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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. chrisp65

    Ice rink

    Rob, Out of curiosity, where did you get this one? Purely out of a casual uninformed random passing interest you understand..... ed: ah found it with an image search (that turned out to be a bit nsfw as it happens)
  2. If you want a job doing properly, do it yourself. Tell that to Rod Hull. if only he'd waited for freeview and DAB
  3. It's a lottery. rush job on tomorrow building AVFC_Hitz a bonus ball
  4. and whilst we're at it, a Castle Bromwich made Spitfire
  5. not strictly relevant other than being 'historic', but Lancaster nose sections being constructed at the Castle Bromwich factory
  6. Had a similar incident, I got the kids to fetch my cricket bat, my theory was giving it altitude would help it sort itself out. Lazy fecker just went up and down until I got bored.
  7. I ate in a Macdonald's yesterday. Third time ever in my life I'd been in one, second time I'd eaten there. I decided to have the fillet of fish meal as I, rather naively, thought they couldn't do too much weird processing shit to that. Turns out a fillet of fish is a square fried fishfinger, in what was basically a doughnut it was so sweet, but with a processed cheese square on it. Cheese on a fried fish finger in a doughnut. How the merry **** can you turn fish in a bun into something so sweet and disgusting. I'll try something else from their menu in another 15 years time and report back.
  8. I'm currently using the limited special edition Head and Shoulders, knees and toes heffing great on my toe hair, soft n shiny
  9. trust man city to have a persian rug instead of a pallette
  10. Katrina and the Waves British Sea Power Vanilla Ice Sandie Shaw that's it, I'm out, too much rum too quickly to think of any more
  11. I briefly worked in Bronglais hospital which spent many thousands having four digit locks put on every corridor door so people couldn't wander around the building. Each department had it's own number, so staff had free reign in their own areas but needed to be given access to areas they weren't naturally supposed to be in. So much time was being lost having to let staff from other areas into your area that the whole process was speeded up by printing the four digit number just above every lock.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttJBdr6eBuo
  13. loser snails that can't raise the deposit on a shell or as the Daily Smail calls them 'scrounger pulmonate gastropod land mollusc foreignors'
  14. I've had a text off one of my gig buddies this morning, he's woken up with a bad head but a phone full of photo's of him with the band, a bunch of stickers and badges and a signed poster. He's 46 years old.
  15. started the day at Steckford Hall, Woodbridge had a good meeting, bagged a load of new work, meeting finished early whilst driving home twitter and texts kept me posted on my local team winning and thus being promoted as champions got in to Cardiff in time to sink a pint of Black before seeing Shonen Knife and getting Naoko to sign my CD cracking little day
  16. doesn't sound like the toughest compromise in the world to be honest anyway, I'm more worried about my chimney sweep bills
  17. Meath to sort out the catering
  18. In England the Supporters Trust are the 'go to' guys to find out how it works, from buying an insolvent club like Wrexham to starting your own fan owned club like FC United. They'd put anybody serious about the idea in touch with real fans that have already been there and done that and worked out the legalities of how you share ownership and make decisions. Over that europe clubs such as Sankt Pauli in Germany are an interesting model. With the oddball exception of the Barcelona model, not sure anyone has ever tried to convert a '£200M' club into a fan owned model. That sounds quite tricky.
  19. ah, talking of classics...... Had my shiny bonnet star nicked for the first time ever recently. The garage gave me a new one for free, look how it sparkles. OK it's a bit too close to dusk to sparkle, but it did earlier today, honest. I say free, £4k / £5k of services over the last 8 years or so should get you more than a free badge really. Of all the silly toys and gadgets that badge is the most pointless, the most pompous and the one I like the most. I know that's all a bit shallow but there you go. If / when I change to something else I'll have to take a leaf out of my nipper's book, currently sporting a toshiba laptop with an apple logo sticker over the badge in the middle of the lid. All the shallow pose and a thousand pound saved. Wonder if you can graft a star onto a SsangYong?
  20. Chevvy Impala I actually prefer the boxy black one from Supernatural but that would have looked like a lazy image search
  21. cheapest telescope you can find, bottle of vodka, sexy knickers win, win, win
  22. no, I don't actually drive one myself, I just wanted to redress the balance a bit for VA who is clearly feeling a little unloved here one for you, man
  23. meh you ain't getting off that lightly either so, a couple of years back I was in the motorway services down the M5 around about Bridgewater ish I went for a little wee, turned to wash my hands and in that split of a second where your brain is selecting a wash hand basin BOOM! the wash hand basin have exploded off the wall and been thrown across the room in their place when the dust settled, a man on a seat holding a steering wheel He'd been driving a coach into the coach park bit, got something wrong and launched himself through the wall and into the toilets. The impact had shattered the giant coach windscreen so all we saw, stood their in the bogs, was a man perched up on a seat clutching a steering wheel. Incredibly, no serious injuries, I had a nick off a piece of wall tile but really nothing. It really did look like the proverbial bomb had gone off. Not sure what the NCAP rating for a bloody big coach is. Oh, and for the record, I've never checked the NCAP on any car I've bought. I've kinda presumed whilst driving a Triumph Spitfire that I'll come off worst in a collision with a crisp packet and I've kinda presumed most modern cars are broadly ok for the occupants and reasonable speeds and fairly dangerous at 115mph.
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