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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. 1910, somewhere in the midlands courtesy of @brumpic
  2. what we need is for the bad guys to do us a favour and give us a proper short term jolt We are about to lose the oil from Iraq, we've already recently lost the largest oil port in Libya (not exactly big in the news for some reason), perhaps now something will happen with Ukraine that will give madman Putin the excuse to turn off the tap and we will be in trouble. Not grumbling about petrol at £1.50 a litre trouble, proper 1970's spare candles trouble. Only then will the great selfish swathes of Britain realise we need to generate our own power and vastly more importantly, we need to insulate and drive power saving design and efficiency.
  3. all for the occasional bit of agitation, keep 'them' on their toes
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3PBZc_G7Gk can't find the whole scene but you are clearly Reggie he tells her to chill, he's seeing someone, it wouldn't be fair on anyone and the cognac's talking
  5. chrisp65


    https://pbs.twimg.com/tweet_video/Bq6ibkyIYAAuvRd.mp4 https://pbs.twimg.com/tweet_video/Bq6ibkyIYAAuvRd.mp4
  6. hmmm I think that was the point I was trying to make Why has the version of the evidence we've seen suggested she was so evil, when a jury has decided she was innocent. It was a reflection on our press pushing their agenda before facts rather than any claim the jury were bent or nobbled. I had to look up John Grisham.
  7. You'd rather an innocent person went to prison ... How bizarre the thing I now find interesting is what the innocent verdict was based on the titbits of evidence we've been given (by the media) have suggested / implied she was as guilty as sin So is this a shock horror case of bias in the media telling us to think one thing when all the facts in the round should suggest something else, or a perverse verdict? wrong thread really
  8. what you're saying about contributing is commendable and needs more discussion perhaps we should warn people that a day is coming over the distant horizon when being too fat or unfit or drugged up for no good reason is going to cost you personally more than others - perhaps it's just maybe I'm touchy today but it's coming over a little bit aggressive but perhaps I just haven't got into the rythmn of your prose style yet
  9. I'd say the majority of monotheistic religions are pretty samey too. As mooney suggests they are 'apparently' different, but usually, often, not. Even if those in positions of power and influence in the various 'official' brands don't want it to be so and create violent conflict with others. Potentially it (religion) comes from the same place, deep at the back, where the sense of self and other and empathy all come from. Perhaps it's part plagiarism, part a glimpse of some deep singular truth. Science not being able to trace something doesn't mean it's not true, to state the patently obvs. Reading up on a bit of the old Zoroastrianism at the moment, fascinating, and all very familiar.
  10. long long ago I was walking through town with my missus when I saw a poster for BB King playing in town, that night wife and me marched around to the venue and to the box office and asked if there was any remote chance of tickets woman in the kiosk said that they were sold out but by pure chance she'd just that second had a single ticket returned I'll have it! I heard myself say. Turned to the missus and said, I baggsied first, I'll see you later. bloody great night
  11. yep, just looked for myself, cheap seats were £57 but others were £80, £100, £130 but if you like 'em, you like 'em ang good on you my missus wouldn't waste the tenner for half the crap I watch It's a similar thing with 'shows', she loves a big headline musical show, but with tickets at £80 she gets to go once or twice a year. I recently had to sit through Blood Brothers with my knees wedged into a seat designed for a Victorian skamp with polio. All I could think all through the show was 'fifty **** quid, fifty **** quid'.
  12. How much would a ticket for that cost Mr M? If you don't mind me asking. It would be right up my wife's street (to the point I bought an Eagles album for nefarious reasons when I first met her), but I suspect that it's a £40 / £50 ticket plus travelling to a big city venue which then means car parking and suddenly it's a £150 night out. plus you need binoculars once you get there. I haven't done an expensive gig in a very long time, I think INXS at the NEC might well have been the last one. Fittingly so, as it was also one of the worst gigs I'd ever attended. Whilst cost doesn't equal quality, I would tend to 'need' a special night out if I've spent 100 bucks on tickets. Whereas I can walk away from a £7 punt.
  13. although it did somewhat reinforce my views on militant cyclists
  14. So that really was just embarassing porn and the first draft of a poor novel on that hidden and secretly retrieved laptop we all clearly saw the cctv pictures of? Well I never, who'd have thunked it.
  15. can't say I'm that much bothered either way, really to bring in a music analogy, it's the Russell Watson of sports, wheeled out once in a while, gets a mention on the lottery draw programme, vague references to culture and britishness, the old folks love it
  16. Tennis > Cricket with it's little nets and it's little chairs and it's little drinks of squash every 45 seconds and it's appreciative middle class spinsters on henman hill pretending to be 'into it' for 2 weeks every **** year and paying out £20 for a punnet of Spanish strawberries and not even bothering with the lesser courts because they are filled with growth hormone fuelled chinese kids making stupid duck squeeks every time they manage to get the little fluffy ball over the net just before they chuck a dozen cheap rackets and some Asda sports vouchers at some inner London school so we think they're inclusive when in reality they're all nazi's that think they need to control the colour of the competitiors underwear but then need our tax money to improve the members lounge and all any of them really want is to catch a glimpse of the husk that used to be Cliff Richards who, if he was real, would actually now look like Keith Richards but nobody has noticed sircliff has been atttending for 105 years but look 50 but none of that matters anyway because we haven't had a british winner since 2013 oooh big **** deal you kicked the previous british winner out for turning professional because clearly the LTA is suuuuch a progressive organisation that even with massive free to air coverage as a 'crown jewels' event you still can't sustain interest for as long as sircliff can sustain an erection ball boys
  17. newsnight right now a bit funny... Radek Sikorski, Polish politician, Cameron chum and Bullingdon Club type taped saying (and I para phrase a little bit) Cameron is incompetent and has **** up his stupid strategy because he's not really interested.
  18. aye it was always going to be Brum wasn't it, Broad Street
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkb-1ryitXU
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0Pr0XpBgFQ
  21. Messerschmidt......but where?
  22. anonymous strangers on a football forum is THE place to get all your relationship advice and medical diagnosis since I've been here I've bought a big **** off Ford Granada, dhutwu, caught 4 different types of aids and got the neighbour's dog to love pate all whilst never losing a bet on the horses and regularly shagging the dyson with a stickle brick up my backside - I've also met 15 different people all with the inside line on who has bought the Villa
  23. I think maybe the old man (now dead) may indeed have had some deep problems. Maybe possibly not insane, but not in full mental health. His death might be the start of the others getting their shit together.
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