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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. ever tried to get past Reading at 7:30am? you can sit in the outside lane, going from stop to 5 mph to stop or you can cruise down the inside lane for 5 or 10 miles doing 57mph, popping into the middle lane just as you get to the junction shaves roughly 40 minutes off the commute every single day - the only thing that amazes me, is the good citizens of Reading that haven't worked it out for themselves, they all pop onto the motorway and pathologically try to get straight out to the 'fast' lane where all the other minis and audis are. Whilst the lorries and me trundle along, listening to a bit of dub in the inner lanes. every day of every week if people want to park up in the outside lane to take time to check their texts and touch up their lipstick, I shouldn't be forced to join them when there are two perfectly good inner lanes moving much faster
  2. So really just to drag the current driving debate out of other threads such as the gifs. Anyway, I'd estimate that I undertake somebody on the motorway most days of most weeks. Especially as you get closer to London because once you're past about Reading everyone is so self obsessed they don't realise that all heading straight for the outside lane isn't actually the fastest way to get where you're going. M25, tuck in to lane 1 or 2 and cruise past all the cockneys tailgating each other in lanes 3 and 4 in their little A3's.
  3. Why would you tell someone that anyway? no, no, your safe on that for another few minutes, honest, anyway I have retrograde ejaculation so if anyone needs a tissue, it's me.......
  4. PDEC's used in 'lively' areas where banks want to prevent people getting in or out too quickly two doors, only one can be open at a time, or one door but you need to be buzzed in once the staff have decided you're not a bank robber
  5. Yep. Just ate some. Camembert is the one true soft cheese. don't put your own locally produced products down
  6. I won't drag this out all evening, but again, where have I spouted bollocks or believed frothing at the mouth blogs as gospel? You appear just as guilty of answering a question that wasn't asked or correcting a statement that was never made as these looney lefties no need to answer, consider it rhetorical, I've got chops to grill and spuds to mash
  7. division 3 where the real men live, and there aren't always linesmen!
  8. nah, although I have seen the new Bromsgrove team this year, they're doing well. it was Barry vs Newcastle Emlyn, properly obscure but a good atmosphere and a good laugh with a crowd up for a bit of call and response fun
  9. It's complete bollocks, is what it is. Please show clearly how "people with money" have got richer. Who are these people, and how much money have they made? Because Peter Davies sure as hell hasn't made £36m out of it. These hedge funds aren't investing their own money, Lansdowne Partners has several billions of pounds of assets under management, so even if the Royal Mail increase was a big one, as a percentage of their total funds under management, it's absolutely tiny. Interestingly, another fund that did well out of the Royal Mail sale was The Children’s Investment Fund Management UK, but then what is essentially a charity doing well doesn't make such good reading when know-nothing numpties are spouting left wing rubbish on their idiot blogs. could you possibly spell out for me which bit is bollocks? no brown envelope? you think this is b and there was a brown envelope? the govt doesn't want the rich to get richer? is that b? do they not want them to get richer? that the screw has been turned on the poor? this is b? the poor are better off now with a better standard of living than they were before the tories got in? that I used the word stinky? this got you all of a flutter and wound up? that the tories are currently administering the country in a true to form style you'd expect of tories? is that the b? they are acting out of character presently? that there won't be any prosecution? is this my b? you believe there will be prosecutions? that they are clever people and they help people like themselves? B here? they aren't clever? or they haven't helped people like themselves? try to be a little less aggressive in your next answer if at all possible, thanks we're all here to learn
  10. Well it might be an older person's understanding of what a 'proper' job is, but there could be something deeper to look at. First off, it's a very small random sample, but it looks true and feels like a fair reflection on how society has moved. In the black and white pathe news past, we built stuff, made stuff, repaired stuff and had butch manly skills. That team from 1955, they could build a house. The 2014 team, hmmm, they'll struggle to buy a house unless something good comes of that degree in 'sports science'. Perhaps, perhaps today's manly men don't have the time to play football? Perhaps most of today's plumbers really are east European and wouldn't know how to get involved in local football. Perhaps being a student or a sales assistant today is actually a comfortable enough lifestyle that we don't need to know how to fix things, we can just buy new stuff.
  11. my personal view, is that it's bad I'm prepared to listen to a counter argument, I can see a lot more 'education' going on, though it's not clear to what end
  12. no, there is no taped phonecall of Osbourne thinking up a scam, there is no grainy photo of a brown envelope there is a clear desire within this government to get the people with money richer whilst turning the screw on the poor it stinks its true to form there will be no prosecution for theft, they aren't that thick, they are clever people feathering the nests of people like themselves
  13. PDEC's previously reserved for those interesting lively post codes, but spreading
  14. You have your own department at Tesco? On a serious note, isn't that just a fancy job title for a shelf stacker (not that there's anything wrong with doing that for a living)? they usually have me on bogof or reduced on the date expired rack I just wrote what they'd put in their player pen pics, could be real, could be an in joke as he's a multi millionaire crisp baron, but yes I suspect he's a Tesco stacker and best of luck to him too
  15. just rejoice in it being April and they need results to go their way not to be relegated, again.
  16. ok, this is more general chat than footy related, hence why I've stuck it here as a random snapshot of people's jobs I've compared the two lists of footy players in last night's programme, the first lot are from the 1955 season and jobs are listed thus: 3 Plumbers 2 carpenters 2 corporation gardeners 1 electricity board 1 national service 1 postman 1 brewery worker 1 plasterer 2 farm labourers 1 electrician 1 miner 1 bricklayer 1 metal worker 1 RAF all very 1955 stand up jobs, then we have last night's away team... 1 bricklayer 1 sales account manager 1 barman 6 university (3 sport related, 1 unspecified, 1 bioengineering, 1 teaching degree) 1 sales administrator 1 teaching assistant 1 gym instructor 1 clerical assistant 1 Frankie and bennies 1 sales 1 year off after teaching degree 1 crisp department at Tesco (that's what it says!) 1 scaffolder I guess this could have gone in the boring thread, but I thought it was an insight into what we've become over the last 60 years, not good or bad, just different
  17. ignore the lefties above the average person gains plenty from the sale of the Royal Mail has nobody here ever heard of trickle down? No? Good grief, it goes like this.... you plough money into something for years, when it makes money (just when we need money and jobs) you sell it off, cheaply, to your city chums these city chums can spot QUICK BUCK as well as anyone, buy it from us without our consent, sell it on (laughably, potentially, back to us via our shitty little mean pensions) and make lots of money very quickly it's that profit the rich have just made that will SAVE the country, because some of it will be spent in the UK at restaurants where we might work or on furniture from a shop where we might work or getting the Porsche cleaned god bless 'em, they've saved us, who would begrudge our saviours a little profit on the side, they've worked hard for it
  18. 6:1 decent comedy commentary from the stand game in hand and 2 points behind league leaders 2 wins needed in next 5 games to guarantee promotion
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwQwA_kFxoE bought my copy in Woolies wearing my dockers jacket hardcore
  20. the always excellent folky Sam Carter's new project 'false lights' he's top of his game at the moment and really really worth catching live if you can.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3726plLDgvM
  21. something doesn't quite ring true about somebody having discovered a wonder drug that reverses aging within a week and makes you look toned and fit - but he needs to raise money for further research if the results are anywhere within 40,000 miles of what he's described he'll be beating investors off with a big stick
  22. ah right, in which case, totally agree **** 'em
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