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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Not wishing to dilute the dislike of envirocycling supremacists but we also have to give an honourable mention to the driver in the ford fiesta / citroen c2 / daihatsu miivi that thinks their car is wider than the lorry that just passed the cyclist with ease. Now we all have to wait for Mr/Mrs shit driver to pluck up the courage (usually just as a traffic island approaches) to squeeze passed with only a few metres to spare.
  2. chrisp65


    article in today's Independent, apparently the prostitutes and brothels (Zonas) are all having crash courses in basic english and being issued with mobile card reader machines so there'll be plenty of opportunity to spread some seed capital
  3. This is our exact relationship as well. I'm not allowed anywhere near actual horticulture, I'm just there for the digging and heavy lifting, etc. It is what they call the Mellors role, extra duties may be required. tell me about it I had to prune a rather large misshaped bush for her earlier today
  4. you bastard I found that image, posted it but it was huge, cancelled it, found one a decent size too slow
  5. but Ermie hasn't mentioned 'muslims' that's just guess work you've been deliberately lead into by somebody you don't know
  6. sorry, the two games: yes game I was at was local and I've no idea what the score was tellingly, from memory Villa game was FA Cup and we won - but would that have been on MOTD? I'll go look it up and report back ok actually it was a draw but Villa went on to win the replay! yay!
  7. It takes some doing, but you've managed to write one of the most frustrating and annoying posts in 39 pages of UKIP garbage. That's quite an achievement. Why would you choose to claim a threat to yourself and others, tell us we know about it, then announce you're not saying any more? I for one, have no idea who you are talking about. General muslims? Radical Islam? Capitalism? UKIP? BNP? The EU? East European Nazis? If it was supposed to be enigmatic I'm afraid it just left me confused.
  8. Just to put a bit of perspective on RV's attitude to the missus being in labour..... Back when my first was being born my wife went into labour and the waters broke at about 2:00am - we phoned the maternity ward and midwives and they asked us to work out the timing. From the answer we gave them, they said stay home have a cup of tea and bring yourselves in after 8:00am. We got in at 7:59am (hey, it was our first), they did a few tests and wotnot and I hung around for a few hours. Eventually they decided that there wasn't much happening, but as the waters had gone they had to keep my other half in and under obs. So they told me to go home. So I went home, bought myself a bag of chips. Midway through my chips it occurred to me I could now go to the footy. So wife in hospital having our first, I went to the footy. Got back to the house about 5:30pm and the phone was ringing as I arrived. It was the hospital suggesting I get back in there asap. I arrived, there was lots of action, all very exciting and I became a dad, I cut the chord and all that. About 9:00pm I was told they had to sleep and I had to leave. Got home and the music for MOTD was starting. Poured myself a whisky and watched the footy. Not the worst day I've ever had. But it just shows, it's not all panic and 24/7 attention, sometimes you just go with it.
  9. looks a bit neater than my* allotment We had random potatoes today as part of our Sunday lunch. We were tidying up random spud plants that had grown up in between onion rows and sweetcorn rows and it turned out a good few of these (probs missed from last years crop) actually had decent spuds below them. Had a good few for lunch, the remainder are going to form the base of a fry up in about 30 minutes or so. *not actually mine, it's Mrs P's in reality but she sees herself as more of a land owner and master planner with me as her peasant labour
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBfNN3x78Dw
  11. Twice. 1973, the Quadrophenia tour in Manchester (where I managed to get on stage, stood just behind Townshend's amp, and about three feet from Moon. The word 'awesome' doesn't do it justice) and 1974 at Charlton (with Lou Reed, Humble Pie, Maggie Bell, Lindisfarne - and Bad Company in their debut gig). Good times. as gig memories go, you've got a couple of crackers there that would be pretty hard to top
  12. I'm impressed , I didn't think knives and forks had it made it into Wales yet ... I did recently eat in a restaurant that had plastic sporks so people couldn't use the cutlery as weapons - and that was in Surrey!
  13. Yeah yeah, you guys keep thinking that way, best you all go to Padstow and pay £1,200 a week to be crushed by all the other superior sais queuing to pay £25 for fish n chips and not getting to sleep until 3:00am when the college kids finally pass out. Seriously though, it's just Barry Island, nothing grand or up its self 10 miles down the coast from Cardiff. It's been a real basket case but is now getting it's act together and is on the up. I like it anyway, and having worked in Redditch and Bromsgrove for the last 6 years I can say hand on heart I'm not considering tripling my mortgage to move away from the beaches and my triple garage and my 80 metre long garden.
  14. Family rules. I buy 4 different cakes and I make sure I'd happily eat any of them. Then the others get to choose what they want and I eat the one that's left. Today was: Carrot cake - which was excellent Walnut cake - which was excellent Victoria Sponge - which was excellent Chocolate cake - which was insane, properly gooey wet in the middle, excellent everyone a winner
  15. I don't normally follow the modern craze for taking photo's of food and sticking them on twitbook or whatever. But we've had a lovely walk over the beach starting off at the wonderful quiet beach that not many appear to know about and then walking across to the busy touristy beach and stopping for coffee at Marco's. It warms my cockles to see that even though the island is getting back to being popular it's Marco's place that is still packing in the punters. New corporate / franchise cafes and coffee shops are beginning to crowd in but the only place that was full was the independent place owned and run by the people working behind the counter.
  16. I don't think there are that many on here that are genuinely partisan are there? I know there's the regular chat back and forth about the lefty gang. But I don't think there are any two with the same views, I don't think there are many that tow the Labour line. Which is probably the tories best hope at the next election, squabbling amongst the morally superior letting them in again.
  17. Why would you think that 'positive discrimination' would address half the issues that the rest of your post implies? It would appear to be an internal 'liberal intervention' and would, by its nature, fail to even want to consider the real problems or even some of the implications of those problems. I don't think it would be a cure, I think it would be part of acknowledging a problem and working towards fixing it along with lots of other stuff. It would be as much a liberal intervention as ensuring people that didn't go to Eton get an occassional go at choosing the direction of the love bus we're all on. Never realised John Major went to Eton I think we're getting a bit literal and selective. One swallow does not a slapper make. Over the last 50 years or 100 years or 200 years I'd say a disproportionate proportion of the leaders have been posh people with posh people agendas pushed to the top by other posh people with the same agenda.
  18. Exactly. Only Blairities would have us believe that we were on a love bus. Hey, if there's no love bus then there's no point. You can come and sit on my love bus for a while.
  19. You're almost giving the politician " hard working ordinary people" line there I can honestly say that never occurred to me. Quite the opposite, shouldn't give people the opportunity to say they're not involved. Make everyone work a bit harder / smarter and not just accept that 'the man' will always win.
  20. Why would you think that 'positive discrimination' would address half the issues that the rest of your post implies? It would appear to be an internal 'liberal intervention' and would, by its nature, fail to even want to consider the real problems or even some of the implications of those problems. I don't think it would be a cure, I think it would be part of acknowledging a problem and working towards fixing it along with lots of other stuff. It would be as much a liberal intervention as ensuring people that didn't go to Eton get an occassional go at choosing the direction of the love bus we're all on.
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