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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. and I'd have thought it's fairly easy to book a table at the moment too
  2. wouldn't ordinarily listen to a whole album in one sitting, but this is on loop today
  3. well, on a positive note, the new office is (according to google earth) 398 metres away from Sofia Gardens we have a plan to watch some old school long game - and by watch, I obviously mean sit there with a pint, chatting, napping and reading the broadsheet newspapers
  4. I think the dog is saying "he was taking me to the vets, it was me or him, it was me or him dammit - now you chuck that stick son, or I'll chew through your brake cables too, your my bitch now boy"
  5. interesting to see Ireland has turned protestant
  6. yeah I'm not convinced I'd pay £150 (absolute minimum entry charge for the race) for either of those experiences I went to Monza a couple of years ago. It was €75 for the race day GA ticket and was a brilliant day out. We had a big screen opposite so we also had the TV view but the noise and atmosphere was great fun, would love to go to another one. It's a whole weekend thing though. Milan is taken over by replica F1 cars and promotion girls etc, loads of F1 tourists out and about chatting about the race, then on race day itself there is the build up with parades and flyovers etc before the actual event. We got onto the track at the end for the presentation and had a blast, would highly recommend it if you haven't been to one. cheapest Silverstone ticket for 2014 is £150 for one day and excludes entry to any of the grandstands but it's just a personal taste thing, I don't mind a bit of motorsport, I'll happily get up at stupid o clock to stand on the side of the road and watch rally, I'll also happily sit and watch funny car drag racing, but formula 1 just isn't for me I guess (I've blown up two of my wife's cars playing variations of run what ya brung drag racing!)
  7. That video just proves what a shite spectator sport F1 is, much better on TV imo yeah I'm not convinced I'd pay £150 (absolute minimum entry charge for the race) for either of those experiences
  8. A width that is half the height of the font? *typeface The most important thing ever, thank you so much for that correction, you life saver! and we can change the meaning of words anyway, so if enough people say font for long enough, it's font apparently that's literally what we do now stay gay
  9. Link fail? works for me, but you do have to press play on the one titled Bob Crowe mix
  10. Alabama 3 - Woke Up This Morning (No One Likes Us) Bob Crowe Mix
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7f189Z0v0Y
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1tYYWifKKM
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TCEU6--wis
  14. well, the game I went to today we won 9:0 and I caught up with chaps I haven't seen for a few weeks
  15. They would agree with chappy. "Why should I support my local team just because I was born here. I didn't choose to be born in this city" Going way off topic sorry mods but I was born and raised in Sheffield and have never lived in Birmingham? Should probably support Wednesday or United... I don't think anyone should have to support their local team. I think you should support your local team unless you have a good reason not to e.g. family. People supporting their local team actually makes football more competitive. Imagine if everyone in the country supported Man U. Football would be dead. I think that's flawed on two counts: Firstly, if I live in Bromsgrove does that mean that I have to support Bromsgrove? Or can I move my vote to a bigger club? How big or small would a club need to be to allow me to move to the next biggest, do I get to dodge Bromsgrove but then get stuck with West Brom, or Wallsall or whoever? Secondly, if supporters have to support locally, then players have to play locally. Tekkers shouldn't even be in the country - or he should be limiting himself to some south east dock town, Dover, Felixstowe, Sheerness. Don't get me wrong, I'm going to a game this afternoon that's walking distance from my house. But for others, they'll be jumping in their cars driving past that ground and heading up the M5
  16. Have you seen Peter Crouch And Have you seen Mrs Peter Crouch The defence rests and all credit to Mr Crouch for his excellent answer to the question 'what would you be if you weren't a footballer?'
  17. on the road just before 5 this morning - got home just after 8 ish, so just the 15 hours for me - then checked my e-mails just to make sure I could switch them off without having missed something actually important poor poor me
  18. early! did you have time for a free lunch?
  19. ordering whatever you want at the indian takeaway and not thinking oooooof, £8.99 !! perhaps I'll stick with the madras and a mushroom rice
  20. I can't actually fathom this. How can she even comprehend what sound is? She's obviously overwhelmed, but I dunno I just expected her head to explode or something because she'd be so bewildered. Incredible stuff I'm a bit perplexed by this. She was on the national news tonight. If she's never heard any sound, how can she comprehend the relationship between the written and the spoken word? And to thicken the plot further, she speaks - with the usual "deaf person's speech impediment" - but also with a definite trace of a Geordie accent (she's from Newcastle). This doesn't seem consistent with never having heard speech in her life. Not trying to demean the fantastic improvement in her life that this has given her, but I smell media exaggeration. with no actual knowledge, here I go..... I think it could well be that she has never 'heard' these words but she will have 'felt' them, the vibration on a hand or with the music she mentioned, through her whole body remember, she can already speak, so she must know what sound vibration to mimic and therefore would recognise well enough that what she is now hearing is indeed the words for the days of the week what she didn't recognise at first were those other sounds she wouldn't know by learning to make them herself - she was apparently surprised by how noisey a scrunched crisp packet was, and was delighted by birdsong confession time, I was in the car early this morning when I first heard this story, and it nearly made me cry
  21. Few years ago but this sounds like your scam http://www.fiatforum.com/leisure-lounge/108252-claude-valentini-watch-scam.html yep, one of the stories from there was pretty much word for word - haven't even changed the script that much like I say, it was very entertaining and I'm always surprised when somebody does go for the too good to be true deal - but I do like to play along for a while
  22. the story is slightly longer, at one point he nearly got aggressive, he got a watch out of a box and I said it was way to big and chunky and not my style. He very quickly said that's because it's a mans watch, are you a man or a pussy? from there he insisted I held it to feel the quality he had copies of glossy magazines with adverts for the watch and even offered a guarantee! my best guess is that I'd have been buying an empty box
  23. You missed out on the best blowjob of your life? tbf that would have to be a very good blowie
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