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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. ah yes, Sunday afternoon, the cassette deck in the radiogram primed ready to record, but Jimmy Saville or whoever talking over the start and finish of the record and ruining the tape* then realising that having spent all my money on the most expensive cassette was actually a bad move - the chrome ones leave a ghost of last week's recording so you end up with a thin and whispy version of one song under another considered clever now, its how Mr Fatboyslim got started, but in the days of Girlschool or the Rezillos it just didn't do *in hindsight, not his worst crime
  2. I have decided against posting an 'amusing' picture to go with this bit of selective quoting. t'was a trap! and you stepped around sir, well played
  3. is that Frankie Goes to Hollywood still No 1? it's their fault for banning it if It is relax, my arse
  4. What is it, exactly? it's a campaign to stop kentish cockneys presuming I have any interest whatsoever in rugby as a spin off, it also highlights that you shouldn't presume a black person is foreign, stupid or trying to persuade you out of your banking details
  5. Sexual Punishment Using Inflatables?
  6. It's a good question. Are they journalists first, or frothing at the mouth reactionary nutters first? Does somebody simply decide they need to pay the bills so they'll write what's wanted and what sells? They certainly can't be researching or analysing the stories they write. To be kind of fair on this, it must similarly be the case with the likes of the Daily Mirror. My mother-in-law reads the Mirror and as far as she's concerned she will (and has) quite happily counter my questioning of a stupid article with 'well it must be true, they wouldn't just make it up'.
  7. uurgh, a very creepy newspaper bitter, creepy and on the wrong side of most issues, even fascism
  8. I don't know, it really resonated with me. And there, yer honour, is why it is a good campaign. kind of vaguely linked to this my nipper has just brought home the school photo of the entire year group and it's content was, er, slightly unexpected 182 kids in the photo plus 12 teaching staff of the 194 faces the breakdown was: 'white' 189, 'asian' 5, 'black' 0 of the 5 Asians, 3 are of Chinese background (anecdotally according to my nipper) of the 'white' contingent, again anecdotally, there are quite a contingent of Polish, guessed at about 7 or 8 plus a few other east Europeans and 2 French I can only explain this as a strange quirk of that year group, to walk around town, it's a far far more cosmopolitan place than that.
  9. Surely if someone was picking a fight with anyone, they'd be quite keen on their cause getting some airtime?
  10. meh, books top left and bottom right out the other room are my wife's and by the time I get back in here I can't remember the titles or authors, top left: generic novel appealing mostly to the ladies bottom right: generic novel appealing mostly to the ladies
  11. here, the whole bottom right hand shelf.... I love a thriller, me.
  12. top left: Holmes' Principles of Physical Geology, 4th Edition - D Duff bottom right: Elements of Form and design in Classical Architecture - Stratton I think I win! I'm in the living room right now, I'll report from the dining room soon.....
  13. What they saying? Jose M: 'overall I feel it was fair reezult, sorry I make cock of myself' John T: 'I wasn't there, I was away winning some Scottish cup and a partially sighted curling medal' Roman A: 'you get 3 points, I get Crimea, fair weekend'
  14. So in your world, when politicians of all colours going into the next general election, ask people to consider the issues that affect them, then ALL of the politicians, and ALL of the electorate are right wing. Because that's what people will be asked to vote on, particularly by Labour, the issues that affect them. yes* because that's pretty much what we've been reduced to, no vision, no grand plan, no long game empty bids and promises of an extra twenty quid if you vote for this suit over that suit *not 100% all of the electorate will vote for immediate personal gain, but all the main parties will use immediate personal gain as their prime vote winning punt because the object of the game is to gain power, not to empower Britain
  15. Is the recent vote in the Crimea more or less legitimate than the current government to the West Ukraine?
  16. Kiss is a very successful business model, you can't knock it for it's merchandising and money making.
  17. a couple of my mates have are just setting up a cheap airline business they've acquired a jet which is currently having a respray and a bit of a 'clean' but they should be up and running in about a week
  18. I have such an irrational dislike of Kiss that when I was watching somebody on youtube yesterday I was thinking, ooh he's quite good, then he moved slightly and revealed a Kiss poster on his wall behind him. I instantly decided he was actually a bit shit and I flicked onto the next vid.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tM0sTNtWDiI&feature=kp
  20. a little agitation keeps things from just being accepted as normal
  21. MOTD panel don't think Hart is naïve or stupid for coming out and inviting a dive then? Is that because he plays for a 'top team' not Aston Villa. Poor poor work from MOTD as per.
  22. didn't we used to have issues with March?
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCIRu1eQfeY
  24. proper thread locked, my radio has been commandeered by others, twitter is oddly quiet this is the flight MH370 of football
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