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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. ah I wouldn't worry about that, the wording of policies is deliberately framed to be difficult to disagree with it's the reality of what any of these parties would actually be likely to do in power that's the interesting bit
  2. do you mean bad as in cool, sick, wicked? or do you mean incompetent and poorly run? or do you mean racist mother **** mental ex National Front scum petty criminal incestuous bad? Ummmm... I guess the third one. well, they were formed by ex members of the national front and allowed ex members of the british movement to join they realised that the blatant thuggery and reliance on football hooliganism to whip up support was not going to cut it anymore, so they decided to go 'legit' if you are second or third generation british, but black, they want you to **** off back to where your granddad came from that'll be little nick, leader of the bnp, in a white power tee
  3. do you mean bad as in cool, sick, wicked? or do you mean incompetent and poorly run? or do you mean racist mother **** mental ex National Front scum petty criminal incestuous bad?
  4. I suspect I'm the most Vanilla person I know. If it wasn't for the occasional London late night, I'd be utterly beige.
  5. consistent! and there was me thinking I'd found a little gem
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKsDQaTkkxo
  7. You should post more often. bit of a thing for canine genitalia?
  8. when a was a kid my parents went off and left me 'home alone' first night I went out got stupidly drunk - so drunk my girlfriend (now wife!) phoned the house next morning to check if I was alive or dead I went down stairs, answered the phone and told her I was feeling surprisingly chipper all things considered went back upstairs, some clearing in the woods and decorated my entire room, floor, walls, bed, curtains with puke big lesson learned, if you scoop up the bedding and shove it in the washing machine, what you get out 45 minutes later is sheets full of rinsed clean puke chunks
  9. 6 years together before we got married including 1 year of jointly owning a house then about another 4 or 5 years before we seriously considered making the little babies I consider that a fair innings
  10. should we presume 'ours' is the one in the same position in the second picture, or the one in the hat?
  11. is spoony asleep? I can't sneak out of the room until he's properly asleep
  12. if it's early aids there is a cure pop a match up the opening until only the phosphorous head is showing set light to the head you'll forget all about the stingy pee problem
  13. I'm no Leviramsey, but I had a go at schmoozing an all female couple this evening. Great fun, I think we all got on fine. Had a couple of drinks, listened to some live music. But I'm clearly no Leviramsey. I don't really understand where the game was lost, I think it all started to go down hill when I showed them the phone photos of my broken greenhouse and my new composter.
  14. You had your personal stylist help you complete the survey? he's from latin America, makes fudge like an angel and I'd simply die without him
  15. I think a field of turbines looks nicer than a field of polytunnels and a gas pipe from russia
  16. it's how I'm known on grinder, so I just kept it
  17. Here is the breakdown of your personal results Created with Raphaël Green Party55.56% Conservatives22.22% Labour11.11% Lib Dems11.11% fascinating, but flawed, the party I've most recently voted for wasn't represented
  18. a bit of jaaaaaazzzz nice 'hello dolly' went down particularly well
  19. I would estimate that I am 300% unlikely to get prostate cancer. RSI, that's the real risk here.
  20. I saw the Bingo thing yesterday and just presumed it was a fake. Not even a fake, just a mildly amusing pic somebody had made up. They actually posted that. Un **** believable.
  21. Other than the families and so on of the passenger list, why are people so exercised? It's a couple of hundred people. How many died in Syria, for example, over the last week? I think there are a few reasons, unfortunately most of them come down to variations of the word ‘entertainment’. It’s on the news because people are interested, people are interested because it’s on the news. For this week, it’s replaced ugly dogs in council flats biting children. Dogs haven’t stopped biting kids, we’re just not doing that story this week. There is the change in people’s perception of just how monitored we are. It would appear that the americans know I texted my dad a happy jihad message back in 2009, hilariously getting a predictive text jihad instead of birthday. However, they tell us they can’t find a big plane full of people. Is that believable? It’s open to debate. We then get the three mumbling rabbits in headlights the Malaysian authorities have put up for press conferences. They are doing their best to look like evasive amateur baddies in a low budget movie. But in reality, just guys doing a job that suddenly got catapulted into the world media spotlight without a script or a PR lesson. Personally, I’d discount the ‘it could have happened to any of us’ theory of interest. So could every car crash everyday and so could Greece or Crimea or wherever but we don’t view them in that way. Most humans will presume immortality until proven wrong, or nobody would smoke or drive a poorly maintained car. Novelty of story is the key driver, with an outside chance of this being really really interesting. People will be ‘disappointed’ if this does turn out to be a series of mechanical faults that lead to a plane crashing into the sea unobserved. How many would prefer tonight’s news to show grainy long distance shots of a 777 under canvas in Turkmenistan, or covered in green netting in a jungle somewhere? Much more fun than the budget.
  22. this all day long its not a new world order conspiracy with a black ops visit to Diego Garcia to remedy an outbreak of a secret weapon virus and a bullion heist rolled in for good measure they don't know what they are doing
  23. I'm working on a project on Sheppey where a trench being dug for services was stopped on three occasions for uxb's - one was a german grenade, presumed to have been lobbed out of a passing plane.
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