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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. hmmm I'm pro positive discrimination, not trendy at the moment as the Sun / UKIP / Top Gear macho reactionary brigade currently hold sway but we need to show everyone that they can contribute and their thinking matters you can't tell girls in school or black guys or somebody from a sink estate 'you can be just like us' if 'us' is always always always 10 rich old white guys in £800 suits when the nearest thing to 'one of us' in politics Nigel Farage it's time to invest 10 years in getting a more representative cross section of society a go at making decisions
  2. perceived need for balance jeesh only those already in a position of power should be allowed to be in positions of power, if you've not previously broken into the virtuous circle of self interest, conservatism and protectionism then **** you, you clearly don't deserve it I have no interest in what it might turn out you can bring to the party
  3. chrisp65


    plenty to see and do in Cardiff, what sort of stuff are you after? you can bike ride down the taff trail from Castle Coch, through the centre of Cardiff via Sophia Gardens, stop, have a look around the castle, shop in the victorian arcades then get a £4 river taxi down to the Bay where you can pick from dozens of restaurants and bars, see a show at the Millenium, do the Dr Who Exhibition or just eat icecream crossing the barrage if it's sporty stuff you're after you can catch some cricket at Sophia Gardens or get wet doing the Cardiff International Whitewater rafting centre some good clubs in Cardiff and a decent representation when it comes to live music, from small intimate gigs at the Globe or Clwb Ifor Bach or bigger stuff and plays and whatnot at New Theatre, St Davids Hall, The Sherman, Chapter Arts and the Millenium - don't be put off by Clwb being described as a welsh club, perfectly friendly and english speaking a short hop from Cardiff is Penarth with a trad seafront and a pier and Cosmeston Mediaeval Village and walk around some lakes and ducks n stuff or you could go to Rhyl and buy dirty smack for £20
  4. but if political parties were women.......... UKIP
  5. on the upside, the cat survived
  6. yeah on that I think we can be fairly sure that the majority of people that will actually vote have already decided how they will vote even though they don't yet know the candidates or manifestos it's only a small number of people that switch allegiance I've only ever voted for 2 different parties in 30 years - but I did get really brave recently and just write 'none of the above' on the slip. It did feel surprisingly daring.
  7. I'd hate it if he ended up in a fight with Piers Morgan and they both suffered terrible injuries and couldn't talk anymore.
  8. one of those excellent scientifically accurate BBC vox pops just interviewed a few people BBC: 'how do you intend to vote?' Bloke with bad teeth: 'yeah, I'll be voting UKIP' BBC: 'why?' Bloke with bad teeth: 'don't know really'
  9. I am the most vanilla person I know. There will be no orange rammed in my mouth, no candle wax, no snapchat and my best silk tie will not be poked up my back passage to be pulled out at the key moment. One of the guys in work ruined his £45 bestest poshest hand painted silk tie on that particular stunt with a girl he'd only just met.
  10. why even bother why didn't somebody at some point in the process just man up and say to those pressing for an enquiry 'look, we will not tell you the truth that's not how it works, here's a few million quid **** off somewhere hot and forget about it'. the fact we will not be allowed to see what was agreed between chums tells us everything we need to know about what was agreed between chums
  11. yep even if I have to do it on my own
  12. I suspect it was a lone Japanese on an island type story that started it all off. Personally, I was worried because I was just about to spend 6 weeks at RAF Bruggen and didn't want that messed up.
  13. You didn't go to school with my Grandad did you? He used to tell us the scar on his leg was from when a torpedo went through it, during the war. back in the seventies when I was in school the Headmaster had to quash rumours around our school that World War II had re-started not a new war, just some random Germans had secretly never surrendered and it was all kicking off again - panic all through the playground
  14. I'm er, working from home tomorrow. Must set my alarm for mid morning so I can e-mail my expenses in before the noon deadline. This is actually far more exciting than it sounds.
  15. no probs lovely I've been stuck on various parts of the Suffolk superhighway today behind pensioners and horse boxes queuing to get in / out of the Suffolk show. So I probably typed it in a very aggressive stressed manner.
  16. however I do fear that if these cars run on electric (and are therefore obviously thoroughly harmless to the environment), can be speed controlled and statistically kill less people then you can be sure that 'the man' (europe / labour / alex salmond / traffic wardens / pick your villain) will gradually outlaw driving How exactly is this harmless electricity being generated , coal burning or nuclear ( Chernobyl / Fukushima anyone ) ? hence my hearty totally sarcasm free endorsement right there in the brackets
  17. Moving from stick shift to automatic is a bit like the first time you discover lube. You just look back on all the wasted years you stupidly missed out.
  18. however I do fear that if these cars run on electric (and are therefore obviously thoroughly harmless to the environment), can be speed controlled and statistically kill less people then you can be sure that 'the man' (europe / labour / alex salmond / traffic wardens / pick your villain) will gradually outlaw driving
  19. remember to keep your mouth shut I'll pass that lesson on for free
  20. I've gone back over the cctv and spy cams for the last week and personally I'm about 70% standing, 20% kneeling, 5% leaning out of the only window that can see the woman next door, 5% courtesy of my missus bless her.
  21. not particularly old, 1820's in fact so actually the 'newest' skull I've found to date St Mary Church, Stratford St Mary, just outside Ipswich it's a bit rough, a combination of two pints of Kingfisher and messing about with some free software
  22. well that's weird, I was stood outside Heaven earlier today I did a couple of walk by's just to get a proper look at the person in the afro caribbean wig and beauty shop - couldn't decide on the gender. So I went around the corner to take a picci of a pub for my nipper....
  23. today's random buy....Ethiopian 60's / 70's pop / big band / jazz bought it on the off chance that might have been one decent tune to impress trendy types with, but it's totally brilliant, every single track a stormer
  24. What's the point of a driverless car? I mean, what's it going to do when it gets there? Very wasteful.
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