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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. yeah but it's not work work
  2. It's a model that presumes added value and the bar for measuring poverty are linked with the amount of shit you can buy. But if we break the link with buying shit, that's our whole system undermined......
  3. Tragedy - all metal Bee Gees tribute band - anybody know if they're any good? Sounds awful to me but I've been asked out and I don't want to look like a snob by turning it down without having sampled it. Put it like this, I've been offered a ticket exchange for a spare Shonen Knife ticket I've got, I suspect the other guy is getting the better deal.
  4. I too think listing out reasons was a pretty dumb thing to do. Always keep it simple. Minimises opportunity for division and factionalism.
  5. it certainly would be a lovely thing
  6. Is everyone aware? august bank holiday I presumed it was a prank until I checked it's real!
  7. it's a lovely idea, hope the tickets aren't over my £20 bar
  8. Janet's entry in the biennial Kidderminster Bonsai Competition was referred to by judges as 'an abject failure'.
  9. Jay Rayner on QT tonight commented (and I paraphrase), that it was a bit rich the Daily Mail bringing up the historic links to PIE again when the nearest thing we have to PIE today is DailyMail.co.uk's pictures of kids down it's pages.
  10. Well, Plaid and a food critic won tonight's Question Time. The others too busy point scoring off each other to see the bigger picture of public service.
  11. I suppose the really crazy leftfield sneaky thing to do would be to consult and employ some decent people to draft tax legislation that closes loop holes. Governments get away with spending our money writing shoddy laws that the rich can circumvent.
  12. I don't think it was seen as a big deal by any of them to be fair.
  13. tough day there Jenny, take it easy and accept some people just aren't up to your caliber they've probs gone home to their shitty druggy little flat with no heating whilst you're enjoying the finest combined wit, wisdom and virtual tea and sympathy of the interweb
  14. All you people moaning about the bailing out of big banks need to get a grip. If bankers didn't get 6 and 7 figure bonuses after the recession we've just had, who the hell would be spending money? Thankfully there is a trickle down of the bonus effect whereby house pricing in the south east is kept mercifully buoyant and Porsche dealerships have been able to retain the majority of their staff. I know of several patisseries in Knightbridge, run as hobbies by wives and offspring of bankers that would be forced to close if daddy moved to Dubai. What would that do to the economy? God bless the politicians, I only wish we hadn't raised the minimum wage by 19p. It's money that now threatens the recovery that could so easily have been channelled into flood defences for low lying new builds around Windsor.
  15. as opposed to the completely different spiderman an escapist american children's comic about a man in a spider costume with special weapons and a not very deep back story that saves the earth by beating up baddies, sci fi
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