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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. prize prick probably doesn't even know what it is
  2. the like was for Blondie one of my first crushes, if not the first - I had the album Plastic Letters (the one with the police car on the cover) and thought I was the coolest kid around, I think at that point my entire record collection consisted of a Pinky n Perky album, some hand me down Eddie Cochran singles, a live Screamin' Lord Sutch album and Plastic Letters. DH was on some music prog and you could clearly see raised nip through the dress, it made me a man and I had to walk like a monkey for 2 days.
  3. First off let me just state that there is no music snobbery here in this thread which is brilliant and should be applauded. My personal taste can, at best, be described as hit n miss. But for me, those last three tracks posted up by Levi would be my full on Room 101 / Guantanemo nightmare. Hopefully I haven't started any my taste is better than your taste squabbles. as you were.....
  4. Waitrose Gold instant coffee - far far better than a cheap instant coffee has any right to be Brains Black - king of stouts Pepsi Max Rioja St Emillion Cold fresh filtered tap water
  5. each to their own I once watched the whole series of Bhudda of Suburbia, thought it was the best thing ever, the matching of the music to the politics to the personal voyage of dicovery..... persuaded everyone in the office to watch the last episode (in the days before they could 'catch up'). In the last episode, watched by my office on my recommendation, the main protagonist ends up in a gay sex thing with an older balder bloke. The next day in work was quite tricky.
  6. I'd like to see Eames cock before I give a full response.
  7. see, this is where it all gets complicated Have you not spotted my joke, or have I not spotted yours?
  8. stupid advice if you don't mind me saying if he uses reverse he's just going to get further and further away from the hill
  9. An entry that references my second favourite sculpture ever. My favourite, just to keep on topic and something that has been cheering me up for many many years. I give you The Super Lamb Banana. well that's weird B of the Bang is probs my second fave, with a very strong shout for.... Maman
  10. For a split second, for a tiny tiny flicker of a fraction of nano second, not even the B of the Bang, my brain jumped as I read the official news that my local footy team had been given a late wildcard entry into the World Cup. I then re calibrated, re read the official line and it was The Word Cup. A telecoms sponsored thing. Made me smile that I could genuinely have thought, however briefly, that my mates were getting bags together to get down to Rio and compete.
  11. We once thought we were being burgled.I became a real man that night - I decided that if I did this, the confrontation, I had to win it and win it fast. So I went flying down the stairs and barrelling into the living room shouting 'come on then'. I was naked, but armed, with a slipper. A truly awesome sight and had there actually been an intruder I'm convinced I'd have one any battle within seconds, I was on an adrenalin rush. As it turns out, it was just random creaky house noises and the missus wanted to know what the merry **** I was doing running around the house in the early hours shouting my head off and naked other than my one close combat slipper. I like to think I proved I was a fight not flight kinda guy. She now believes I'm a highly strung random perv fantasist.
  12. As a matter of interest, is there any connection between you deciding to get rid of the fish tank and your being treated to coffee in bed? his girlfriend had mentioned she had a thing for seamen?
  13. currently watching one of the worst pieces of journalism I've ever seen on Newsnight somebody claiming to be a political journalist started her little article stating she wasn't sure where Luxembourg was she's then gone to Luxembourg to 'try and find Claude Juncker - but it's a bank holiday so everywhere is closed the security on the gate of the (closed) parliament won't tell her where he is she finds his house, stands outside at the gate, but doesn't get to meet him 'clearly somebody doesn't want us to interview him' she states utterly pathetic and will probably be used as the next UKIP broadcast it's almost as though there's an agenda in this country to tell us politics is boring and we should all just watch TOWIE
  14. As a kid I received the excellent K tel album 'Midnight Hustle' for Christmas. Note the strap line boasting of a free Boney M poster. I unfolded the poster and held it up and announced 'whoooooah, Boney M poster!!!' My brother had received a set of darts for Christmas, turned, announced 'I hates Boney M' and threw a dart at the poster. The dart went through the poster and into my wrist / lower arm resulting in me howling and jumping around the bedroom with the paper poster flapping away, pinned to me. I've still got the album. The poster didn't survive day 1.
  15. our chance to see genuine democracy in action and they hire in gag writers and rehearse scripts whilst being coached on body language and the best colour tie to wear
  16. thankfully, I haven't got a comparable house burglary story but I once had my car broken into and they went through all my cd's and decided not to take any
  17. I watched all of Breaking Bad in one fairly condensed block and that really did have me hooked. But that coincided with spending a stupid amount of time away in hotels with time to kill, so that worked out ok. I wouldn't have been committed enough to wait on weekly episodes or the next 'season' as we now have to refer to any series. Life's too short to be wishing it away to see if made up Kevin finally shoots / shags / finds made up Julie. I'm currently watching Fargo on 4OD, I usually end up watching it later on the night it's first broadcast, but it's really good these days being able to watch stuff when the time works out rather than having to arrange my schedule around a tv schedule. I'd have lost track of the programme around about episode 3 in the old days as I got engrossed in something else one night (like reading a newspaper or making the kids' packed lunches for the next day). So the tech makes watching a series a lot easier for me these days. Once Fargo is done I'll eventually pick something else up, but I'll leave it a few weeks before I do, have a rest from being committed to telly - I've never seen a single episode of the Soprano's so I might go for that.
  18. The statement was deliberately ambiguous, or written by a fool with a thesaurus. I don't believe RL is a fool, just not the sharpest millionaire business man. RL bought PL some time by promising a statement was imminent. When it came, it was open to interpretation. He mugged us all off pretending there was big news around the corner when it turned out all he was telling us was what we already knew. Personally, I think this could take a very long time. Unfortunately, the longer it goes on the more chance there is of Lerner accepting an offer from some dubious 'businessman' with an ego as big as the list of grubby allegations that inevitably follows him around. I'm not one that needs the club sold to the world's richest philanthropist so we win the quadruple in 2 years time. I just want a fighting chance, entertainment and a bloody good go at staying in the Prem. Unfortunately I'm not feeling in a happy place about this wish list at the moment.
  19. aaaaaawkward! i can tell you exactly what he stole if you want seeing as it was my house! ouch, I can't imagine how thoroughly shitty an experience that must have been
  20. I think you'll find you're in the majority. 'Papers need to sell papers, people talk a good game.
  21. I'd say that the anonymity offered by vast modern conurbations together with access to private transport and our greater wealth has helped more people get it on than previously. But all forms of swinging or playing away with or without consent are clearly as old as the hills. I'd be surprised if there was significantly more of it now than in the late 70's early 80's for example. I think a lot of people got scared and more discreet when the whole aids thing was big news but more recently that's lost it's ability to scare people into keeping their pants on. Just an opinion, obviously. It's not the lifestyle for me, though I have genuinely been invited a couple of times. to be fair I did send you that invite by mistake , I wish you wouldn't keep bringing it up it's my mistake mate, I presumed there would be women invited as well still, we made the best of it
  22. I'd say that the anonymity offered by vast modern conurbations together with access to private transport and our greater wealth has helped more people get it on than previously. But all forms of swinging or playing away with or without consent are clearly as old as the hills. I'd be surprised if there was significantly more of it now than in the late 70's early 80's for example. I think a lot of people got scared and more discreet when the whole aids thing was big news but more recently that's lost it's ability to scare people into keeping their pants on. Just an opinion, obviously. It's not the lifestyle for me, though I have genuinely been invited a couple of times.
  23. I got a very nice grey satchel thing from Ikea and put it on my expenses as I need it to carry stuff to work.
  24. I only know one person that likes them, and he might be a bot for all I know.
  25. and it ain't my turn to drive so this is going to be loud n messy
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