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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. man up you need a bit of bacteria to build up your immune system for trips to Liverpool
  2. it's all about the money Will it cost FIFA more to stick with Qatar or to move it? If staying with Qatar costs money then frankly the reasons will spill forth, 1,00 construction deaths, bribery, life threatening heat. If leaving Qatar is too expensive well then they were only Bangladeshi's we'll get some more, the money was never proven and was for orphanages anyway and guaranteed sunshine will be nice.
  3. you know you need to know the intricate taste of a cold goat curry
  4. good call on the beans an occasional alternative, creamy vegetable soup could straight from the tin
  5. by coincidence, I've been listening to the trunk of funk
  6. It's a reflection on our squad, or Manager and our mindset that right now, that if we were somehow told tomorrow we'd drawn Gillingham or Chesterfield in the FA Cup I'd consider it more a worry than a bye to the next round. That's a mindset Lambert has to change. Hopefully Keane can help with that. Unfortunately there's as much chance of Keane walking in November as there is of him actually helping.
  7. 3 days after its made you would want to throw it in the bin scientifically, that very much depends on the time of year If we have chicken or turkey on a Sunday I'll happily use left overs to make a Monday sandwich or a curry. By Tuesday it'll most likely been thrown out. However at Christmas all meats can be used through until about January 4th.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ED5s1-Fe9FA
  9. errrr, something, something, taking the pith
  10. all told, I think it was a bit of a group effort
  11. and it turned out the kids on the other team didn't even want to play, the poor buggers but yeah, to the original WWII point, I don't think anybody really believes the 'turned up late' tosh that gets spouted
  12. Bit late for the Falklands though.
  13. I think either we are on a very different wave length or I'm just too tired to understand your point. So I'll park it there and wander off.
  14. Personally I would think your friend is happy, but lazy and your mates in London just enjoy complaining about work. "Be my own boss" = "be as lazy as I want" For me "I didn't want to go to College" usually means when I was young I wanted stuff now, money now or I didn't want to have to study for 3/4 more years before I got a full time job. But then again I'm a cynical arrogant ass If you think the window cleaner with a new VW California, custom fitted to his own spec is lazy, I may have mislead you with clumsy language. Happy and in control does not mean lazy. It might be possible to gauge how lazy he is by looking up the price of a standard California. The guys in London PM jobs, well, that's a bit more of a grey area. If you don't like it, move to Devon and make do with less cash.
  15. I changed careers at 25 and again at 30, both times into something that apparently required a degree and training that I didn't have. Just ended up in the right place at the right time and got chummy with the people that had the power to give me a placement and I guess looked or sounded the part. Currently doing work that several Clients wrongly believe requires a degree. So I got the degree (part time, nights), and now I can carry on doing exactly the same job as before to the same standard but I (well, the company) get to charge them £27 an hour extra for this great new expertise I've acquired by being BSc (Hons). As somebody that survived quite a while without a degree (or even an A Level) and now having one I think I'm fairly well placed to suggest that many of them are bogus and the bar set by companies that you need a degree to carry out job 'x' or position 'y' is equally bogus, but difficult to circumvent. Networking and luck still outweigh merit in an awful lot of situations.
  16. er, need this. said the man with the St Pauli avatar......
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H47v7yYRfjA some of the video quality is a bit ropey.
  18. World Cup? Took the whole family for a big day out last weekend. Took the eldest to a bit of a do with TV celebs and got photos and autographs midweek. Took family out for a big slap up meal last night. Taking my gorgeous missus to see a burlesque show tonight (no, really). Decorating today. All World Cup teams have been divvied up between us (drawn out of a hat) and a big sheet of paper with our names next to countries is top centre of the fridge door. I am ready.
  19. Just reported on the radio 4 news that he's now safely back in Blighty. Been described by the ferry company as 'a bit of a cheeky chappy'. Couple of stories in the last couple of days have nearly got me.
  20. Hollywood script writers and sensationalist American historians like this post. Sorry, but that's bullshit. Just read ANY book on D-Day, try Max Hastings for example. Omaha was hell on earth. The British forces basically walked onto the beaches. Under some fire, for sure, but NOTHING like that on the US sector. A basic look at a wiki page will show the various levels of casualties as a crude measure of where it was comparatively bloodier. Also worth a look at the assault on Le Havre.
  21. Cold special fried rice at 8:00am might just be the best food in the world - especially if you can find a couple of chips and a can of coke. Then into somebody else's car for a quick sleep whilst being driven to the next day's activities. I've had a couple of lost weekends around Worcester and Malvern like that. One ended prematurely when I fell off a trellis table dancing to an Oompah band.
  22. Probs the last post on drummers, Emi Morimoto, of Shonen Knife. Exactly the same thing again, bags of energy, nothing clever just getting the job done without being all showy and edging towards drum noodling. Saw them live recently and she was brilliant and frankly I couldn't work out how those stick thin arms kept going for song after song after song. Crazy. Honourable mentions to non showy drummers Daf from Super Furries, again I've been lucky enough to see him play a few times just recently and he runs the band from the back of the stage, real work ethic (between pints of wine). Lastly, old school Rick Buckler, legend. I've also got a couple of old 50's / 60's singles of Gene Krupa if you want to hear a drummer at centre stage. Have a look at some Youtube footage of Gene and try not to think of Keith Moon, can't be done.
  23. he tends to give random interviews (they really are brother and sister / they really did get mattied on a boat up the amazon / at no point did they actually ever like each other) it appears to be a part of the ethos of that band I was listening to an interview 2 / 3 days ago and he says that he got her to lay down some basic backing just drum so he had something to play over, the idea being he would re do it himself later adding texture and quality and embellishing it Trouble was, every time he tried to 'improve' it, the rough basic original was better. So he had to keep her. Of the 17 versions, I'm taking that one as the true story.
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