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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Blair, Middle East Peace Envoy still makes me chuckle even now
  2. ah tits, forgot to put the snickers in the fridge so now eating shreddies
  3. fair play, if you can pull that stunt on your wedding night you've done alright
  4. or potentially the right of Rebekah Brooks to have pen pals on the outside
  5. I thought my wife had put two bottles of wine in the fridge for tonight. Just realised they are 'sparkling elderflower'. Well, I'm sure they're fantastic but tonight isn't really an elderflower sort of evening.
  6. I too am on record as saying we would never bring democracy to such places. I did business with these people for 25 years and trust me, they are not like us. I suspect you might be wrong. I suspect the majority want their kids to grow up in a better world than they did, with better skills and happier times. I suspect the vast majority are exactly like us and would rather their kids prosper than be suicide bombers, torturers or meat.
  7. two trellis tables and a microphone.....
  8. yes, that was a good 90 minutes for football could've been a cagey bore draw but turned out to be a classic
  9. The Beeb seem to be suggesting that Vlaar is crap? Bunch of arseholes. well that's fine by me keep repeating on the telly Vlaar is not the defender you are looking for...
  10. 11 goals in 3 games really really promising start
  11. Perhaps some people would expect it of the others?
  12. My only advice would be not to let it change anything between the two of you, which it sounds like it won't, and if any of the rest of your group of friends have a problem with it then give them a piece of your mind. It's 2014. yep 2014, unless he has great anecdotes that are really funny about embarrassing situations, then it's of no interest really Mate of mine is gay, he came out about 5 years after we'd all worked it out for ourselves, and told us by phone whilst he was away in Australia. He'd been keeping quiet in case we didn't like it - which was odd because I'd have thought the 5 years of constant gay innuendo followed by PC discussion on how in reality it would be fine was sufficient clue we'd worked it out. I sometimes think we may actually have known before he did. His nickname is Sweety ffs.
  13. hmmm, I thought. hmmm, perhaps I was wrong about my attitude towards Game of Thrones. Perhaps it isn't just for sci fi geeks with too much acne to leave their own bedroom. I'll have a quick look at the specific thread to see if it has nuance my limited viewing hadn't discovered. 'click' .....huh huh, cosplay girl would get my boner..... 'click' just another non-scientific sample and unfortunate coincidence I know, but made me smile
  14. If he doesn't have the nouse to see for himself that was a dumb stunt with no possible good outcome, then they need another leader quick. Bizarre episode.
  15. decent enough for an opening game should be the last we see of the ref
  16. hmmmm not the time to give a dubious goal and deny a legit looking one might be wrong but looking like the ref is winning this one
  17. the ref should be allowed to draw a circle around offending players with the word 'cock' and a big arrow
  18. Good on you sir, I respect your lifestyle choices.
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