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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. How much you looking for, for the clippings?
  2. is there any history between Keane and Hutton? it's just that today's Independent had a really odd line: (Keane)... is mulling over a move to Villa Park. Perhaps Villa will offer him Alan Hutton on a long lead to take for walks now his labrador,Triggs, Keane’s famous walking partner back in 2002, is no longer with us.
  3. beer is definitely one of those things you have to learn to enjoy and that's probs why chilled lager is sold to teenagers in discotheques and dance halls it just tastes of cold and wet but looks like a grown up's drink
  4. Mooney, I've just spent money on popcorn and drinks for the show. Any chance of you deleting that post before RV sees it?
  5. my non-ghost story: back in the day when the first nipper was a baby my missus was upstairs putting the little angel to bed I was downstairs with the baby monitor on when quite clearly the message came across 'can you come upstairs and help please' I jogged upstairs, asked what was up and my wife didn't have a clue what I was talking about. Long spooky conversation ensued about being beckoned upstairs, she pointing out the monitor was unplugged and in the other room. Woooooooooh spooky. About a week later, both of us sat downstairs, nipper starts crying over the baby monitor but it just sounded different, 'off'. We jogged upstairs, nipper is fast asleep and peaceful. Valuable lesson learned - if the people 3 houses down have the same monitor, you will also pick up their conversations and 'noises'. We always made sure the monitor was off and unplugged before trying for our second nipper after that.
  6. It does show quite a strange lack of imagination in the people 'seeing' these ghosts, when you would expect them to have an over active imagination.
  7. Yeah. Imagine him giving the Queen's/King's/Leader's speech .... well that's interesting I had Blessed in mind, and then had to think of other candidates I'd like him to greet heads of state at the bottom of the aircraft steps in his Vultan outfit from Flash Gordon possibly arriving by zip wire as they reach the bottom step, if that wasn't too showy
  8. Yep, that's the badger. BTW I've heard of Kanye West, but I genuinely wouldn't know him from Jay-Z, Biggie Smalls or any other rapper for that matter. Kanye for future reference
  9. my 'puter must be really old when I go on google it doesn't say either BEFORE or AFTER I bet it's probably worth summit by now
  10. I have no doubt whatsoever that this list does actually exist. written down in black and binary
  11. this thread could become epic
  12. praedo's only go for kids with really expensive designer handbags yeah?
  13. if ghosts aren't real who the merry **** is eating the wagon wheels after the rest of my family have gone to bed
  14. Jobs for life and for all your kids and hangers on is a bit of a strange out dated contract. Sack them all off. If it's proven in 10 years time that we've lost more income dollars than it was costing to run the royal gravy train, then by all means get some new ones in to wave at people. If you are weak and require some figure head head of state or el presidente figure because you're worried who will meet visitors as they get off the plane, perhaps we can have a reality tv selection process for a suitable replacement. You could vote for any one of the following: Seb Coe John Barrowman Brian Blessed Sue Barker Toyah Wilcocth Mary Berry Dame Ladyship Madam Kirstie Allsopp Bez what was off the Happy Mondays
  15. It's definitely 2014 I'm I only one on VT without a time machine ? Edit : yeah yeah I now know someone beat me to it , really should have flicked to the next page before I posted you **** up your grammar you **** **** to be fair, I thought it would take longer than that, I considered outsourcing the checking of all your posts smiley added!
  16. genuine guess.......'78 now I'll go google it dohhhhh, 1976
  17. Are you thinking it could be your mum? Tricky moral dilemma now, do the right thing and turn her in, or cheap cheese and bacon.
  18. To be fair it's been a couple of weeks since half term, you must be knackered.............................................................is what Tony would say First time I phoned in with a sicky didn't go too well. I was in charge of the office diary / calendar and when they went to write me up as being out / sick they noticed I'd written 'out on the lash' and drawn party hats and dancing people in the space for the day before. Schoolboy error.
  19. yeah I let myself down like I said, free bar with cold bottles of 1664 that weren't going to drink themselves
  20. You still have time before Rob turns up ..... I can't see it, it's, it's perfect man. But I have had a beer, so it might not be. Should I swap 'few' for 'several'? Or just chuck in a reference to anal sex and bad 70's rock bands to throw him off the scent?
  21. I hope that's not a dig at where I live, coming from a man who lives in... Wales...
  22. I think it's the version for minor market towns. Like when the special olympics role along a few weeks later than the main event.
  23. went to a screening of the final episode of season 2 of DaVinci's Demons tonight free bar for over an hour before the screening 5 minutes in to the show I really really need a pee the episode was an hour long and when it finished they did a Q&A session never needed a loo so much in my life The programme itself is a batshit crazy romp through a 'fantastical' version of Da Vinci's life with real characters given 'tweeked' roles. relationships and adventures. The BBC are really chuffed with it apparently, as they are funded by Fox to make it and its been sold into stacks of countries with average viewing figures per ep being well over 20 million worldwide. Which apparently, for the budget, is awesome.
  24. We've all said it to him and I've only met the girl once in 2 years, he said its so good most of the time and we don't see it. He loves her. To be honest I think he likes being a doormat. Also will someone please sum up RVs post in about 8-10 bullet points. normal bloke normal background met the girl of his dreams went off the rails for a while back on the rails but one wobbly wheel loads of love for the missus and the kids drugs do your nut and nuts in what does not kill you makes you stronger up the Villa, heart of gold best of luck to you, you crazy diamond
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