chilled. Quickly discovered I had a previously untested panicking fear of gay. By the end of the weekend we were all great friends, kept in touch for quite a while and I personally got so much out of the whole experience it was superb. The vision of him, Sunday morning, stood at the foot of my bed clutching a tiny hotel kettle dressed only in red y fronts asking 'shall I be mother?' is something that will live with me forever. I didn't bum him though.
  5. this is totes probs post on poster, so I'll impose my own mini ban for a while after this: Morpheus, this was the wrong battle fought with the wrong tactics. You've turned a mildly interesting dumb social phenomenon into a maudlin personal crusade which has made you look, in y opinion, like a bit of a tit. If you were a child of mine, I'd point out that if you don't like that other kid, ignore him and go play over the other side of the yard with someone else. Oh, and whatever happens DO NOT switch on the TV news. There's some shit happening in Syria that given your stress over an age old drinking game, is likely to make your head explode. You are becoming a bit of a tit. That is of course, a personal opinion, post on poster and all that. None of us are perfect but your frankly bizarre obsession with Stef is preventing me being able to have a jokey prod at his being a teacher. If I say something clichéd and ill informed about teaching right now he's likely to read it through the jaded mist of your pointless poorly focused dislike. Leave off, so we can all get back to mild mannered faux hatred. Some people died in a pointless way, that is sad. So, moving on....... OK, self imposed exile of approx. 12 hours starts here.
  6. that ain't over, caravan boy (I'm here at the moment, might go down to the 'beach' tomorrow, do some scent marking)
  7. Then you may still have a 'Like' I still wouldn't want to block anyone outright, though, as a matter of principle. yeah, that's not a million miles from what Hitler did, and he killed my baby granddad when he was 27 - it can be very irresponsible to use showers as it turns out!
  8. I can only imagine it involves breaking into a zoo, a coach full of nuns, courgettes and a drugs bust.
  9. BBC South East news just had a report where a woman wants more warning on sunbeds and wants a publicity campaign to advise people about them. She bought a sunbed 3 years ago and used it 6 days a week every week for three years. She got skin cancer. What we need is just some sort of general warning leaflet issued through schools to cover all of life's unforeseeable risks that you just couldn't expect people to know of on their own. You know, don't drink excess alcohol for a dare, don't jab somebody else's needle in your arms, don't cop off in Rugeley and don't spend 90% of your life on a **** sun bed.
  10. brings a whole new meaning to 'I like them husky'
  11. what about the bedside glass of water? bits or no bits?
  12. chrisp65


    bloody bloody bloody windy here my least fave weather, wind, but I have just had my confirmation e-mail that I've renewed my house insurance - so bring it on
  13. I woke up and it was that near daylight, 3 or 4a.m., I had matted blood in my hair and all my clothes were ripped, all my pricey casual gear deliberately shredded. I walked home smiling, thought I was a proper dude. Two weeks later I got off with a new girl in town, back to hers, stayed the night, she wasn't shy. Had to sneak to work from her place the next morning. I was working in a hotel (now there's a place to work for the horny teen), got into work and we had a new middle aged receptionist. Got talking to her, turns out she's new to town, and has a teenage daughter she thinks I'd like. They're renting 1 York Place. 1 York Place? Ah, yes, I know it well.... Just to say, I got all this out of my system by the time I was 19 / 20. Started drinking in pubs when I was about 14 / 15, stopped going to nightclubs when I was about 18 / 19. Been thoroughly straight for about a hundred years. Just living off the exaggerated anecdotes now!
  14. Yeah that's poor So , Where would you like us to start to be fair Stef you can't be guardian to all the kids all the time, I mean ffs people have to have a sense of proportion - you're only in school 9 til 3 joooooke Morph's let himself down a little on this one, bizarre bit of trying to pin something on someone. Best to park it up and find something new to fall out over there Morph.
  15. I was once the 'other guy' somehow not only knocking off a girl older then me that I'd presumed was way out of my league (kids - there's no such thing!), but doing it whilst she was making wedding arrangements with a well known half decent local amateur boxer. That was quite a thrill, downstairs at 2:00a.m. in my parents house giving my best to the WAG of a boxer. She managed to tell him about it as some sort of twisted revenge / lovers tiff bloody argument. I was walking between clubs one night when he stopped me in the street, mentioned he couldn't lay a finger on me or he'd lose his fight licence and asked me if I could stop seeing his lady. I mentioned that I knew about the licence situation and I was sure me and her was only a phase. I then smugly walked off, approximately 8 foot tall. About an hour later I had seven shades of crap kicked out of me by a bunch of people I'd never seen before in my life, seriously the biggest beating I ever took. That was daring, didn't do it again though.
  16. yes, I've actually just loaded the Bollywood stuff into the car for a long drive tomorrow I won't listen to anything on that CD in advance, spotted the one CD was all Uwaifo and nearly clicked for a listen, but it's more fun to find out once you've got it - otherwise you just fall into the Spotify algorithm trap and listen to stuff similar to what you've heard before.
  17. Of course people should be advised and educated. It's also fair to say that you shouldn't presume everybody aged 16 even knows a bottle of spirits can kill you. When I was a kid my little gang used to enjoy what we lovingly and literally referred to as Breaker and paracetemol parties. Unbelievably stupid looking back and I'd hate for my kids to get up to half of what I did (I guess they will, I just won't find out until years later hopefully). Anyway, this booze and pills gang went on for a while but then we kind of split into two groups. One lot sort of grew into the next stage of lager, nightclubs and the occasional dumb fight. The other half of the group moved from paracetemol to evo stick. The gloo gang continued on their merry way and from memory none are exactly rip roaring success stories, they've all done time inside for rubbish. We all had the same start, the same background, we even lived in the same layout of council house, so why would some not be able to resist obviously dumb choices? This week we've had an incident locally of some teenage prick deciding to swim across the harbour in a storm in the dark. The local lifeboat had to be called and trawl around for a few hours at night looking for him. People gave up their own time to risk their own skins looking for the current generation of dickhead. The skipper of that lifeboat is one of the old booze n pills gang that did his stupid stuff and then grew up. So yes, they are stupid and yes we do have to look after them because eventually, hopefully, they'll be teachers and gas technicians and wotnot eventually. Those that survive the Darwin defying moron phase anyway.
  18. http://www.worldmusic.net/store/item/rgnet1270/ I didn't know the name, it was pinned up on the wall, so I just google imaged it and it's Rough Guide to Psychedelic Africa double CD of the unknown for £7.99 has to be worth a punt
  19. The strikes achieve so much don't they...not yeah they should just cross their fingers and hope they aren't in the 700 jobs that are going and then cross their fingers there aren't some more in a later phase, striking for their jobs just shows they are selfish bastards personally, I'd like to see a bit more resistance a few more people kick back and agitate, remind the power that we are here and we aren't just a commodity
  20. whilst it's of little importance, that's probably one of the worst pieces of cover art I've seen it must have been knocked up in 6 minutes by somebody that didn't like the band I was primarily after the track 'Mother Sky' but already there are a couple of others on there that I'm chuffed with. Whilst I was in the shop, out of the corner of my eye there was a CD of old African psychedelia, that'll be next! Being based in town again is costing me a fortune.
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