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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. yeah, well spotted, it's Murry the Hump incidentally, 'Five' and 'Don't Slip Up' by Murry are currently standards on my mix tapes I force on people Keys are one of those bands that you can't understand* why they're not bigger and better recognised, a heck of a live sound * though saying that, I suspect it's because they are too disorganised to properly promote their live gigs, you have to really try to find out when and where they are playing, plus, live they are awesome, youtube and cd they are just good, not special, not unlike so many bands over the years (anyone remember early line ups of Nine Below Zero?).
  2. I was going to jump in and shout The Walking Dead, but you quite rightly included it. Such a good iterarion on the usual zombie theme to begin with, now you can just watch any random episode out of sequence and it doesn't really matter. Another we started watching a while back 'Medium' (psychic milf cop), started off fine, then I'm sure they gave the same show a different title for four weeks running. We're always told the american TV setup can throw dozens of gifted writers at a project, but the reality appears to be that they do often run out of steam in quite a spectacular fashion. To that end, Fargo could be good for having set a limit and B Bad was right to finish when going so strong. Did we all spot the B Bad casting link in Fargo? I gave a little silent 'yay!'.
  3. yeah, I'm the same about croissants and electricity and porn
  4. yep enjoyed that, Fargo pretty much did everything you'd want it to, very good, very Fargo
  5. nice defeat for Norwich today we're inching closer to the line by the default of others losing
  6. that's one of the advantages of advanced age I don't think there is anyone left in my little social group that I don't get along with, over the years you can shake them off and only knock around with people you actually enjoy spending time with the whole W S Burroughs 'words of advice for young people' thing really is worth listening to, if after being in the presence of someone you feel like you've lost a quart of plasma, avoid that person, or words to that basic theme (I wouldn't want to be taken literally)
  7. If you don't feel you can write a clear declaration yourself, then WH Smiths and the Post Office sell standardised forms you can fill in for about £20
  8. better if they're proper winter parsnips, season is over really cut them into chips, boil them, mash them with as much butter and pepper as suits your taste
  9. the full on roast dinner pork roast which I fluked really well with a slow cook, many many roast spuds, cheapo yorkies out the freezer into the oven for 4 minutes, a plethora of veg which included mashed parsnip (bit late in the season but ok), tiny new potatoes, peas, beans, brocolli, carrots and asparagus it'll be old skool black forest gateau with cream in a short while, but we'll let the main course settle a little first
  10. Well, I've been to Waitrose, Sainsbury a newsagent and a petrol station today. I think it's great that people don't automatically get bank holidays off anymore, it must be making us more competitive. If you're stupid enough to end up in the service industries or working in a shop you can use this relatively quiet day in work to reflect on how much effort you put in at school.
  11. at that point, the piece with the level on was the only piece that was straight and level moved to the opposite corner and levelled that, then the other two, then round again to fine tune it the real problem is that the frame took such a bashing in the wind that even now the roof bars are a little out but it's a free second hand green house so, 'that'll do, it's good enough for now', as we often said on the Challenger programme
  12. I have re straightened every bar and re constructed the greenhouse that was destroyed by the great storm of 2014. As it was such a fine day, I also took the time to re level the base that it sits on. A good day's work.
  13. I think it's got a lot to do with the psychology of finding the egg before those little kids are even allowed out into the garden. Stood there, chops smoothered in chocolate, in just a pair of combat trunks, gorged on sweet tasting egg chocolate giving a great big '**** yeah!' to all the mums and kids staring out at you from the patio doors.
  14. Sorry, not having that. It's as partisan a bit of writing as I've seen in a long time, with the writer going out of his way to prove he's the new Dickens reporting on workhouse conditions. It's what political debate in this country has come to though, with everything reduced to Daily Mail or The Mirror articles, or the childish Facebook style memes that peterms is so fond of. So, has everyone of those million food bank parcels gone to a penniless family with absolutely no alternative? Or are people just using them because they're there? I'd honestly like to know, but finding out anything that isn't drenched in political rhetoric from either side is impossible these days. Not everybody on benefits is a scrounger, but not everybody using foodbanks is a penniless, starving mother of 6 living in a shoebox on the M6 either. if you'd honestly like to know then can I suggest you find a local food bank and arrange to go along for a couple of hours / half day - most would welcome an observer there to learn I tried it for a very short while but frankly couldn't handle seeing mums and dads that had to be cajoled into attending, that had really needed the supplies but saw walking through the door as a disgusting failure and an admittance of being a sponger, a beggar, a shit on society's carpet. Many would plead that somebody else attend for them and bring them supplies to the house or flat. Not through laziness or the presumption there is always somebody there to cater for you. But because they couldn't face going in there and seeing the well meaning pensioners doling out soap and tinned soup. This is the sort of thing I object to. This is a replay of the poverty tourism indulged in by Victorian gentlefolk, as they took the whole family, all dressed up smartly, to gawp at the poor, and enjoy feeling sorry for them and wonder at their fecklessness and their own virtues. If it is so shameful and people feel so degraded, why on earth would they want someone to witness that shame? Yeah, for clarity, I wasn't suggesting he take some popcorn to eat and throw as he sat in a deckchair. I think they only do that in Windsor.
  15. Sorry, not having that. It's as partisan a bit of writing as I've seen in a long time, with the writer going out of his way to prove he's the new Dickens reporting on workhouse conditions. It's what political debate in this country has come to though, with everything reduced to Daily Mail or The Mirror articles, or the childish Facebook style memes that peterms is so fond of. So, has everyone of those million food bank parcels gone to a penniless family with absolutely no alternative? Or are people just using them because they're there? I'd honestly like to know, but finding out anything that isn't drenched in political rhetoric from either side is impossible these days. Not everybody on benefits is a scrounger, but not everybody using foodbanks is a penniless, starving mother of 6 living in a shoebox on the M6 either. if you'd honestly like to know then can I suggest you find a local food bank and arrange to go along for a couple of hours / half day - most would welcome an observer there to learn I tried it for a very short while but frankly couldn't handle seeing mums and dads that had to be cajoled into attending, that had really needed the supplies but saw walking through the door as a disgusting failure and an admittance of being a sponger, a beggar, a shit on society's carpet. Many would plead that somebody else attend for them and bring them supplies to the house or flat. Not through laziness or the presumption there is always somebody there to cater for you. But because they couldn't face going in there and seeing the well meaning pensioners doling out soap and tinned soup. But be prepared to see a mix of people that need to get themselves organised, people that think they should have their arse wiped AND lots of people crying with the perceived shame of being so down on their fortunes in this society that they are reduced to asking for hand outs so they have toothpaste and toilet paper for their children even if that mix of the types of people above is equal thirds, that's horrible even if some foodbanks have been set up by do gooders looking for a cause, that's horrible even if some foodbanks have been set up by people with a political agenda, that's horrible it's also a reflection on all organised established politics in this country and it won't be changing any time soon
  16. well, I had a vasectomy where the only thing I took was a couple of valium, no local jab, no gas, just a couple of v's took them, sat there thinking there was no difference, nurse collected me took me to the op theatre and asked if I was ok to strip and go in for the op the fact that I did what I was told was probably proof enough for them that they'd kicked in! I was chatting to the doc and the nurse all through the op and could vaguely feel my man region being poked and prodded around but felt no 'discomfort' my one and only time on valium, so if that's typical, they can certainly get you relaxed mid way through the op I told the doc I was surprised I hadn't been put under and he replied with something Lebowski esque, he said there is rarely any pain, just the perception of pain and they'd temporarily obscured my perception
  17. what it tells me, is that providing I have money I should avoid paying as the worst that will happen to me as a wealthy person is that I might eventually have to pay what was due all along however, if you don't have money then best you comply you thieving little shit
  18. there's no point in being rich if you can't buy off the occassional petty nuisance court case
  19. my local fan owned footy team won promotion on the weekend, well done us one of the guys, Jeff our resident historian and stats keeper, has been desperately ill, was in a coma for a while back there and was attending his first match since before Christmas so seeing as he missed Christmas and to celebrate his return, we played the Christmas tape at half time
  20. good to see a hard working Wirral MP with her finger on the pulse of events in her area today
  21. The Space Lady, tomorrow night, £7 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVEeU1rakW4
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAYqdcB08TQ
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