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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. I've bought 20 litres of Woodland Green fence paint. Fingers crossed for a mild dry weekend.
  2. Bullying? (Or ERT)? I had to wear an orange jumpsuit at one point, whilst cold water was poured over the towel on my head. Turns out I owe quite a lot of back pocket money.
  3. er, I have been told, but I'd just got in and may not have been fully focused! something involving persuasive language and techniques - but I'm not asking again, I'll lose 2 hours of cred
  4. one is way beyond school dress up days, the other would love to but is fast learning about peer pressure in the big school tonight we've been putting together English homework 'a lively speech about writing, words or stories' facts uncovered so far: earliest cave art found is 40,000 years old 35,000 years ago somebody painted hundreds of animals and a ladies foof in a French cave some of the earliest pictogram records are beer recipes a German novel about inventing a flying machine to get to the moon was published in the 1630's one of the earliest British detective novels was 'Confessions of a Thug', published 1839
  5. multi coloured stripey clothing, loads of snacks n sweets Hungry Caterpillar
  6. re open Studio 54 we're all saved! Egypt's army claims it has invented a cure for AIDS and hepatitis C, prompting an outcry from the medical community, which blasted the declaration as a "scientific scandal." "I defeated AIDS with the grace of my God at the rate of 100% . And I defeated hepatitis C," said Maj. Gen. Ibrahim Abdel-Atti, head of the Cancer Treatment and Screening center.
  7. if in doubt follow the money
  8. I was really happy with the service I received
  9. I watch it on I-player so I can pause it and look up the long words
  10. It was supposed to be a surprise .. Who told you I was coming ? the officer they've assigned to her house
  11. Boring thread. I will confess it needs more than 25% per cent of your attention for more than 4 minutes, so it's not for everyone. Top Gear is also available.
  12. Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle Series 3 ep 1 on I-player
  13. or wind turbines which are protested against? or fields of solar panels in Dorset which people campaign against, or bio fuel power stations, or the Severn Barrage and on and on and on or, even more radical, we could seriously invest in energy efficiency and insulation, we could ban office blocks leaving thousands of computers on standby all night and all weekend, we could stop factories leaving all the light on all night when the last shift went home hours ago, we could stop shops having open frontages and blasting heat onto the High Street or we can accept that to have cheap fuel and whirring unattended games consoles, Balaclava may just have to be Russian
  14. That's **** up. IMO of course. As somebody that worked as a barman and a night porter in hotels as a teenager, I can report there's a fair bit of it goes on. From age 17 to 19 I had jokey invites upstairs most weekends and most definitely very serious propositions from middle aged couples (all declined, incidentally) on about 3 or 4 or 5 occasions.
  15. Are you not being burned as a witch? I'm worried sitting in the bath listening on the radio is going to have to be my new lucky Villa routine.
  16. best get transport links to Hastings sorted out asap
  17. To be fair, it's a painful dirge at the best of times, sung by a drunk balancing on a wall I can only imagine it was truly a thing of x factor beauty. The 80's was a 'special' time, we had a game against Swansea over at the old Vetch, of our little group we lost one in the streets leading to the ground. 15 minutes into the game there was fighting in amongst the Swansea fans, the police fished one guy out and were marching him around the pitch when it became clear it was our missing man. Being the 80's, he was fished out of the Swansea end, marched around to us and literally thrown into our caged area where we were then all photographed for causing trouble. Not everything was better in the past.
  18. Teaching, in the first 10 or 12 years of life, is probably one of the most important jobs there is. It really is a foolish self defeating objective to screw the last efficiency penny out of that bit of the system. It is equally foolish for parents to think education happens in school and their input begins and ends on Sunday evening when they enquire 'did you do your homework?'. As for the hours, I've just done a quick look at my January and February hours and teachers have got me beat, I averaged 53.
  19. totally agree I don't have a Scottish team (possibly Aberdeen if really pushed), but I went up there as an away fan some time ago and they were brilliant, friendly and funny. Stewards found us in with the home fans with our away flag and scarves and decided to move us, at which point the Celtic fans did get a bit agitated with the stewards, but otherwise a great and memorable trip.
  20. yeah but it's not work work
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