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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. I've done mine as a sort of brylcreem comb over ladies love retro
  2. All of it!! mummy mummy I think my egg's bad shut up and just eat it mummy, do I have to eat the little beak as well?
  3. so a bunch of of people who crave publicity have managed between them to get us all talking about which one is the most loathsome Michael Fabricant Rod Liddle Yasmin Alibhai Brown it's a bloody close run race that one, but they've all got what they wanted, publicity, at any price
  4. all members of the royal family should go everywhere by helicopter it'll save us a fortune in the long run
  5. All Saints, Wraxall, Somerset. I don't suppose anybody recognises the verse? No date on the stone and no name so difficult to date. It was surrounded by mid Victorian to WWI stuff, but there were others nearby from the 1770's and the church had elements of the building that may be Norman. So it could be just about any age. It's quite naive, but the symbolism suggests 1750's ish.
  6. Gerrard being lined up for comedy pizza advert
  7. on the plus side it looks like Suarez got through a game without biting anyone or calling them racist names
  8. 44 minutes to score 1 goal and then see what happens in the chaos
  9. nice n early yellow just run at him for 30 minutes now
  10. like a glove the trick is to pop a mentos mint into them at the critical moment
  11. Should buy them at the same time as lube for a laugh, try keep a straight face! done that! bought lube, condoms, 2 cakes and 2 bottles of Pepsi in Asda - and used a proper till fair play to the girl on the till, she handed me my change and said enjoy your afternoon true story bro
  12. t'was a rite of passage the first mag purchase select a newsagent in a different part of town case the joint to make sure it's not too busy suss out whether the shop owner was a bored old person (didn't want to be buying 'Escort' off some 19 year old shop assistant) get in, select mag, select broad sheet newspaper purchase, wrap n roll, run ah, thems was the days --------- First time I bought condoms I was mid purchase when a second shop assistant wandered back to the shop floor with a cheery 'hiya 65', it was Anne, the woman from across the road from my mum's house. Now, these days, that sounds like a porn film plot. Back then I nearly died of embarrassment. Worse still, by the time I got the chance to use the third one of the pack a year later, the date had expired.
  13. I've got a mate who did that most basic level of checking when we were away on a little footy holiday. He'd had a couple of beers to say the least. Copped off with a very nice Portugese local and went off in their car with them. Once he'd received his oral treat his new best friend then rather spoiled the night by whipping out a previously hidden penis and telling Eddie (for that is his name), 'now it's your turn'. Eddie was not happy. Especially as he had specifically carried out all reasonable security checks back in the bar by asking, 'are you a bird?'.
  14. me, you daft gorgeous bugger please tell me your not a bloke......
  15. can you cook? will you do the supermarket run on your own? do you consider driving for 2 hours, watching other people play football then driving back for 2 hours a good use of a Saturday? if there is a space available in the conservatory do you think of: a nest of tables / a bunch of sticks n twigs in a pot that costs £45 / drum kit?
  16. ok, cheers for the tip and I'll get that one lined up not a prolific reader tbh, tried the Gil Scott Heron memoir 'last holiday' and it's been a heavy old plod so I've parked that one and currently ripping through .... Pirates, Punks and Politics turning out to be a decent read, lots of very interesting stuff about the hammering Hamburg took back in WWII
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRbnAxrS3EM
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